a very important issue is how to name a tmbundle hosted by github. I received a mail mentioning that a bundle won't listed in GetBundles. What I'm doing is the following:
I call:
to get these bundles plus author and description from the github host. 'tmbundle' is, I guess, a unique name to identify a TM bundle.
That's why it is necessary to name a tmbundle like:
copy-as-rtf-tmbundle ruby-c-extensions-tmbundle merb-tmbundle ...
which will be renamed to
Copy as Rtf.tmbundle Ruby C Extension.tmbundle Merb.tmbundle ...
E.g. subtleGradient's javascript.tmbundle or contextgarden's context-bundle or shoes-textmate-bundle
won't be found.
And the next thing is to provide a good description. Not something like: The name says it all. ;)
Could this be achieved?
The naming convention should be ".tmbundle" NOT "-tmbundle". They recently added support for using a "." in the name of the bundle. Searching for "tmbundle" doesn't currently find repos named with ".tmbundle" but it's a known open bug ticket with them. I just committed a workaround to this bug on my fork of the textmate gem. I'm having it search github for the bundle name and then filter by "tmbundle" instead of the other way around.
I suggest you just leave getbundles asis and wait for their bug to be fixed. But the naming convention should be ".tmbundle"
On Jul 19, 2008, at 5:40 AM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:
a very important issue is how to name a tmbundle hosted by github. I received a mail mentioning that a bundle won't listed in GetBundles. What I'm doing is the following:
I call:
to get these bundles plus author and description from the github host. 'tmbundle' is, I guess, a unique name to identify a TM bundle.
That's why it is necessary to name a tmbundle like:
copy-as-rtf-tmbundle ruby-c-extensions-tmbundle merb-tmbundle ...
which will be renamed to
Copy as Rtf.tmbundle Ruby C Extension.tmbundle Merb.tmbundle ...
E.g. subtleGradient's javascript.tmbundle or contextgarden's context-bundle or shoes-textmate-bundle
won't be found.
And the next thing is to provide a good description. Not something like: The name says it all. ;)
Could this be achieved?
textmate mailing list textmate@lists.macromates.com http://lists.macromates.com/listinfo/textmate
On 19.07.2008, at 20:11, Thomas Aylott / subtleGradient wrote:
The naming convention should be ".tmbundle" NOT "-tmbundle". They recently added support for using a "." in the name of the bundle. Searching for "tmbundle" doesn't currently find repos named with ".tmbundle" but it's a known open bug ticket with them. I just committed a workaround to this bug on my fork of the textmate gem. I'm having it search github for the bundle name and then filter by "tmbundle" instead of the other way around.
I suggest you just leave getbundles asis and wait for their bug to be fixed. But the naming convention should be ".tmbundle"
OK. I agree. If a dot is allowed I also would say the convention should be '.tmbundle'.
sorry for bringing this up again. I received many mails that GetBundles is a quite useful thing but on github you can find even more bundles.
Thus I'm just trying to get as much as possible tmbundles from github.
The convention to name a tmbundle as "foo.tmbundle" is fine and I found a method to get them. What I'm doing now is to look for the following keywords: bundle, tmbundle, and textmate. Up to now caused by github's search bug foo.tmbundles are only found if at least one of these keywords is mentioned within name or description. That's why it'd be useful to say something like that in the description: "bal foo TextMate bundle for bla..."
BUT there're roughly 20 useful bundles named like "foo TextMate Bundle" or "foo bundle" or "foo Tm Bundle" which makes it very hard to find/parse. I found a way to parse them as well, but then the displayed name differs from the actual bundle name, and this could lead to some confusion I mean.
I believe to rename a github project is tricky but how about to create a new project, name it à la foo-tmbundle or foo.tmbundle, and copy the "old" project to that new project(?)
Furthermore there are also some bundles available on github which are hidden in the github project file hierarchy meaning foo/tree/master/ foo.tmbundle which I cannot download separately. Here I also would suggest the same create a new project.
This of course is only relevant if the author wants that his/her bundle should be found by GetBundles ;)
Up to now I'm able to find 128 github bundles that makes in total 331 bundles! And 99% of them are extremely useful!
Any comments?
And even the author wrote a description like:
This is a bundle for textmate.
it won't be found by the search API if one looks for textmate because there is a "." after textmate.
This bug is really annoying!
