I am wondering if anyone has developed something to support named bookmarks,
e.g. within a project context.
I found Haris' blog post on a way to support global bookmarking:
Thanks-- that is a useful start! The HTML/link interface works well. I was
thinking of messing with it further to support naming the bookmarks that are
written to the file, and maybe associating them with a project name.
(However, since I've not used Ruby and am SUPPOSED to be writing a paper at
the moment it might be a while until I get to it.)
Has anyone else done something like this already? Apologies if I missed it,
nothing was obvious in the bundle list etc.
On 1/25/07, Sean Schertell <sean(a)datafly.net> wrote:
> Another great version control system is Mercurial (also called "hg").
> It's also similar to CVS, SVN but lighter-weight and arguably more
> reliable.
> The OpenSolaris project and many other major projects have switched
> over to Mercurial full-time so it's not really a totally left-field
> system, and it's gaining traction fast.
> Definitely worth a look:
> http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/
> There's even a TM bundle for it :-)
> Sean
Yes, Mercurial is definitely worth a look.
One of its advantage over CVS or svn is that it is a distributed
system, that means you can work and commit locally before pushing to
the remote repository. It's easier to use locally too, as the
repository and the working copy are in the same place, you can have
everything in one folder.
After installing Mercurial and the bundle, open a folder in TM, hit
ctrl + shift + M and choose "init" then "AddRemove" to add all the
files (eventually create a .hgignore file before to exclude some
files) then "commit" and BOOM ;), your folder is under revision
I made the Mercurial bundle as it is now. I plan to work more on it
when I have the time, but I think it's already really usable now.
Please, give me feedback if you use it. I plan to make a
tutorial/screencast about it one day too.
I'm trying to write a macro or command (not sure which will be
better) for doing a word count on LaTeX documents. The basic task is
simple enough: I want to run the command "ps2ascii [file.pdf] | wc"
on file.tex (where file.tex is the current file I'm working on) (I've
tested ps2ascii and it works fine for the types of documents I'll be
However, I also want to strip the footnotes from my word count. To
do so, I've defined the footnotes with a custom command that I can
redefine as empty:
% \renewcommand{\fn}[1]{}
So, the whole task I need to do is:
1) Uncomment the \renewcommand line
2) Re-run LaTex
3) Run ps2ascii | wc on the generated .pdf
4) Display the output of that command as a ToolTip
5) Re-comment the \renewcommand line (so the file is back in its
original state)
Unfortunately, I don't know how to string these things together, nor
how to get the argument for the ps2ascii command from the current
filename variable TM_FILENAME (i.e., how to substitute .pdf
for .tex). I can add unique comments to the end of the \renewcommand
line so it can be picked out by a regex search, if that helps.
Suggestions? I'm also open to other ideas for getting the same end
result, if there's an easier way.
Colin Hahn
»Geben Sie mir Kaffee, dann mache ich Phänomenologie daraus.«
"Give me my coffee so that I can make phenomenology out of it." --
Edmund Husserl
While writing a latex document using the array package, I noticed that
the line
confuses TextMate into displaying all following lines as if they were in
math mode.
Any chance there's an easy fix?
Hello all,
I am trying to find information in regards of how to copy and paste text in
a new line, for example:
before snippet:
after snippet:
theText = myText
currently I am able to create a snippet that will copy the selected word and
create a new line like this:
but of course this replaces the selected text so I did the following
and this works great if there is only one line of text but lets say I need
to select a certain word in the middle of a pharragraph then i get the
before snippet:
first word theText second word
after snippet:
first word theText theText = theText second word
as you can tell the snippet inserts the comman din the middle of the
sentence, is there a way to avoid that?
Attached is jpg of what Markdown looks like in Preview
(markdown1.jpg) and what the same file looks like in Print Preview
Excuse my ignorance.
Why does the Print Preview change the Markdown Preview fonts? I
prefer the markdown Preview look.
Is there a way to have the Print Preview print exactly what is viewed
in the the Markdown Preview?
Thank you.
Can anyone advise on how best to do interprocess communication with
I'd like to be able to write a script (or whatever) that will tell
TextMate to select a particular line in the front most document.
AppleScript would be the perfect fit here, but I get the feeling this
isn't possible with TextMate's current scriptability. Am I wrong?
Any other ideas on how to achieve this effect?
Todd Ditchendorf
Scandalous Software - Mac XML Developer Tools
> Yeah, that's because folding patterns aren't currently
> sophisticated enough to
> allow folding for markdown lists, sections (between headings),
> quotations, etc.
> Hopefully this will be different in TextMate 2.0. We'll have to
> see how Allan
> decides to make folding work. If it's based on scope, I hope we'll
> be able to
> fold all of the above.
> If you want to have some other folding mechanism, you could make
> the folding
> pattern more complicated, but it would require mirrored beginning
> and ending
> markers of some sort.
Would it be possible to set it up so that two returns mark the end of
a section to be folded? I ask be cause I'm in the habit of using two
returns anyway to visually signal the end of a heading and if it were
possible to set this up via the Bundle editor, my life would be good.
# Heading
Some text here.
* Maybe a list.
More text here.
# Another Heading.
Hello everybody,
I just wanted to share this experience, to find out if someone else
can report this TextMate behaviour.
In a LateX-document I want to write the following
what comes out 90% of the time is something like this:
At first I thought I just cannot control what my fingers are doing,
but having tried out \emph{de}
while watching on my fingers (getting \emph{ed}) I thought it might
be something related to
TextMate or my setup.
This is what I type:
cmd-i, d,e
This is what I use:
pbook 12" 1GHz
Mac OS X 10.4.8
TextMate Version 1.5.4 (1349)
Can someone report similar behaviour?
Can someone help?
Christoph Biela