The naming convention should be ".tmbundle" NOT "-tmbundle". They recently added support for using a "." in the name of the bundle. Searching for "tmbundle" doesn't currently find repos named with ".tmbundle" but it's a known open bug ticket with them. I just committed a workaround to this bug on my fork of the textmate gem. I'm having it search github for the bundle name and then filter by "tmbundle" instead of the other way around.
I suggest you just leave getbundles asis and wait for their bug to be fixed. But the naming convention should be ".tmbundle"
On Jul 19, 2008, at 5:40 AM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:
a very important issue is how to name a tmbundle hosted by github. I received a mail mentioning that a bundle won't listed in GetBundles. What I'm doing is the following:
I call:
to get these bundles plus author and description from the github host. 'tmbundle' is, I guess, a unique name to identify a TM bundle.
That's why it is necessary to name a tmbundle like:
copy-as-rtf-tmbundle ruby-c-extensions-tmbundle merb-tmbundle ...
which will be renamed to
Copy as Rtf.tmbundle Ruby C Extension.tmbundle Merb.tmbundle ...
E.g. subtleGradient's javascript.tmbundle or contextgarden's context-bundle or shoes-textmate-bundle
won't be found.
And the next thing is to provide a good description. Not something like: The name says it all. ;)
Could this be achieved?
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