I use symlinks and noticed that ElCap broke everything. Would be nice to use the iCloud API since its such a small amount of data. However I believe there are some limitations outside the mac app store regarding containers. Also, I think storing the settings in the iCloud drive mount is less than ideal for a number of reasons. Mainly the versioning problems i’ve seen using google drive and dropbox for doing the same thing. At least I can restore previous versions with those two services. With icloud drive there’s no recourse.
On Oct 12, 2015, at 2:46 AM, Kai Wood lists@kwood.eu wrote:
On 11.10.2015, at 19:19, Robert J. Rockefeller bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
Is there a reliable way to keep TextMate apps on multiple Macs in sync (preferences and bundles)? This article is a bit old and suggests some problems:
I symlink ~/Library/Application Support/Avian/Bundles to my iCloud drive, which works pretty well. You have to install new bundles manually on every Machine though.
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