a while ago someone helped me setup the ctag stuff to work with the js
syntax i use:
On 11/30/05, Charilaos Skiadas <cskiadas(a)> wrote: On Nov 30,
2005, at 3:54 PM, Jamal Johnson wrote:
> i've taken a look and to be honest i'm terrible with regexp's and
> could use some help. i'm trying to define a way to see objects in a
> certain format in my JS files:
> var CustomObject = Class.create();
> CustomObject.prototype = Object.extend( (new ViewObject()), {
> member1 : true,
> member2 : "someString",
> member3 : "anotherString",
> someFunction : function(){
> //doSomething
> },
> someOtherFunction : function(){
> }
> };
> so then in the tmCodeBrowser i'd see something like:
> Objects
> - CustomObject
> - member1
> - member2
> - member3
> - someFunction
> - someOtherFunction etc....
> something along those lines anyway. can one of you point me in a
> starting direction for howto setup the .ctags.tmcodebrowser file to
> do this for javascript files?
Try adding this to .ctags.tmcodebrowser
> .prototype *= *(.*)/-\1/o,object/
> --regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*(.*) *: (([^f]*)|(f[^u]*)|(fu[^n]*))[\t]*
> $/---var: \1/o,object/
> --regex-javascript=/^[ \t]*(.*) *: *function/---fun: \1/o,object/
> This might do something close to what you want. Just make sure to not
> ask TmCodeBrowser to sort things. With the simple regexp additions,
> you cannot recognize things in multiple lines, so there is no way of
> grouping the variable and function definitions with a particular
> object, this way at least visually they will be close to what you want.
> I believe that if one really wants to, one can write a parser and add
> it to the ctags source code and recompile, that is provided that Gerd
> Knops provides you the source code, or is willing to add the parser
> ofr you. I am guessing someone out there has already written a parser
> for javascript that maybe does what you want it to better, but I
> wouldn't know anything about it.
> I was under the impression that tmcodebrowser supported actionscript,
> which might be close to what you want, but I couldn't find it in
> the .ctags.tmcodebrowser format.
> Haris
but for some reason now codebrowser doesn't work at all for me, even with
simple js files. has anyone else been having issues?
i am using the most recent 1.05 release, at least that's what it says under
config. thanx!
- jamal
> >
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > Message: 7
> > Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 01:03:28 +0200
> > From: Allan Odgaard <throw-away-1(a)>
> > Subject: Re: [TxMt] A TMBundle for Textpattern beta relaease
> > To: TextMate users <textmate(a)>
> > Message-ID: <F3B8D746-E6D6-428B-A2AE-690899C83B22(a)>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; delsp=yes;
> > format=flowed
> >
> > On 22/6/2006, at 23:01, marios wrote:
> >
>> >> Would it be possible to include an include statement, like the one I
>> >> included in the patched version ?
> >
> > Not sure exactly which one you are referring to.
If the HTML Bundle gets something like:
{ name = 'text.html.txp';
match = '(</txp:.*?>|<txp:.*?>|<txp:.*?\s{,8}/>|<txp:([a-z]{3})_.*?/?>)';
then I wouldn't have to include a whole clone of the HTML Bundle.
Wouldn't that also make it more compatible with the rest of the Bundle
It's the HTML Bundle that interferes, I couldn't find any way to tell
the HTML Bundle not to match TXP tags.
> >
> > However, you can add ?disabled = 1;? to the rule to disable it. You
> > shouldn?t prefix it with X?es, as that?ll just give run-time errors
> > (for ?language not found?.)
I should have taken a better look at the syntax rules, thanks for
pointing that out.
> >
>> >> Just one quick question, some default assorted Grammars, have
>> >> disappeared from the Bundle Editor after the last Software update
>> >> to r1112.
> >
> > Which ones?
The HTML ones. I tried This:
1)I deleted the UUID from the cloned html Bundles(assorted ones),
since that didn't led to any change, I tried:
1) I discarded all bundles, included the TXP bundle that I had created
and left in the Bundle Editor.(I did that manually, not from the Bundle
2)I SVN updated all bundles, reloaded Bundles from command line
Since that didn't lead to any change, I double clicked on the HTML
Bundle in /Library/Applicationsupport/Bundles , but no luck.
> >
>> >> Although they are there in their default locations, they just don't
>> >> show
>> >> up in the Bundle Editor.
> >
> > Only the languages? If it is the languages you copied to your own
> > bundle, it is because you did not give the copies a new UUID then --
> > i.e. use duplicate in the bundle editor (rather than copy on disk.)
See above, sorry, regards, marios
Still didn't check out Brad Choates new
Blogging Bundle, and watch your cast, that's really terrific.
I'd better watch that in depth ASAP,
regards, marios
For my work I need to do quite some copy and pasting of ip-numbers.
If I have a logfile open in TextMate and doubleclick an ip it will
only select the parts between the . and not the entire ip.
Would anyone happen to know a workaround, a macro or a fix?
Thanks in advance for any advice you have :)
... Be a rebel. Accept your body.
When I open an existing project the directory structure appears in
the drawer while the currently selected file contents appears within
the window (which is blank when you first open an existing project).
If I have the root project folder selected (text window still blank)
I am unable to get the status of the subversioned folder ('svn
status'). In order for me to get the status of the project I must
open at least one file and then select the root project folder again
and then I can get the status. This is true for other subversion
commands as well (you need at least one file open in order to perform
subversion commands on your project).