Furthermore if some hosts "only" her/his private bundle on github one could fileter them out if one of these phrase are written in the description:
my own my personal personal bundle
If someone moved a project to an other place and to avoid duplicating bundles one could use one of these keywords in the description:
obsolete deprecated
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko@eva.mpg.de wrote:
I believe to rename a github project is tricky but how about to create a new project, name it à la foo-tmbundle or foo.tmbundle, and copy the "old" project to that new project(?)
Thanks for GetBundles, it's ridiculously useful!
I just wanted to say that bundle renaming got added to github a while ago: http://github.com/blog/128-let-there-be-renaming
On 02.10.2008, at 11:16, Matt Foster wrote:
I just wanted to say that bundle renaming got added to github a while ago: http://github.com/blog/128-let-there-be-renaming
Thanks. Good to know ;)
BUUUUUT GitHub's search API drives me crazy!!!
In order to get some details about a specific git project (by pressing the i button) I search for e.g.
and I get the info. Fine.
But if I search for e.g.:
it returns nothing! Why?? What's wrong with it? There's no dot in the name.
If I look for: http://github.com/api/v1/yaml/search/drnic+objective+c+iphone+tmbundle
it works but it's a bit unsafe to be sure that I get the specific bundle.
I uploaded a new version:
Now it finds 41 bundles more at github.com. It looks for 'bundle', 'tmbundle', and 'textmate' and shows up only those bundles which ends with 'tmbundle', 'textmate bundle', or 'tm bundle'. Furthermore it will filter out all bundles which have at least one of these phrases in the description: "my own","my personal","personal bundle","obsolete","deprecated","work in progress"
This procedure to find TM bundles should be temporary until all relevant projects are renamed to foo.tmbundle or, if github's API will not fix the bug in space of this millennium, foo-tmbundle.
There are ca. 20 bundles which won't be found by GetBundles. Thus if the author wants that GetBundles lists it, please rename it.
Feedback is welcomed as usual ;)
After testing GetBundles (and fixing some issues) on several Mac systems I tried to write an Help for that bundle. Is there someone - the best would be a native speaker of English ;) - who is willing to proof-read the Help page? It's written in Markdown and available here:
or check out the latest version: http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/
I would be appreciated for any corrections ;)
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko@eva.mpg.de wrote:
After testing GetBundles (and fixing some issues) on several Mac systems I tried to write an Help for that bundle. Is there someone - the best would be a native speaker of English ;) - who is willing to proof-read the Help page? It's written in Markdown and available here:
or check out the latest version: http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/
I would be appreciated for any corrections ;)
Hi Hans,
I'm happy to do this, if no one has already.
I can either send you a path, or just a new markdown file.
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko@eva.mpg.de wrote:
After testing GetBundles (and fixing some issues) on several Mac systems I tried to write an Help for that bundle. Is there someone - the best would be a native speaker of English ;) - who is willing to proof-read the Help page? It's written in Markdown and available here:
or check out the latest version: http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/GetBundles.tmbundle/
I would be appreciated for any corrections ;)
Hi again,
I've had a quick read through and corrected some bits and pieces. I've attached my edited version, but I can send a patch if you prefer.
I haven't changed very much, as it's generally well written (and very complete, too).
I hope this is useful, it sure sure beats reading through my thesis!
On 22.10.2008, at 11:53, Matt Foster wrote:
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko@eva.mpg.de wrote:
After testing GetBundles (and fixing some issues) on several Mac systems I tried to write an Help for that bundle. Is there someone - the best would be a native speaker of English ;) - who is willing to proof-read the Help page?
I've had a quick read through and corrected some bits and pieces. I've attached my edited version, but I can send a patch if you prefer.
I haven't changed very much, as it's generally well written (and very complete, too).
Dear Matt,
THANKS A LOT for your help!!
The GetBundles bundle will be rewritten entirely very soon but fortunately most of the help file text will be untouched ;)
Kind regards,
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko@eva.mpg.de wrote:
Dear Matt,
THANKS A LOT for your help!!
The GetBundles bundle will be rewritten entirely very soon but fortunately most of the help file text will be untouched ;)
I'm glad I could help.
But like I said, it wasn't much work. I look forward to the new version, and I'm happy to read through any changes you make to that too if it's helpful.
Matt -- Matt Foster | http://my-mili.eu/matt