Why not? BBedit does it so it can't be impossible at least, many programs remember their windows settings... every finder window remembers it's settings (though that gets stored in the .DS_store file I suppose). And it should really be centralised I think if the files are to be distributed to people, even though I know that doesen't seem to be the mac way (embedding images in mp3 files ala iTunes artwork is probably THE stupidest data handling I've ever seen)
On Jul 24, 2005, at 21:56 , Sune Foldager wrote:
On 24/07/2005, at 18.36, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
[...] but I'd really want some database somewhere with lots of windows settings.
I doubt that will happen, but with metadata something similar could be done, with the data distributed instead of centralized — the Mac way :-).
-- Sune.
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