I was just prompted by Textmate to install a new release (nightly build)
I accepted but after it downloaded, TM would no longer launch
I wonder if anyone else has had this problem?
I have since downloaded what I believe is the exact same version from the
TM website, and this runs fine.
I have a fairly simple task I’m trying to automate:
1) copy <text>
2) Find every occurrence in the document of a fixed, reasonably straightforward regex and replace it with <text>.
The point is that I always know where to find <text>, but I don’t know what it says. Doing this by hand is obviously pretty simple, in fact there are two neat ways:
(a) shift-cmd-E on <text> then replaceAll.
(b) cmd-C on <text>, then findAll, then cmd-V.
I can’t get either of these to work in a macro.
(a) Seems to fail because the argument to findWithOptions: requires a replaceString. What the macro does is set replaceString equal to whatever value it received (i.e <text>) when the macro was recorded . Removing the line in the macro setting replaceString produces an empty set symbol, which is understandable.
(b) Seems to fail because macros don’t like findAll. When I record this operation alone and replay it, all it does is put the caret at the end of the document (the location may be specific to the limited test I’ve done, but the point is I don’t get the multiple carets I should.)
Is there a way of automating this task using macros. I’d much rather not dive into scripting. For example, is there some way to set replaceString equal to the contents of the clipboard?
It doesn’t seem like this should be difficult.
I started using TextMate for LaTex this morning on OS X 10.10.3 and noticed some of my custom bundle commands were not working. For example, the following script that just echoes the name of the master file in a terminal window did not work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
[[ -f "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/bash_init.sh" ]] && . "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/bash_init.sh"
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/escape.rb"
require "#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/lib/latex.rb"
master = LaTeX.master(ENV['TM_LATEX_MASTER'] ||
puts master
/Users/gkv/scripts/term2 "echo $TM_LATEX_MASTER “
(where term2 just opens a terminal window and echoes the command). After some exploring, it seemed that texmate was not finding latex.rb in its designated directory, namely:
/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/LaTeX.tmbundle/Support/lib/
Rather, latex.rb is in the ruby directory underneath that. When I made a symbolic link of latex.rb from ruby into the lib directory, (nearly) everything works again. The same behaviour occurred in my laptop.
This seems bizarre. What happened? Did something change with an update?
I am sure this may have been discussed earlier, but I would like to know what the current state of Templates (File / New from Template) is in TM2. I started experimenting with 2 over the weekend, after about a decade of using 1.x exclusively. That was my immediate "miss", as I typed out the complete structure of an HTML page (like an animal). Am I just looking in the wrong place for these?
The SVN "Diff with revision" feature doesn't work at the moment. The dialog appears to select the revision and when you click OK a progress bar appears "Fetching diff (revision no.)" and then an error dialog saying "The 'svn' command produced an error".
Other diff functions off the Cmd-Y menu work fine.
Please let me know if this kind of e-mail is not welcome in this list.
I am looking for a updated Cheat Sheet for Textmate 2 but lookingg on the web I just get old stuff.
If someone knows where I can find it, i will appreciate it.
Adler Medrado
Site: http://adlermedrado.com.br
Blog: http://blog.adlermedrado.com.br
Twitter: @adlermedrado
I often use TM as a general purpose text editor (and softwrap is useful in
those cases)
But for coding I never want it enabled.
Is there a way to set this is tm_properties, in a way that will override
the restored GUI prefs?
Various git posts and the FAQ suggest you can *enable* it in tm_properties,
even when gui setting has it disabled
But I'm not having much luck doing the inverse
Hi guys,
I have a number of macros which move the caret. They would be nicer if they put it back where they found it. Is there a neat way of getting a macro to put the caret and/or selection back where it found it? Failing that, is there an ugly one?
Hi guys,
Can anyone tell me how to add (sub)menus in the Bundle Editor? I want to subdivide the Menu Actions in my bundle into manageable chunks. How to add dividers to a menu would be a bonus.
Unfortunately, a search of the usual suspects hasn’t gleaned me anything relevant to TextMate 2.
Has anyone else had this problem? I'm not sure of the exact steps to
reproduce. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
If nobody else knows I can do more research.
Thanks as always for a great product.
Tom Smyth
Worker-Owner, Sassafras Tech Collective
Specializing in innovative, usable tech for social change
sassafras.coop *·* @sassafrastech
Resident, Touchstone Cohousing