Or if you like to get a pdf version you might want to have a look at FOP/XEP/Prince/Whatever, download it and use that in combination with the fo stylesheet:
xsltproc http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/fo/ docbook.xsl example.xml | xep -out example.book
Some time ago i noted down some basics about that process in case i forget them - maybe this is what you where looking for: http:// wmachert.blogspot.com/2006/09/docbook-transformation-made-easy.html
On 13.02.2007, at 19:24, Horst Gutmann wrote:
If you want to transform it to (x)HTML all you need is the DocbookXSL package which you can find on [1].
Then simply run for example `xsltproc ${PATH_TO_EXTRACTED_DOCBOOKXSL_FOLDER}/xhtml/docbook.xsl mydocbook.xml > mydocbook.html` to create the HTML version (single-page) of mydocbook.xml :)
[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook
Noel Rappin schrieb:
I know I can get xsltproc working from the command line, but the directions I've seen online for getting Docbook working with that on the Mac have lacked a certain clarity.