Dear TextMate Users,
I use TextMate to deal with LaTeX documents.
To create the German format for quotations i have to write "`foo bar
"' (you have to move your nose very close to the monitor to see the
2nd character after the " character).
If I type the first " character a 2nd one appears. That's fine. Then
I type the the ` character. It will be completed with an ' char. The
results looks like "`'" . This is not what I want.
I would like to type the first " and want to get an "`'". What can I do?
Is there a workaround for this issue ? The XCode Bundle will not find
the active target on its own and complains with a huge tooltip,
basically dumping the entire hash of possibilities.
Am I restricted to projects with a single target ?
> Try this
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> local $/; # put Perl in "slurp" mode
> $text = <>; # read in the whole file
> $text =~ s/(\s+)$//mg;
> $text =~ s{((INT\.|EXT\.|I/E\.|int\.|ext\.|i/e\.)\s.*)$}{***$1}mg;
> $text =~ s/^([A-Z].*[A-Z)])\n^(\(.*\))\n(.+)$/\n\t\t\t\t$1\n\t\t\t$2
> \n\t\t$3\n/mg;
> $text =~ s/^([A-Z]{2,}.*[A-Z)0-9])\n(.*)$/\n\t\t\t\t$1\n\t\t$2\n/mg;
> $text =~ s/^[*]{3}(.+)$/\n$1\n/mg;
> $text =~ s/^(.*(IN:|UP:|TO:))$/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$1\n/mg;
> $text =~ s/^(\w+.*(\.|\?|\!|\"|\-))\n\w+.*(\.|\?|\!|\"|\-)$/\n$1/mg;
> print $text;
Wow, thanks Dr. Drang! That worked perfectly. I'll be releasing the
bundle soon, and i'll be sure to let you guys know.
is there any reason, why the enhanced TODO-command is in the rails-
bundle and not, say, in the source- or text- or the todo-bundle?
(other than syncPEOPLE using it for rails)
niko dittmann <ni-di(a)>
I often use Comment Line (Command-/) to add and remove comments. I
noticed that if I have a shell script snippet like this:
# Comment
then Comment Line removes the comment. But if the snippet looks like
then Comment Line adds yet another comment ("# #Comment"). Is this a
bug? I checked the Ruby code for the command in the Bundle Editor but
I didn't see anything wrong.
Here are 3 macros, 3 commands, and a small Ruby program that take the
DRY principle to another level while writing Rails migrations.
These snippets for creating a table, adding a column, and renaming a
column will add the opposite actions into self.down for you. I made a
30 second demo video so you can see them in action. You'll find all
this on my blog. The address is in my signature.
Hope some of you find this useful.
Sami Samhuri
I really like the project drawer and I always keep it on the left-hand
side. This is not a problem as long as I use a single window: textmate
opens it up in the same location as when I last closed it.
But if I open up another window (with a drawer), it is always opened
with the drawer on the right hand side. It's really annoying, because
(as far as I can tell) the only way to switch drawer sides is to move
the window to the right screen edge and then toggle it off and back on
again. This wastes quite a lot of time.
Is there a way to force left side drawers?
Steven Wittens
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> local $/; # put Perl in "slurp" mode
> $text = <>; # read in the whole file
> $text =~ s/^([A-Z ]+)\n(\(.+\))\n(.+)$/\n\n\t\t\t\t$1\n\t\t\t$2
> \n\n$3/mg;
> print $text;
Of all the solutions proposed here, this once seemed to work the
best. Thanks for the tip about processing the entire document in one go.
I ended up with the following:
local $/; # put Perl in "slurp" mode
$text = <>; # read in the whole file
$text =~ s/(\s+)$//mg;
$text =~ s/((INT.|EXT.|I\/E.|int.|ext.|i\/e.)\s.*)$/\*\*\*$1/mg;
$text =~ s/^([A-Z].*[A-Z \)])\n^(\(.*\))$\n(.+)$/\n\t\t\t\t$1\n\t\t\t
$text =~ s/^[A-Z]{2,}.*[A-Z\)\d]$\n^(.*)$/\n\t\t\t\t$1\n\t\t$2\n/;
$text =~ s/^\*\*\*//mg;
$text =~ s/^(.*(IN:|UP:|TO:))$/\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$1\n/;
$text =~ s/^(\w+.*(\.|\?|\!|\"|\-))$\n^\w+.*(\.|\?|\!|\"|\-)$/\n$1/mg;
print $text;
...but it doesn't work at all. I'm guessing that it's something
obvious that I can't see, but in case it's not an explanation of what
I'm trying to do follows.
1. removes trailing whitespace at the end of a string (which is
common in the format I'm importing from.
2. appends three *'s to the beginning of what I'll call well-formed
sluglines so that step 4 doesn't apply to these are well.
3. finds a specific set of lines, a Character followed by
Parenthetical, followed by Dialoge. And formats it.
4. finds Character followed by Dialogue when there is no
Parenthetical, and formats it.
5. repairs the sluglines that were changed in step 2.
6. formats transitions.
7. formats regular paragraphs (this is a little funky, but it's my
I can do all these in the Find&Replace window, but I get nothing when
running this bundle command.
You can find a sample document to test the script on here: http://
And you can find what the result should look like here: http://
Thanks again for all the help. This will allow we to switch full-time
from Final Draft to TextMate. Something I'm really looking forward to.
> this would not allow for commands that take the whole document as
> input and the current selection as output, and autocompletion
> thingies wouldn't work _that_ good, so considering this I'm on +1 for
> allan's proposal.
I think some minor changes to the wording of Allan's solution might
make it more readable. What about:
Output: [ Discard ]
[ Text ] and [ pop-up ]
[ Snippet ] and [ pop-up ]
[ HTML ]
[ Tool Tip ]
[ New Document ]
And then the pop-up showing for the Text and Snippet output options
have the folowing options:
and [ Replace Input ]
[ Replace Selection ]
[ Replace Document ]
[ Insert After Caret ]
This version uses more [action verbs][1], which makes it read more
> by the way, I'd like an option to show the output as a popup menu (or
> something like that): this would perfectly suit autocompletion. think
> about it, al.
I'll second that.
Nice ideas, Allan! Cheers,
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
TeXShop can provide synchronization in two ways.
"pdfsearch" : The default method uses a new ability in Mac OSX 10.4
to search for strings in pdf files.
No special style files need be included to use this method.
"pdfsync" is the original method but needs to add the following line
to the preamble of your tex source code before the \begin{document}
Is it to possible to use in the future, the first method "pdfsearch"
with Textmate