On 06.04.2005, at 00:44, Steve Lianoglou wrote:
What are your reservations about the drawer? I know it can sometimes "forget" its assigned width and height when the window is resized, due to some window manager bugs. Anything else?
The only problem I have w/ the drawer is something like this: let's say I have a file-structure that's somehow deep:
root/ files folder/ files
I agree with Steve. With java projects and their deeply nested folder structure, I have to make the drawer very wide to see the actual filenames.
It wouldn't be as bad as it is if the drawer could merge the names of single subfolders in the name of the parent folder (like Eclipse does). Instead of displaying
src/ com/ mycompany/ MyApp.java
it would then look like
src/com/mycompany/ MyApp.java
Cheers, -Ralph.