Today while using TextMate 1.5.2 to edit a .as file in my project, I noticed
that the the file name in the file tab ended with a tilde (~).
I also noticed that the edits that I was making to my text file were no longer
"taking". That is, I could edit text, save the file, but the edits would have
no effect... as if they had never been made. Frustrating.
I closed the file, re-opened and now TextMate (and my edits) are back to
normal. The edits I had made to the file were gone, but I was able to get back
to work and re-enter my edits.
What is the significance does the tilde at the end of the filname in the file
tab have? Is this a feature? or a bug?
thanks very much,
osx 10.4.7
Power PC
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The key binding for this command is 'Shift-Ctrl-Command-S', however,
whenever I try to use this sequence I get the same dialog. I wonder
if it could be changed to an alternative binding in the repository?
A small request for the Markdown bundle. Would it be possible to
revise the MultiMarkdown commands so that they use `mktemp`? As it
stands, when I find I need to do multiple revisions I am having to go
in and delete temporary files. Thanks very much.
All the best, Mark
Just committed an addition to my subversion repository using the
subversion bundle (which is great, btw) and I got the following
strange message:
2006-08-01 20:30:22.315 CommitWindow[25956] The plugin /Users/
markkalderon/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/
megazoomer.bundle (org.ianhenderson.megazoomer) is using a deprecated
interface to SIMBL. Please contact the appropriate developer (not the
SIMBL author) and refer them to
Adding Research/Color/Notes/assumptions.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 103.
OK, so there is an issue about SIMBL and megazoomer, but why is this
message appearing when I commit?
All the best, Mark
I just started using GTDAlt and am really enjoying it. I have one bit
of feedback, though.
Whenever I execute a command, the entire file gets overwritten,
including all the data in the resource fork. This means when I hit
the command to "Clean current file", suddenly all of my folded
project blocks get unfolded.
I've tried to figure out a way to do this more elegantly, but I
honestly don't have any suggestions, hence the reason I'm bringing it
up here. Do any other bundles deal with this gracefully?
did you make any recent changes to the Bundle svn feed? For some
reason NewsFire no longer picks up entries (works fine in Safari, but
i think it's much more forgiving of formatting errors). Last one i
received was Sunday at 6.30 (CST).
Hi everyone,
Just a quick question - is there any way I can format an ActionScript
(.as) file in much the same way as the "Auto Format" command in the
default Adobe Flash IDE? When I try using 'Text > Reformat
Paragraph', it simply runs all the lines together.
I don't know if this exact thing has been up, sorry if it has. But I
thought perhaps one could have sort of a local svn of the bundles,
with only one "level" of fallback (sorry, I don't speak technical svn).
So that when you customise an item in a bundle, it will make a copy
of that specific entry, and place it first (or last) of all the items
(snippets, languages, commands etc), with a big delimiter between
"your" stuff and the bundle default stuff.
This could upen up for revert commands, and perhaps even diff
commands. Also, if you delete something from the original, it can
show up among your things with a big linethrough.
Perhaps one should also be able to see what sort of "own" things has
been forked off original things, so you can compare with the
original. Also, you can add your entirely new items into a logical
bundle, and you will see that it is yours entirely and not built off
an original.
I hope I've made myself clear on the whole idea, and I hope it's not
something that's already come up :)
I am sure most of you already know, but google code hosting is a nice
place for hosting your bundles' svn repositories…
see for details.