(I just joined this list, so I can't properly reply to the original message)...
In the earlier thread about MacFUSE and sshfs, Michael Reece mentioned
that his files get written with a "Dec 31 1969" modification time.
I've seen the same problem. I've only seen this problem when using
sshfs with TextMate. If I touch the file outside of TM, the timestamp
is updated properly.
sshfs works fantastic with TextMate otherwise, so I hope there's a
solution to this.
It's been bugging me for a while: "Shift Right" will leave all lines
consisting only of whitespace completely blank, even removing
existing whitespace.
That really bugged me, so I tried to write my own "Shift Right"
command to replace the built-in one. But it seems that the lines my
code gets are already stripped of 'trailing whitespace'.
Any idea how I can tell TM to leave my whitespace alone?
Hi all,
I have the following document preamble, and I want to compile in
PDFLaTeX, but TM keeps falling back to XeTeXk, and I can't figure out
why. Any suggestions?
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
% untitled
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
% Surround parts of graphics with box
% This is now the recommended way for checking for PDFLaTeX:
%\pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX
%\pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \else
\usepackage{graphicx} \fi
%% LaTeX Preamble - Common packages
\usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks,breaklinks,bookmarks]{hyperref} % PDF
hyperlinks, with coloured links
\definecolor{dullmagenta}{rgb}{0.4,0,0.4} % #660066
% coloured links
% \hypersetup{linkcolor=black,citecolor=black,filecolor=black,urlcolor=black}
% black links, for printed output
%\usepackage{epstopdf} % to include .eps graphics files with pdfLaTeX
Nathan A. Paxton
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Government, Harvard University
Resident Tutor
John Winthrop House, Harvard University
When you have to stay eight years away from California, you live in a
perpetual state of homesickness.
- Ronald Reagan
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
-Coco Chanel
I'm working on an action to allow me to quickly open a url in textmate:
res=$(CocoaDialog inputbox --title "Open URL" \
--informative-text "URL:" \
--button1 "Okay" --button2 "Cancel")
[[ $(head -n1 <<<"$res") == "2" ]] && exit_discard
res=$(tail -n1 <<<"$res")
/usr/bin/env ruby -e "require 'net/http';require 'uri';Net::HTTP.get_print
URI.parse('$res')" | mate
Basically, I'm using ruby to grab the page and output the content to stdout,
then piping that to TextMate. If i call this from the command line, it
works perfectly. problem is, if i call this as an command from within
textmate, it completely freezed the app. The page does open, but tm becomes
completely unresponsive and I have to quit and restart. any ideas what I'm
doing wrong?
Hello all
I am new to Textmate and this list but so far really impressed by the
program and the people posting here. My background is in molecular
biology and I will mostly use TM for text (MultiMarkdown is appealing
to me) not so much code.
Although I am slowly making my way through the manual I have not found
anything that would allow me to compare two textfiles and highlight
changes between them. "Diff" is not what I am loooking for because it
is based on lines. Writing manuscripts I don't use carriage returns so
a single difference in a paragraph will highlight the whole thing not
just the difference only.
FileMerge (in the Apple developer tools) is much closer and also
visually intuitive, but getting long in the teeth and having
difficulties with UTF-8.
Is there a Textmate bundle that will do this kind of comparison for me?
My sincere apologies if this question has been answered already,
My workplace has standardized (a long time ago) on CVS for version
control. I'm used to using Subverison with svnX and a bit of command
line tomfoolery and haven't used CVS very much.
After much searching and demoing of applications I have come to the
conclusion that all of the graphical CVS clients for OS X out there
either a) are ancient, or b) are written in Java and are slow and
I've noticed that TextMate has CVS support, so I'm wondering if
anyone here has any tips on using the CVS plugin?
hushBOOM design
Web design, development & hosting -- Writing & Editing
In Ruby mode, I'd been using cmd-R to run my trivial little scripts,
but recently I came back to them and cmd-R no longer works. It
simply pops up an HTML window that displays the shell error message,
'/usr/local/bin/ruby: no such file or directory.' Running scripts
directly from Terminal still works, and my Ruby is in fact in /usr/
local/bin, so I'm basically stumped. What did I unwittingly change?
I've bough TextMate now after using the trial version - and the short
keys when writing rhtml or plain ruby don't work any more. I can't
get <%= %> by pressing ^Z or anything like that.
Down at the bottom I've selected HTML (Rails), Ruby on Rails, Ruby,
and even just plain HTML, but it don't work with any one of them. I
suppose that HTML (Rails) is the one I want.
Any ideas?
Thanks. You're a tad over my head here, but I looked in the
application contents and a couple of files that might be what you're
speaking of, but I don't really have Ruby knowledge. I'm just using
textmate to do work in Tex and R, mostly.
Anyway, in Contents/ShardSupport/Support/bin, there's a file called
LatexLabelCompletion.rb. Perhaps this is it?
My TeX install is at /us/local/gwTeX/bin/power-pc-current/. It's a
fairly standard installation, in that I haven't made any modifications
to the MacTeX installation, so it's pretty as-is.
>I believe that the ruby script that fetches the path to your LaTeX tools is:
If you look at this script, it has a function for fetching the location of the
LaTeX binaries called `tex_path`, which tries several different ways of getting
>to your TeX install, and should usually work. I'm not sure why you'd
be getting
>this error, as the script should only try to use kpswitch once it has found it
in the `tex_path` function. That is, the `tex_path` function explicitly tests
for the availability of kpswitch, so if it's not there, it shouldn't be getting
used later on.
>Maybe you can share some more details about your install.
>I can't really offer too much advice, because I have pretty much nothing to do
with the TeX bundle. Hopefully Haris will come back from wherever he's been
hiding, or someone else will step in with a solution.
Jacob Rus,
Harvard College
Nathan A. Paxton
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Government, Harvard University
Resident Tutor
John Winthrop House, Harvard University
When you have to stay eight years away from California, you live in a
perpetual state of homesickness.
- Ronald Reagan
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
-Coco Chanel
I keep a bunch of markdown-formatted text files on my iDisk. I use
folding extensively in them, like this:
Some words{
* Text that is folded.
To the best of my knowledge, curly braces are the only way to fold in Markdown.
Sometimes I've been opening a file and seeing that the folding goes
from the top brace to some random point *inside* the folded text,
instead of to the closing brace or anything that could possibly be
construed as a folding marker.
I'm pretty sure that this is because when I create the file with one
TextMate on my iMac, edit it while away on my Macbook, and then open
up the changed file again on my iMac later (all the syncing and such
has happened in the meantime), somehow the metadata hasn't come along
with it. So when I open the file, I have the data on one but the
saved folding info for the old version, still. So the top brace folds
to the line number of where the closing brace *used to be*.
Now, the way I use my iDisk (and the whole reason why I use it at all
instead of Strongspace) is that it keeps a local copy on both my
Macbook and my iMac, as well as on Apple's servers. So to TextMate,
my iDisk probably looks local, and looks like it supports the extended
attributes, but maybe that stuff is lost in transit through the
network iDIsk. Either a ._something file is being skipped, or
something is causing extended attributes to be lost.
Is anyone else familiar with this kind of folding weirdness? Can any
one think of a solution besides turning extended attributes off? (For
example, if it is indeed that extended attributes are being lost, is
there a way to just force TextMate to always use ._something files?
Presumably, this would sync fine.)