On Jul 13, 2009, at 7:09 AM, textmate@sgharms.oib.com wrote:
I have taken the basic "article" template from TM and then compiled it using ⌘-R.
The TM pop-up launches and says “Typesetting $FILENAME”...and that's it. Nothing else happens after that.
I get neither Skim to launch, nor do I get an error. I'm looking for any advice on how to debug this.
Data points:
- pdflatex $FILENAME from the CLI creates the files and the PDF as
viewable by skim
- VIM + Latex-Mode works: I can edit the same LaTeX file in Vim
and use \ll to launch skim and view it therein, with updates sync'd by pdfsync
- Nothing on the console output
Hypothesis: Something is going on with the Bundle action
- Has anyone seen this before who has a quick fix?
Someone had a similar problem on IRC and it was fixed after upgrading to MacTeX 2008, and Skim.app 1.2.3.