> Yes that should be doable, at least in the case where the (fold),
> (end) pair is used, once we capture that case in the grammar. The
> reason it works with environments is because I can set the input to
> the current scope, so provided each entire section gets its own
> scope, it should be doable.
> Similarly, the Change Environment command could be made to work for
> sections as well, allowing you to quickly change a section to, say,
> a subsection, with automatic renaming of the label prefix as well
> as the % section (end) part.
I would also suggest that you make the fold marks specific to that
part, i. e. (end section) or something like that.
Not only does it make the code more readable, but I suppose it's also
easier to filter and look for the right (end) …
I tried to track down the other files.
I could not find them until I read about using 'find in project'.
They were inside a directory with the suffix .texp which was
generated it appears by texshop.
The files were in a 'soft links' subfolder.
Deleting this directory (which must have been generated in the past)
solved my duplicate entry problem.
Christopher Brewster
is there some change to the shift+control+w ?
before i could invoke that, type, hit tab and hit enter to get
now i get
and i dislike that quite a bit, has some change been going on behind
the scenes?
Andreas Wahlin
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can we get the same end-of-text-click behavior as in Xcode, TextEdit
and BBedit?
I am talking about this:
(1) If you click in the empty area at the end of a text document, the
text cursor
jumps either into the last line exactly vertical to the clicked
(2) The cursor jumps at the very end of the text.
Most apps in MacOS X do it the (2) way. TextMate does it the (1) way.
It is simply
Just a comment for an otherwise great app,
Andreas Pardeike
I've been playing around with running python scripts from TextMate
(PyMate) which is great. Is there a way to pass arguments or input to the
script. I realize I could just as easily run this from the command line,
but I figured I'd check anyway.
I'm running build 1215 on a MacBook and whenever I switch application
into TextMate it takes a few seconds before the application becomes
active. For those few seconds the application is just frozen
(although it buffers keypresses and executes them when it becomes
This is very annoying :) Anyone able to help?
> On Sep 12, 2006, at 4:25 AM, Max Lein wrote:
> > Ok, I'm no expert, but I figure this is what many, many people want
> > to do. Perhaps you could just list these commands in a separate
> > file and include that file appropriately?
> Not with the tools at our disposal, no. But see below for what you
> can do now.
The approach you have suggested seems to work fine.
However, I think it would be much better if the user has a chance to
review his deltas to a bundle. (This is not something you can do, I
guess, but rather the developer of TextMate.)
> Very well, but use at your own risk. For this, open the Bundle Editor
> (⌃⌥⌘B) and create a new language. Give it any name you like and
> put it in any bundle you want. Then, in the big text area on the
> left, place the following text:
That seems to work fine, thanks a lot!
In this way, my own additions are isolated from your updates to the
bundle :-)
> > Well, we do what we are used to in the end ;-)
> > I use align, because I got used to the way it, ahem, aligns
> One of the things I hope to add to the bundle soon is the ability to
> quickly change between equation styles. I.e. you are in an align
> environment, and you press a button and it becomes a split
> environment. And so forth.
> Well, the closing tag will just close the one above it. You also want
> to open one. One could probably duplicate and modify the closing tag
> command, so that it instead adds a \begin{env} too. So it would be a
> "split environment" command. Might do that actually.
Agreed, nice idea.
> Sorry, I should have said: The size of the LaTeX Help file. I'm all
> for creating other sources of assistance, like howtos and cheatsheets
> and stuff. The help is supposed to be for reading by someone new to
> the bundle, possibly even relatively new to LaTeX, who needs to get
> started getting things set up and learning the basic commands.
Ok, a difference in philosophy. However, then there should be more a
more extensive version of the help someplace else.
> > Instead, you could design one section to be read thoroughly and
> > then let the rest be what it is: a manual.
> >
> > > How about a cheatsheet instead? A single page containing all the
> > > necessary information, in the form of a pdf?
> > Sounds like a good start. Refer to the appropriate sections in the
> > Help as well, then people can go on reading.
> I was thinking of two different kinds of cheatsheets, one pdf that
> would fit in a page and could be printed, and one html/markdown,
> longer and with more explanation.
Sounds good to me.
> I would say let's try to create some more specific "HowTo" questions,
> and then we'll see about answering them. I'll get started on the
> cheatsheet for now.
I think I have posted a short, incomplete list earlier, but ok, here
we go:
(1) Getting Started
(2) Big LaTeX Projects
(3) Managing bibliographies and references
(4) Customizing The LaTeX Bundle
I'm fairly new to TextMate, and completely new to Snippets, so I may be
asking something overly ambitious for a newbie. If so, I beg your
indulgence ;)
I'm working on a snippet which will automate the creation of versioned
tables, a la the acts_as_versioned plugin[1]. I've started with a tab
trigger which will paste in the outer self.up and self.down definitions.
Following the example in the "for ... in ... end" snippet, I've figured
out how to have my specified table name repeated throughout all the
appropriate places in the snippet. So all ready, what I've got is a huge
key-stroke saver :) But obviously, an ideal snippet would go further yet.
Here's what I've got:
def self.up
create_table :${1:table}s do |t|
t.column :version, :int
${1/./\u$0/}.create_versioned_table do |t|
t.column :${1:table}_id, :int
t.column :version, :int
def self.down
drop_table :${1:table}s
drop_table :${1:table}_versions
As you can see, the snippet currently fills in a couple of default
columns for both my main table and its versioned partner. Is it possible
to then begin typing in column definitions for the primary table (where
the cursor currently ends at $0), and have those columns mirrored in the
versioned table below?
Thanks in advance for any pointers someone can offer!
[1] http://ar-versioned.rubyforge.org/
When inserting TODO comments in a latex file, they are repeated in
the html page.
Is this a problem with respect to Latex files or am I doing something
Sample output:
No matches.
chap10.tex (437): I should add perhaps another iteration here
chap6.tex (1347): Ontolearn Section - bring up to date
chap6.tex (1443): Knowitall section
11 (437): I should add perhaps another iteration here
7 (1347): Ontolearn Section - bring up to date
7 (1443): Knowitall section
No matches.
Christopher Brewster
Natural Language Processing Group,
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street
Web: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~kiffer/
Tel: +44(0)114-22.21967 Fax: +44 (0)114-22.21810
Skype: christopherbrewster
SkypeIn (UK): +44 (20) 8144 0088
SkypeIn (US): +1 (617) 381-4281
A definition is the enclosing a wilderness of idea within a wall of
words.--- Samuel Butler
I just started creating my own snippets, and was wondering if it's
possible to write 'recursive' snippets. Let me give an example: say I
use the banner snippet from the source bundle:
// ==========
// = Banner =
// ==========
I'm currently in the $1 tab, and instead of 'Banner', I want to use
another snippet, triggered by base<TAB> and which will extend into, say,
"All your base are belong to us".
// ========
// = base =
// ========
// ==================================
// = All your base are belong to us =
// ==================================
Once this second snippet is completed, I then go back to the first one,
where I left it. This far, I haven't found such a nested scopes option
in the snippet syntax, but since I'm a newb I may have missed it. If
this feature really isn't available, I think it'd be a valuable addition
(even though the example I gave is completely phony). We could imagine a
special syntax indicating wether the current tab is in protected mode -
as it is now - or if it can be subject to other triggers. For example,
$1 and $$1 resp. What do you think of it?