Hi all,
I just finished some scripts that allow remote editing with
TextMate, kinda like BBedit's sftp functionality. They're a little
rough, but I thought I'd release them so that others can play if they
Will :-}
I am faced with introducing a client to using an FTP program. They
use Windows exclusively, so...
What can anyone recommend as a simple, straight-forward, umm... "Mac-
like" FTP client program for Windows? Do any of them offer an "Edit
with..." feature?
I saw mention of "WebDrive" earlier on the list. Something I'd not
heard of and it *might* be the ticket. If I can get them to buy it.
Hi -
I'm blanking, being absolutely sure I've come across this before on
this list, but can't find any references to it. Is there a command
available (from ruby, ideally) to refresh a document, based on
changes made to the associated disk file?
I searched the Docs, I can't find a command that would bring up a dialog, let
me enter a line number, say "478" and take me to that line. Is there a way to
do this without creating a bookmark?
Thanks very much,
P.S. Lovely product, I'm using it to write ActionScript 2.0. Textmate has
really changed the way I work. It's made sitting down to edit my classes
something I really look forward to. Makes bbEdit look like a quaint old antique.
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Let's say I have some text of mine in soft column mode with, say, 80
characters width.
Is it possible to copy this text, or change the text, in such a way that
apparent line breaks (ones with the dot appearing after in the beginning of
the next line) change to actual line breaks?
In other words: Is it possible to change apparent line breaks (in soft
column mode) to apparent line breaks?
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Dear all,
after receiving many mails with suggestions to improve the
Hypersearch tool I rewrote the whole code.
Short description (for more details see bundle's help):
- look for all occurrences of the search pattern
- normal string search or regular expression (PERL)
- Unicode safe for regular expressions and case insensitivity
- comes with its own dialog (a simplified and modified CocoaDialog)
-- text field for search pattern
-- check boxes for Regular expression, Ignore case, and Wrap long lines
-- each field has its own keyboard shortcut (see help)
- search parameters are persistent and make use of TM_SELECTED_TEXT
- the output is an HTML page
- the lines are implemented as hyperlinks to the line AND column
- there is no need to save your current document in beforehand to use
Change for the future:
- usage of TM_DIALOG
- add the ability to search across lines
- ...
Feedback is welcomed.
All the best,
Hans-Joerg Bibiko
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Linguistics
Deutscher Platz 6 phone: +49 (0) 341 3550 341
D-04103 Leipzig fax: +49 (0) 341 3550 333
Germany e-mail: bibiko(a)eva.mpg.de
Currently SQL storage like "varchar(24)" is all defined as storage.type.sql
It would be nice if the numeric length was picked out as
So a suggestion for whomever maintains the sql bundle: can we change the
simple regexp for storage type to a capture type.
I think something like this?
{ name = 'meta.storage.type.sql';
match =
captures =
{ 1 = { name = 'storage.type.sql'; };
2 = { name = 'constant.numeric.sql'; };