a very important issue is how to name a tmbundle hosted by github. I received a mail mentioning that a bundle won't listed in GetBundles. What I'm doing is the following:
I call:
to get these bundles plus author and description from the github host. 'tmbundle' is, I guess, a unique name to identify a TM bundle.
That's why it is necessary to name a tmbundle like:
copy-as-rtf-tmbundle ruby-c-extensions-tmbundle merb-tmbundle ...
which will be renamed to
Copy as Rtf.tmbundle Ruby C Extension.tmbundle Merb.tmbundle ...
E.g. subtleGradient's javascript.tmbundle or contextgarden's context-bundle or shoes-textmate-bundle
won't be found.
And the next thing is to provide a good description. Not something like: The name says it all. ;)
Could this be achieved?