Hi everybody!
I'm trying to make an enhanced paste-function which evaluates the text
pasted into a blank textmate document, and assigns the document's
language accordingly.
Is there a non-AppleScript way of assigning language? It is very lacking
in text examination, so it would be much less clumsy in, say, bash.
I know I can use this.:
keystroke "h" using {control down, option down, shift down}
keystroke "1"
To set the syntax as HTML by “faking” the keyboard shortcut.
Is it possible for a bundle command to accept a single selection and return multiple selections (or just carets)?
Here’s an example (brackets indicate selection, | is a caret );
Stage 1:
state: …class="|dark-theme"…
action: select "dark-theme"
Stage 2:
state: …class="[dark-theme]"…
action: [Hypothetical caret split command]
Stage 3a:
state: …class="[dark]-[theme]"…
Stage 3b:
state: …class="|dark-|theme"…
Then I’d press command T to switch from "dark-theme" to "theme-dark".
Im not sure what the logic would be in the bundle, my use would be served by simply returning the caret at the beginning and end of my selection (then command + w to select the word).
I’m also curious how Filter Through Command’s behavior could be reproduced in a bundle command, where the commands results are distributed to each line.
Thanks everyone!
Graham P Heath
ps: I’ve got some serious love for multiple carets ♥️♥️♥️
This document doesn't quite seem right anymore:
I checked my manual bindings and ruby is not in there, yet my RSpec first
line match isn't working.
Does anyone know how to fix this for version 2?
Tom Smyth
Worker-Owner, Sassafras Tech Collective
Specializing in innovative, usable tech for social change
sassafras.coop *·* @sassafrastech
Resident, Touchstone Cohousing
Can't get text mate to work in terminal. Says “mate” command is not found. I created the symbolic link and update .profile and .bash_profile. Both are included. Even rebooted.
I wrote a web app in Rails for collecting system statistics from Sparkle, I
figured you might be interested in using it for Textmate since you also use
Sparkle for updates. It's self-hosted, so you need a server and some basic
admin skills.
Here's the project: https://github.com/mackuba/sparkler
And here's what kind of statistics it can generate:
http://sparkle.psionides.eu/feeds/gitifier/statistics (this is data from 4
years back as you can see, so it will take a while for it to look like this
Let me know if you decide to use it and manage to set it up, I'll link to
you from the readme. Also let me know if you run into any problems, I don't
know if those instructions are intuitive enough.
Code folding in LaTeX is not doing what I expect. Lets say I have this in my
.tex file:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Option + Command + 0 does as expected:
Option + Command + 1 does exactly the same:
But what I expected was
Option + Command + 2 does as expected:
So, I expected:
\begin{document} to be all levels
\section{} to be level 1
\subsection{} to be level 2
Is there a way of setting cold folding to do what I expected?
Ross Ahmed
Twitter: @RossAhmed <https://twitter.com/RossAhmed>
LinkedIn: Ross Ahmed <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/ross-ahmed/2a/775/590>
In my .tex file, I have 60 lines of code between the start of the file and
\begin{document}. Most of these lines are filled with \usepackage{}. Is
there a way to hide this part of the .tex file in TextMate, by for example
using code folding? If not, can these 60 lines be sourced from a different
.tex file?
Ross Ahmed
Twitter: @RossAhmed <https://twitter.com/RossAhmed>
LinkedIn: Ross Ahmed <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/ross-ahmed/2a/775/590>
Dear All,
the subversion bundle (and all the ruby bundles) are broken since I update to yosemite few weeks ago.
I have been trying to fix the problem but I had little luck so far.
For what I understand is a problem related with the wrong default ruby version in yosemite (2.0 instead of the bundle supported 1.8).
A typical error that I get is something like, e.g. for svn status:
/Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require': /Users/umbe/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/lib/shelltokenize.rb:74: invalid multibyte escape: /[^\w_\-\+=\/\x7F-\xFF]/
For what I understand each bundle should run ruby thought the ruby18 script which should install the the 1.8 version int he bundle support if it can’t find ii installed on the system. Unfortunately this seems not to be the case.
I have tried a bunch of things but without much success. I have installed ruby 1.8.7 with rvm and defined the TM_RUBY variable to point at it but nothing happened (later I realized that TM_RUBY is not meant for bundles).
I have reset the textmate 2 prefereces chance and variables in the hope to stimulate ruby18 to do its job but with no success.
Do you have any suggestion on how to fix is or at least help me in the debug process (I find a bit complicated to figure what a bundle is doing)?
Is there a memory leak in TextMate? I was running Activity Monitor and saw a memory usage spike. The application also became unresponsive, so I sampled it before doing a force quit. Here's what it came back with:
Not sure if it's relevant, but I was using a custom assembly language bundle at the time. The odd thing is I don't think TextMate was even the active application at the time the memory spiked. Very weird.