On Jul 31, 2007, at 5:26 AM, Dushan Mitrovich wrote:
Takaaki Kato devlist@samuraicoder.net wrote:
On Jul 30, 2007, at 5:28 AM, Dushan Mitrovich wrote:
- On opening ordinary text documents the Line counter at lower left shows the line number, but the column counter just shows '-'. How do I get this to work correctly?
Where do you see the `-`? The `-` in the lower right side is a symbol list. The column is just next to the `Line: xx` on the lower left. If you open a new document, you should see "Line: 1 Column: 1" (assuming you open a new document wihtout any templates.
What I see is this: "Line: 1 Column: _", followed by a pale vertical bar, followed by a pale colored disk with the white letter "L".
Not sure why that happens. I suspect different possibilities like language you use, overhand writing, freehanded writing, wrapping settings.. But I can't reproduce your issue.
- How do I adjust the left margin for printing?... in fact, all the essential printing parameters?
TextMate doesn't have many features for printing. See the link below:
Oh, thanks for the info. Amazing that an otherwise competent text editor should lack such essentials. BTW, the information in the URL above differs a bit from what my copy of TextMate (1.5.6) shows: the "View Source as PDF" is in the Latex bundle rather than the Source bundle. Where's the best place to get pdfsync and pdflatex?
I think some bundles have changed over time. I think what you have is recent. If you download every bundle update via subversion, that's the latest. I have no experience with latex, so somebody else will hopefully chime in. Make sure that some bundles have Help in the bundle, which is not available in Help menu in the menu bar. LaTeX bundle has a very long help file.
Sorry for not being able to help you. Email to Allan, and you'll get the answer instantly :)