I would like to add a couple of things (at least), but I'm afraid I need some clarifications... I need a disassembler command, it's just import dis dis.dis(module)
or dis.dis(function) or dis.dis(object)
Maybe I need a menu to let it know what I want to disassemble..
I tried something like this:
MOD_NAME=${TM_FILENAME%.py} cd $TM_CURRENT_DIR && python -c "import dis; import os; os.chdir(os.environ['TM_CURRENT_DIR']); print "Now in", os.getcwd(); import $MOD_NAME; dis.dis($MOD_NAME)"; cd -
But it doesn't change dir at all, what am I missing?
Another nice command would be execute line/selection as python, should I use eval? I found that tm_helpers give me some nice functions, other sources of "helpers"?
Last command is pylint "integration", this is alreadly not too bad
pylint $TM_FILEPATH 2>/dev/null | tail -n 2
It just gives me the score of my source code, but a better rappresentation in html format could be better...
Thanks a lot