I just updated the Latex bundle according to the instruction for
bundle updating in the help file.
Now the cmd-{ function does not work.
Also it cannot find TeXniscope:
/bin/bash: line 60: find_app: command not found Error locating
external viewer: TeXniscope
The shell variable TM_LATEX_VIEWER is correctly set.
All this worked fine until a moment ago.
What has happened?
I issued the commands:
christopher-brewsters-computer:/Library/Application Support/TextMate/
Bundles kiffer$ svn --username anon --password anon co http://
Natural Language Processing Group,
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
When committing with the SVN bundle, you have to manually deselect
any file that you don't want to commit. This is fine if the list of
files that has been updated is small, but when dealing with a list of
over 30 updated files, deselecting 29 files is a bit tedious when you
only want to commit one file. I'm asking the SVN Bundle maintainer
to add a button (or two) at the top of the commit dialog to allow
the ability for "Select All/Deselect All"
Hello all,
I am using the ruby bundle a lot, and I like it so much! But there are
some annoyances where I have to decide between using TM/folding
or rewriting my code. IMO the editor/grammar should not be confused by
correct ruby syntax. I am using the latest textmate (downloaded today,
1258) and don't have any changes to the ruby bundle. I know, I could
fix these in my copy of the ruby bundle, but I'd like to see the fixes
in the distribution. Thanks in advance,
b # <--- I'd like to have no indentation here on 'reindent'
c} # missing folding marker
lines.collect do |line|
end.class # missing folding marker
tmp = lines.somemeth { |l|
}.foo # missing folding marker, wrong indentation
a = myvar.each do |x| x.foo end
def baz
a=case foo # missing folding marker (or the one at the end is one too many)
when :b # and incorrect indentation
when :d
Here is a command that i added to my XCode bundle to set a breakpoint
in the front most file. Note that this assumes that the project is
open in XCode. Thanks for the help on this list to make this work. In
case you are wondering why the name of the file and not the path
name.. The file reference type for XCode uses the name of the source
file only.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# import the frontmost opened project window in Xcode
proect = %x{"#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/bin/find_xcode_project.rb"}
named = File.basename(proect)
xCodeProject = named.sub(/\.(xcodeproj|xcode|pbproj)\/?$/, "").chomp
%x{osascript -e 'tell application "TextMate"
set myName to name of front document
end tell
tell application "Xcode"
tell project named "#{xCodeProject}"
set bp to make new file breakpoint with properties {line
set file reference of bp to file reference named myName
set enabled of bp to true
end tell
end tell'}
Tried to use the TODO bundle and it was taking an age (10s of
seconds) to give me a result. Some puts in the command code showed
it was parsing all the text files in the directory and sub
directories that the project file resided in. These files are a
super set of the ones in the project draw - I only expected it to
search in the project specific files. As a contrast using the 'find
in project command' to search for TODO returns instantly.
There seems to be a bug in the Find function within the Bundle Editor.
1. Launch TextMate
2. Open the Bundle Editor
3. Navigate to, for instance, the C Grammar
4. Perform a Find for "function.c"
5. Perform a Find for "prototype"
6. Close the Bundle Editor and/or the Find window, reopen and try again.
7. Make a sad face
Sometimes, if I close both the Bundle Editor and Find windows, it
works, but usually not.
Oh, I just did an archive search and see that this was reported in
January. Well, maybe it was forgotten? *bump*
Cheers & thanks - this software is really great.
Hi all,
I made some snippets using conditional
insertions for my declarations in Fortran.
For example, I have this one :
real*${1:8}${2: a/d}${2/(,a)|(,d)/(?1:llocatable)
(?2:imension)/}${2/,a|(,d)/(?1:\(\))/} :: ${3:name}${2/,d|(,a)/(?1:\(\))/}
which does that :
What I would like to do is, in the “allocatable” or
“dimension” case, that the caret goes between the
braces after I type in the name.
In the snippet definition, that would be to somehow
define a $4 key but I really don't know how to do this...
Any help is much appreciated :-)
PS : Once again, due to my poor knowledge of RegExp,
if anyone has some suggestions/improvements for this
snippet, he is quite welcome :-D
I found two sound files at /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/
SharedSupport/Support/Sounds .
What are they for? I've been using TextMate for a while, but never
encounted them.
I can't sleep well until I get to know what they are. Searched this
list, to no avail.
This question might not *sound* useful, but what are the sounds for?
Takaaki Kato
I have been working on the following script to set breakpoint is
XCode. I am not a Ruby expert and I am sure I am doing something
wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
Currenly my script looks like so:
proect = %x{"#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/bin/find_xcode_project.rb"}
named = File.basename(proect)
xCodeProject = named.sub(/\.(xcodeproj|xcode|pbproj)\/?$/, "")
breakLine = #{ENV['TM_LINE_NUMBER']}
print xCodeProject
astring = "osascript -e \'tell application \"TextMate\"
set myName to name of front document
end tell
tell application \"Xcode\"
tell project named \"#{xCodeProject}\"\r\n
set bp to make new file breakpoint
set file reference of bp to file reference named myName
set enabled of bp to true
end tell
end tell\'"
print astring
My output is:
osascript -e 'tell application "TextMate"
set myName to name of front document
end tell
tell application "Xcode"
tell project named "HelloWorld
set bp to make new file breakpoint
set file reference of bp to file reference named myName
set enabled of bp to true
end tell
end tell'
For some reason i have a bunch of white space after my project's name.
Also how do i put { and } into a string so they are printable?
I really appreciate TextMate's implementation of Documentation. If
I'm correct, most of them are just webpages created by searching on-
line and/or creating HTML on the fly.
It would be great if, in the window, I could use a) Command-LeftArrow
and Command-RightArrow, b) Command-[ and Command-] and/or c) open in
Takaaki Kato