I uploaded a new version:
Now it finds 41 bundles more at github.com. It looks for 'bundle', 'tmbundle', and 'textmate' and shows up only those bundles which ends with 'tmbundle', 'textmate bundle', or 'tm bundle'. Furthermore it will filter out all bundles which have at least one of these phrases in the description: "my own","my personal","personal bundle","obsolete","deprecated","work in progress"
This procedure to find TM bundles should be temporary until all relevant projects are renamed to foo.tmbundle or, if github's API will not fix the bug in space of this millennium, foo-tmbundle.
There are ca. 20 bundles which won't be found by GetBundles. Thus if the author wants that GetBundles lists it, please rename it.
Feedback is welcomed as usual ;)