Is this behaviour intentional? I feel like subversion commands
should work independent of whether files are open or not .. it should
work on the files/folders in the project drawer only.
Yay, for Allan, and everyone involved. i really do believe this is
totally deserved, i LOVE this App. so glad i bought it, even though i
don't have much use for it these days, apart form adding my "<a
alt="Axman6" style="border: 0px;"/></a>" signature (hope that works
:s) to things, with an 'Al.' tab-trigger. but whenever i have to do
any work on my site, I'm very thankful for the Awesome TextMate.
Thanks again Allan
Cya, Al.
On Aug 8, 2006, at 11:52 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:
>... winning the Apple Design Award for Best Developer Tool!
>Daring Fireball reports that there was "raucous applause when this
>[award] was announced."
(If ^^those^^ are boxes,
you need unicode!
or a Mac)
... winning the Apple Design Award for Best Developer Tool!
Daring Fireball reports that there was "raucous applause when this
[award] was announced."
Kenneth M. Anderson | Phone: 303-492-6003
Associate Professor | Fax : 303-492-2844
Dept. of Computer Science | <>
University of Colorado, Boulder | <>
I'm trying to setup TextMate to automatically wrap after 72 columns, but
not having any luck. I disabled soft wraps and set the wrap columns to
72, but TM v1.5.3 is not wrapping as I type. If I select 'Reformat
Paragraph' then the wrapping works as expected.
Am I missing something?
TextMate is one of the best editors I have used on the Mac, and things
like its macros, snippets, and tab triggers almost make me switch right
away. Especially column-based typing is awesome.
However, there are a couple of limitations that are important enough for
me to keep me from switching. In rough order of importance:
- Function parser is line-based
The functions popup or the symbol browser (Command-Shift-T) work
line-based, i.e. they don't recognize functions such as
void foo(
int param1,
int param2)
We have a coding style that requires this layout for most functions,
so the function popup/symbol browser is next to useless for us.
I understand that this is because the regular expression based
function parser can only work line by line, but still this is one of
the most severe limitations for me.
- Loses insertion point when document is changed by another app
If another application changes a document that is currently open in
TextMate, TextMate notices this when you bring it to the front, and
reloads the changed document. This is good; however, it loses track of
where you were editing, and scrolls all the way to the top, setting
the insertion point to the beginning of the text. I suppose this is
intentional, because an existing selection may no longer be at the
right place after the other application inserted or deleted text
before the selection; however, in the majority of cases it makes more
sense to me to keep the current selection and scroll position, even if
it may be slightly off. For example, when I use TextMate for coding
but Xcode for debugging, I often fix minor typos in the Xcode editor
while debugging, and it is very annoying to have to go back to where
you were editing in TextMate after that.
- Find has no "whole words only" option
I must be missing something here. This seems like such as basic
feature of any serious text editor.
- Option-RightArrow stops too often
When stepping word by word through a sequence such as "abc / def",
Option-RightArrow stops after 'abc' (which is fine), and then it stops
*before* 'def', which is not; it should directly jump to after 'def'.
In other words, it should jump from one end of a word to the end of
the next word, skipping all non-words. Xcode and CodeWarrior do this
right (in my opinion); in BBEdit it's even worse than in TM though.
- Bundle commands should be available without an open window
Some bundle commands are already available now when no window is open
(e.g. "Relaunch TextMate"), but they don't do anything when chosen.
For some commands this would be very useful though (e.g. Xcode/Run, or
most Help commands).
- Undo is per-character
Typing sequences should be consolidated into a single undo step.
Doesn't anybody use undo for typing? This is basically unusable in
- Shift Left/Right should extend the selection to whole lines
I often put the insertion point somewhere in the middle of the first
line of a paragraph, hit Shift-DownArrow until I'm in the middle of
the last line of the paragraph, and then choose Shift Right; this will
insert a tab in the middle of the first line, which makes absolutely
no sense to me. Same for "Source/Comment Line". I think these
commands should first extend the selection to the beginning of the
first and end of the last selected line; I can't think of a single
situation where you wouldn't want this. BBEdit gets this right.
- Remap keys for Shift Left/Right
If there's a multi-line selection, I'd like Tab and Shift-Tab to be
bound to Shift Right/Shift-Left. I see no reason why I should have to
hold down Option too.
- Control-RightArrow should jump by CamelCaps sub-words
Right now, Ctrl-Left/Right jump to the beginning/end of the line;
there's already Command-Left/Right for that, so I think
Ctrl-Left/Right would be free to jump over the sub-words of a
CamelCapsVariableName. See Xcode.
- Show key binding for a particular key
With all those bundles and scope-based bindings, it can be very
difficult to figure out what command a particular key is currently
bound to in the current context. There's the Bundles/TextMate/Show
Keyboard Shortcuts command, but it generates a huge list that you have
to wade through. It would be very useful to have a function that lets
you type a key and displays what it is bound to.
Stefan Haller
Hi everybody,
I'm working on Microsoft Windows clone of TextMate: Intype. Intype is
compatible with some types of bundle items, such as grammars. I wonder,
if licensing of these bundle items permit to use them in Intype. I just
can't find license for them. :(