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the update to the PHP-Syntax for @uses is not working. The correct
line for the match is this:
match = '\@(a(ccess|uthor)|c(ategory|opyright)|global|li(cense|nk)|pa
The last brace was closed to early and didn't include the "uses", so
the @ of uses isn't matched. Please fix this.
Thanks in advance,
Simon Ruderich
- ----
> privacy is necessary
> using http://gnupg.org
> public key id: 0x6115F804EFB33229 http://ruderich.com/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)
Hi, perhaps I haven't understood the syntax correctly, but I have
tried editing the LaTeX configuration file and I am getting no love.
I wanted to add a quote environment. I tried the following which has
no apparent effect:
quote = {
triggers = ( 'qu', 'quote');
All the best, Mark
Mark Eli Kalderon
Department of Philosophy
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Dept webpage: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy
Personal wepage: http://www.kalderon.demon.co.uk
I found an earlier post in the archiv files, but it seems, that this
command isn´t realised yet.
My Latex projects contain multiple files and the Code Brwoser only
shows the outline of the active one.
What I need, is an outline of the whole project. Are there any
Is it possible to provide a list of options to someone in a snippet?
For example at a tabstop, rather than them writing in text, you could
provide a list of options that they could select from?
I'm imagining something similar to the one that pops up to
disambiguate shortcuts.
Is it possible to have a repeating tabstop in a snippet?
for example it would be great to have a snippet to insert a html option list:
<option value="$1">$2</option>
You tab to $1, fill in the value, tab to $2, fill in the content, then
when you press tab again, it inserts another option:
<option value="1">Cherry</option>
<option value="$3">$4</option>
And carries on doing so for an arbitrarily long time.
If it's possible to do this I'd be very grateful.
On 24.10.2006, at 13:27, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com wrote:
> Heiko Witte schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> every mail from this mailing list is signed with a PGP key
>> (0x7B7C623764AB61E7). Where can I get this public key ? I already
>> searched the mailing lists but couldn't find any related topic.
>> Thanks
>> Heiko
> Every email? I just searched pgp.mit.edu for this key and came up with
> my own key ;)
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x7B7C623764AB61E7&op=index
> Regards, Horst
I added your key to my gpg keychain, now everything's fine =)
Thanks, Heiko
every mail from this mailing list is signed with a PGP key
(0x7B7C623764AB61E7). Where can I get this public key ? I already
searched the mailing lists but couldn't find any related topic.
FYI for LaTeX bundle maintainers and users:
I recently updated XeTeX (to v0.995, 16-Aug) and discovered that
previewing in TextMate had become kind of cranky (though running
xelatex from the command line still worked fine).
The crankiness: using "Typeset & View (PDF)", the first page of
output would be the following, in Computer Modern:
[zf ]preparseRendererAAT,ICU
The correct LaTeX output would appear starting on the next page.
After a heap of digging around (resulting in [1], which pointed to a
path problem with xkeyval.tex), I figured out that the call to
kpsewhich is causing the wrong paths to get expanded (in particular,
the texmf.tetex versions were taking precedence over texmf.local).
This seems to fix it for me:
Old: export TEXINPUTS="$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/tex//:$(kpsewhich --expand-
var '$TEXINPUTS')"
New: export TEXINPUTS="$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/tex//:$(kpsewhich -progname
$TEX --expand-var '$TEXINPUTS')"
HTH, as they used to say.
[1] http://www.tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2006-August/004700.html
To add on to James' nifty drag commands, here's mine for adding a
complete background line in a definition. It's tab stopped a little
differently than the normal background command, as I have modified
mine to the way that my brain works.
I'm not sure how the rest of you will feel about the newline at the
end, it works for me with the way I format my code. Feel free to
pull it and the -e argument out from the echo statement.
File Types: png, jpeg, jpg, gif
echo -ne "background:\${1: #\${2:DDD}} url('$TM_DROPPED_FILE')\${3: \$
{4:repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y/no-repeat} \${5:scroll/fixed} \${6:top/
center/bottom/x-%/x-pos} \${7:left/center/right/y-%/y-pos}};\n\$0"
Scope: meta.property-list.css
Brett Terpstra : Art Director
Circle Six Design, Inc.
111 Riverfront Dr, Suite 204
p: 507.459.4398
f: 1.866.540.3063
e: brett(a)circlesixdesign.com

Brett Terpstra : Art Director
Circle Six Design, Inc.
111 Riverfront Dr, Suite 204
p: 507.459.4398
f: 1.866.540.3063
e: brett(a)circlesixdesign.com
Is there a way to scope a snippet in the CSS bundle to mimic the
Special: Return Inside Empty Open/Close Tags in the HTML bundle? I'd
like to have the same behavior between empty brackets, but they
obviously behave differently and I have a very vague understanding of
the language file at this point. I got the command to work the first
time, but now it adds an extra line break every time I hit enter.
Any pointers?
Brett Terpstra : Art Director
Circle Six Design, Inc.
111 Riverfront Dr, Suite 204
p: 507.459.4398
f: 1.866.540.3063
e: brett(a)circlesixdesign.com