I've been experiencing this for quite a while now but until now had
no time to dig into the matter: With "Check Spelling as You Type" I'm
experiencing abysmal typing speed problems when working on LaTeX
documents. It only happens when I'm working some in already existing
paragraphs, *not* when typing at the end of the document. I can
actually see single letters appearing one after another in slow-
motion. Very annoying! Once I turn off "Check Spelling as You Type"
everything's back to normal, but it lacks a lot of convenience ... It
this a known problem? Does anybody else experience these problems, too?
(I'm working on a 12" PB (1st gen., 867 mhz) maxed out with 1.12 GB
RAM. It's plain text with a bit of markup so the machine *should* be
up to it ...!)
Hi All [Brad Choate in particular, I imagine],
I was wondering about the status of MT Category support in the blogging
bundle. Given the pedigree of the bundle's author (!) I would imagine
this would be a pretty important feature...
Hi all,
I was wondering about the status of 'full' support for folding in
python? The current implementation based on blank lines, spaces, etc.,
doesn't quite work for me. I understand that the 'folding engine' as it
is can't really handle python's indentation model -- but is some support
in the cards?
Minor bug report:
In my .bash_profile I have GREP_OPTIONS=-Hn so that the output from
grep always includes the file name and line number (more often than
not I'm searching multiple files).
However, this caused the "Install 'Edit in TextMate'" command to fail, saying:
The input manager ((standard
input):2:/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/Edit in
TextMate) was not found in the TextMate application bundle.
You may need a newer version of TextMate.
Once I realised the source of the error, working around was
straightforward; if you think it needs fixing, the simplest way is
probably just to change the first line of the script in the plist
SRC="$(ps -xwwp $PPID -o command|grep TextMate.app|perl -pe
's/(.*?.app).*/\1/')/Contents/Resources/Edit in TextMate"
SRC="$(ps -xwwp $PPID -o command|GREP_OPTIONS= grep TextMate.app|perl
-pe 's/(.*?.app).*/\1/')/Contents/Resources/Edit in TextMate"
I can't get folding to work for phpDoc comment blocks. The reason is
that the closing marker is seen by TextMate as being indented by one
extra space. phpDoc blocks start with /**, each commented line starts
with a space and a *, and the final line starts with a space followed
by */. Is there any way to get folding to work in this case?
I usualy work on remote files by opening them with Transmit. When I
worked with BBEdit, theses files were opened as tabs in a single
windows as the project windows of TextMate. But i don't think it's
possible to do this directly in TM. I have to create a new Project,
open my files, and them by drag'n'drop in the project.
It would be nice to decide if files open in a tab window and it would
be very nice if we could open directly remote files from TextMate.
Merci. :)
Hadrien Lanneau
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Good evening,
If I were to add an extra "tag" for foldingStartMarker and
foldingStopMarker in the PHP bundle, am I under the assumption that
it would be read by the HTML bundle when TextMate sees it inside the
<?php ?> region?
When I am editing a PHP file and set the bundle to PHP, the folding
marks show up. But, when in HTML mode and use the same markers in
the PHP region, the folding marks are no longer appearing.
Am I doing something wrong? Or do I need to do something else?
Does anybody have/know of a macro or other bundle that
converts RHTML to Markaby templates? I created a basic
macro that converts '<tr>' to 'tr do', '</tr>' to
'end', and so on.
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