On 2010-05-09 09:33, Robert Glover Jr wrote: *>*...snip... there is a picture of a key that I cannot decipher. It looks like a circle, but at 11 o'clock there is a gap and in that gap is a short vertical line ... snip ...
There's a list of key symbols at
http://macbiblioblog.blogspot.com/2005/05/special-key-symbols.html , or just enter "apple key symbols" into a search engine near you. Thanks! The chart you the link you provided shows that the symbol means the escape key.
When you (the general "you", not necessarily Robert) say "Keyboard
Viewer", are you refering to /System/Library/Input Methods/KeyboardViewer.app ? For some reason that doesn't seem to do anything for me.
On my MacBook Pro (less than a month old) I do: 1) System Preferences 2) Keyboard...."Show Keyboard & Character Viewer in menu bar" 3) In menu bar (just to the right of the volume control on my MacBook Pro), mouse over the picture of a keyboard. 4) Click on "Show Keyboard viewer" 5) A picture of a keyboard appears. 6) any key that you type into any application, causes that key on the picture of the keyboard to briefly flash gray.