Does anyone know of a style formatting plugin for TextMate? I'd like an
automated way to configure TextMate for Google Style
Andrew Pennebaker
Hi All,
Long time textmate user, but at some point in the last two months I've lost
the ability to compile latex in pdflatex, which causes problems when I try
and run \includegraphics{something.pdf}. (I get a "Cannot determine size of
graphic (No BoundingBox)" error).
I've set default engine to pdflatex in preferences, but the button on the
typesetting page is always "latex", and the .log file starts with:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014) (preloaded
format=latex 2014.5.25) 26 FEB 2015 23:38
(note the preloaded format is latex, not pdflatex).
If I go to preferences > Bundles it shows the latex bundle was updated five
days ago.
Everything works fine if I compile in TeXShop.
I am trying to copy the content of a FileMaker webviewer and paste it into
Textmate so I can save it as an HTML file. The problem is that (OSX 10.8.5)
will only let me paste from my clipboard as (simple text, or rich Text) but
not as HTML.
It does the same thing if I try to copy and paste from Safari, FireFox or
Is there a way to do this in OSX?
Save the key elements of the preferences window state between uses and
TextMate launches:
Window location and size
Pane size
Active pane
Selected item within a pane (where appropriate)
Can anyone think of others?
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You might look into the capabilities of ghostscript. It should be installed with your LaTeX install (MacTeX or equivalent), but if not, you can install it using Homebrew via brew install gs. Specifically, ghostscript should install a utility called ps2pdf that (IIRC) produces clean PDF files from an input EPS.
FYI, the following MWE worked on my system using TextMate 2.0-beta6.8. Note that the order in which graphicx and epstopdf are loaded is important.
A sample figure:
Dustin Wheeler
On February 18, 2015 at 07:00:10, textmate-request(a) (textmate-request(a) wrote:
Question about converting eps files to pdf files on theÂ
fly. (Tao Zha)
The latest TextMate ( version 2.0-beta.6.8) no longer convert eps files to pdf files automatically when I use pdflatex. I got the error message like:
Document Class: amsart 2009/07/02 v2.20.1
!!! Error: Writing to gs failed, signal 5
Latex Error: ./tableindustry.tex:199 Package pdftex.def Error: File `Figures/outfigpaper_prices-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found.
• Including: Figures/outfigpaper_ratios2GDP-eps-converted-to.pdf
In my preamble of my Latex file, I specify
The previous TextMate version works for me by automatically creating the file "outfigpaper_ratios2GDP-eps-converted-to.pdf", but the latest version gives me the above error message.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you very much,
Tao Zha
Hi all,
Are there any plans to add code fold guides to TextMate 2 (as shown here:
I know a workaround to get a similar effect is to use "Show Invisible
Characters". Though the problem with this is that a lot of files written by
others lack proper tab indentation.
Any other workarounds to get a similar effect?
Many thanks,
When is it expected that TextMate 2 will untangle from TextMate 1 in the
Application Support folder? Right now we have the Avian folder along with
the TextMate folder and as best I can tell TextMate 2 uses some things from
both folders. That's confusing and messy.
Is there anyone left using TextMate 1 *and* TextMate 2?
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Hi there,
I am having some serious problem with Textmate 2 in Mac Yosemite. I am typing my thesis in Latex. All of a sudden Textmate 2 stopped showing any error for undefined commands. Let me give you an example, lets say I need to write $\alpha$, but mistakenly I typed $\apha$ in the .tex file. When I compile it with Textmate, it does not show any error as in `Undefined Control Sequence’, it says 0 Error in the log window and just skips the part of $\apha$ in the pdf. This is a very serious problem for me as I am typing my thesis I am likely to make many such typing mistakes and if these goes undetected in the compilation then that’s a huge problem for me! Could you please tell me how to solve this problem? This thing didn’t happen before, I have been using Textmate 2 in Yosemite for around 6 moths now without any problem until today. Following are the sample codes I used to recreate the problem:
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath}
\title{Error Testing}
I want to write $\alpha$ but mistakenly if I write $\apha$ and complie it with Textmate $2$, on the log window it does not show any error as `Undefined control sequence' and on the PDF it just skips the part where it has $\apha$.
$\slpha$ $\alphabeta$
Omprokash Das