I have this piece of language grammar to match a struct in D :
begin = '(?x)^\s*
# modifier
(\w+)\s* # identifier
(?:\(\s*([^\)]+)\s*\)|)\s* # Template type
(if\s*\(\s*([^\)]+)\s*\)|)?\s* # Template constraint
end = '(?={|;)';
It will match this code, as an example:
struct Foo(A) if (true)
The problem is if I put the "if" on a new line it won't match. How can I
make the rule match across several lines?
/Jacob Carlborg
I've tried 'latex and view' again and it does now start up faster than I remember!
Thanks for the great work,
>> On 24 Mar 2015, at 13:32 , Geoff Vallis <gkvallis(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ren,
>> Your fix did the trick, thanks very much.
>> The reasons I don't use 'typeset and view' are twofold. The main one is just that it is a bit slow - I have to wait almost five seconds before it actually starts to typeset, which may not seem very long but when I am 'debugging' it is a little frustrating. Using a terminal window the typesetting starts instantly.
> Commit 39b09967 [1] should improve the startup time of `texmate` significantly.
> [1]: https://github.com/textmate/latex.tmbundle/commit/39b09967
> I get an overhead of less than 0.3s if I use `texmate` on a minimal file. The translation of the minimal file inside Terminal using the command `time pdflatex tmp.tex` takes 0.55s. The following command ? basically simulating a run of ?Typeset & View (PDF)? ? inside TextMate takes about 0.79s:
> ?
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> BUNDLE_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Avian/Bundles/LaTeX.tmbundle"
> TM_BUNDLE_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles"
> export TM_FILEPATH="tmp.tex"
> export TM_SUPPORT_PATH="$TM_BUNDLE_DIR/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared"
> export PATH="$BUNDLE_DIR/Support/bin":$PATH
> export TM_SELECTION='1:1'
> texmate.py -suppressview latex -latexmk no -engine pdflatex
> ?
> tmp.tex:
> ?
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> Bla
> \end{document}
> ?
> Could you maybe test the above example and send in your results. If it takes multiples seconds before `texmate` starts typesetting, then maybe your local copy of the bundle does not contain the changes done in commit 5074427f [2]?
> [2]: https://github.com/textmate/latex.tmbundle/commit/5074427f
>> The second reason is that I can go back and forth between xelatex and pdflatex easily by setting up two scripts with different keyboard shortcuts, which I find quite convenient.
> You can change the typesetting engine used by ?Typeset & View (PDF)? with the following commands:
> defaults write com.macromates.textmate.preview latexEngine xelatex
> defaults write com.macromates.textmate.preview latexEngine pdflatex
>> I know there are some advantages to 'typeset and view' and if it were a bit quicker, like the equivalent command in TexShop which is quite fast, I would use it.
> Hopefully the latest changes help.
>> Thanks again
>> Geoff
> Kind regards,
> Ren?
I have just installed the latest security update on my Mac (10.10.2) and some commands in my latex bundle were broken by it. For example, I have a script (below) that opens a terminal window and typesets the master file, but after the security update the command no longer tries to typeset the master file, but the subfile, and hence typesetting fails. I am sure is is the Mac OS security update that led to the failure, because I tried on two Macs with the same behaviour.
Thanks for any help you may offer
#!/usr/bin/env bash
[[ -f "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/bash_init.sh" ]] && . "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/bash_init.sh"
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/escape.rb"
require "#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/lib/LaTeXUtils.rb"
master = LaTeX.master(ENV['TM_LATEX_MASTER'] || ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])
puts master
open -a iterm
/Users/gkv/scripts/iterm "time /usr/texbin/pdflatex -synctex=1 ${FILE%.tex}"
The Watch Document command (Cmd-Ctrl-W) in the LaTeX bundle works beautifully either for a single TeX document or for a series of documents if started from the master file. Is it possible to tweak Watch Document so it can be called from any of these sub-files that are linked to the master?
As useful as the escape key is, it would be nice to have visual feedback for auto completion. What would it take to build this? I think Xcode does it best, but I have seen a few fledgeling editors like Textastic and Chocolat implement basic auto complete quite well in the early stages.
(I am sending this again as plain text email. Sorry about the earlier HTML email.)
This is all the rage these days: http://usetakana.com
It's a relatively new tool from mid-2014 it seems.
Live SCSS (SASS) editing with on the fly updates, and it's FAST since it happens via JavaScript in the browser and a server running in the background.
Can this be implemented in TM2?
It's currently only for Sublime Text. Problem is, I'm not a big fan of that editor. I'm forced to use it for this purpose only. If i could do this same thing in TM2 life would become fun again.
Further to Andrew Jaffe’s message a couple of weeks ago, I’ve noticed since TM2 that⇧⌘A doesn’t work as well for Subversion as it did in TM1, or at least that Subversion Update doesn’t seem to work as expected if you⇧⌘A before it. In TM1 ⇧⌘A followed by ⌘Y Subversion Update would perform a full project update from the root directory. In TM2 it reports success, but never updates anything.
In fact you have to select the project root directory, which I do by click on the project folder (top-left) and selecting the parent folder, followed by clicking on the project folder again to select it from the list. Then ⌘Y Update works fine.
Am I being stupid or should ⇧⌘A,
⌘Y Update work as expected?
Jonathan Monahan