I've some difficulties with the macro "Convert ASCII Symbol to LaTeX",.
arrowShortcuts.rb is there :
/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/
and in the macro we have : command = "\"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/bin/
or Show TM_* Variables give :
TM_BUNDLE_PATH=/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT=/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
so i think that the script is not found !
the script is fine because i put the code in a command and the
command works very well
But i've a question
TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT is unique or this variable depends on Bundle ?
how do I have to make so that works?
Hi guys,
The sexy and helpful textmate manual says I can fold/unfold code
blocks using my F1 key. But I can't get it to work. What needs to
be selected? Where should my caret be placed? Do I have to utter
some secret magical phrase while clicking F1?
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
On Feb 21, 2006, at 10:50 AM, Oliver Taylor wrote:
>> ------------------------
>> (twice)
>> Three times a lady.
>> Not as much as the Gambler.
>> (This sucks)
>> How would you know?
>> ------------------------
>> How do I match the 2nd line but not the 5th?
>> How do I match the 6th, but not he 3rd?
So I just read in the documentation:
> [...] it is not possible to use a pattern that matches multiple
> lines. [...]
Total bummer, although this still may be possible using "begin" and
So, to restate my question in a more clear way... (thanks for your
patience Haris) I know nothing about programming...
I'm trying to run a perl search/replace command via a 'bundle
command'. I've entered the following into the 'Edit Command' box:
perl -pe '
I've set the input to 'Entire Document' and the output to 'Create New
But when I run the command none of the tabs or newlines I've
specified in the replace section of the command are applied to the
text in question. I've also tried the command with the 'e' option at
the end which, as far as I can tell, is supposed to evaluate the
right side of the search/replace command as regex... but it's not
Any help is appreciated.
Just so you know, I'm trying to write a set of commands that will
transform the plai-text output from Final Draft when exporting a
screenplay. If I can get this working then I can bring all my scripts
over to TextMate.
As an example, this:
(I want to tell you)
I've got things to say.
Dr. Robert
should look like this:
(I want to tell you)
I've got things to say.
Dr. Robert
The Go To File command doesn't show files in the same easy-to-read
hierarchy as the project drawer. This is especially evident when a
project contains many files that have been carefully arranged into
custom groups. In this situation, the flat list of the Go To File
dialog isn't as easy to navigate as the project drawer.
This is why I like to select files directly from the drawer instead
of with Go To File. With mouse navigation, this works fine; I can
simply point and click. But I prefer to use the keyboard as much as
possible, and there doesn't seem to be any way to move the keyboard
focus to the project drawer (unless of course I use the mouse, but
that defeats the whole point of keyboard navigation). Is there some
hidden key combo not mentioned in the manual that will do this? Thanks,
I'm trying to get what seems like a simple custom coloring rule
working. As a simple test, I just want to set a custom color for all
characters between <code> and </code>.
I added this to the HTML language definition:
{ name = 'markup.code.html';
begin = '<(code)>';
end = '</(code)>';
captures = { 1 = { name = 'entity.name.tag.html'; }; };
patterns = ( { include = '$self'; } );
I then went into the Fonts & Colors panel and set a custom color for
the scope markup.code.html, but I don't see any effect.
I read Allan's blog post on scopes and it really seems like the above
should work, but I'm finding a lot of conflicting information on this
topic. The wiki mentions a number of things are out of date so I'm
not sure where the authoritative docs are. The blog? The wiki? If so,
which page?
The full explanation of scope is useful (assuming it's up to date),
but it would be really nice to have some simple, practical examples
just to get started. I believe instant gratification as a strong
motivator for further research. :)
- Scott
> On Feb 22, 2006, at 2:08 AM, Haris wrote:
> You've done amazingly well with the bundle so far. I'm very impressed.
> First of all, why don't you use the find&replace feature of
> TextMate? Then you could record the whole thing as a macro.
You know, I never even thought of that. I'll give it a shot.
Still, I'd like to know how to run a perl search/replace command with
regex in the replace side properly for future reference.
> So maybe a search without ^ and with ([^\n]+) instead of (.+)$
> might do the trick.
tried that, didn't work.
I'll try these things and report in the morning on my progress. To
bed now. Thanks again Haris, you are continually my savior.
On Feb 21, 2006, at 5:23 PM, Haris wrote:
> [...] I am not sure what you mean by "piped thru a command" [...]
Sorry, what I meant this that I'm using the search and replace perl
string inside a bundle command.
On Feb 21, 2006, at 2:58 PM, Haris wrote:
> Oliver: One thing you could try, if these things are hierarchical,
> is to have a begin pattern for the first line, and ending in
> something hopefully meaningful.
Here's what i managed to come up with:
begin = '^[A-Z]{2,10}.*[A-Z]*(\s*|\()$';
end = '\.$|\?$|\!$|--$|-$';
...which suits my needs *okay* but not perfectly.
I'm using the following (adapted from Dr. Drang's suggestion):
for a search and replace string like this one:
...which makes sense to me, but it doesn't insert those tabs or
newlines when piped thru a command. Clearly I'm missing something
here. As you can no-doubt tell, I'm a complete noob when it comes to
all this programing.
As an example, this:
(I want to tell you)
I've got things to say.
Dr. Robert
should look like this:
(I want to tell you)
I've got things to say.
Dr. Robert
> If I may suggest, it would be helpful if you add a test screenplay
> in the bundle, so that anyone in the future working on it knows how
> it looks like and what not to break. Like the test.tex we have in
> the LaTeX bundle.
I'll do that.
I am a professor of mathematics and my essential activity is to
create exercises which I arrange in a structure called "Base"
Often, I work in the following situation:
I create a file "exercise.tex", i put this file in the "Base"
then I create a new file "try.tex" :
I do not have enough knowledge on scripts to obtain this:
In Textmate, when i work on an file exercise.tex, i would like wih
one command or script (?)
to compile "try.tex" directly.
I think that a modification of "LATEX & VIEW" should be enough...
With this idea and
with FILE = exercise.tex (the file which I create)
with VAR_FAV_CLASS = myclass
1) modification of FILE in ---> NEWFILE
2) Compilation of NEWFILE like in "LATEX & VIEW"
Is it possible ?
Would somebody have an idea to build this script?
in LATEX & VIEW, line 35/36 there is
if [ "$TEX" != latexmk.pl ]
then "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:=--shell -escape -
interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style} "$1"
I'm not sure but "$1" is perhaps the file I want modify
Alain Matthes