i've managed to screw up some of the default text-mate bundles.
is there an easy way to revert to the default shipping items?
the blog implies that diffs from the defaults are kept in a specific
place, and removing these would revert. but that didnt seem to be the
case for me...
David "DC" Collier
+81 (0)80 6521 9559
skype: callto://d3ntaku
Pikkle 株式会社
i had to remove the OS-X included broken version of Ruby, and now get
this error message when using certain commands like comment out block
in textmate :
env: ruby: No such file or directory
so i assume TM is piping the text thru a ruby script to do these operations.
so, how do i tell textmate where to look for Ruby?
all systems are go in the shell ::
dc@bb > which ruby
dc@bb > ruby --version
ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i686-darwin8.6.2]
for now i did a hack to symlink from the apple default location ( usr/bin )
to where i have ruby185 installed, but this doesnt seem optimal:
dc@bb /usr/bin > sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ruby ruby
I do have a .bash_login
which textmate -should- source to create a shell environment before
any scripts are run?
>> Instead TextMate runs a custom script (named bash_init.sh located
in $TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib) before executing the actual shell command(s).
This custom script contains the following code: <<
thanks for any tips.
David "DC" Collier
+81 (0)80 6521 9559
skype: callto://d3ntaku
Pikkle 株式会社
Is anyone interested in a language grammar for the DOT language?
I have created a decent starting point and am looking for suggestions
as to what is lacking so far.
Elio Grieco
Here's what I want to do:
- select a function name
- hit hotkey to jump to the next place that selected piece of text is
the way I have to do it now is
1. select text
2. cmd+e
3. cmd+g
I just want steps 2 and 3 to become a single step. I was just hoping
I missed the hotkey somewhere.
Hi there
I hope someone can help me out.
I wanted to use TextMate for blogging to my Weblogs. One that is important
for me, since i am an artist, is that i can post to MySpace easily. How can
i achieve this?
Thanks for your help!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Blogging-to-MySpace-tf3121719.html#a8649255
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have released a combination of TextMate commands and a Wordpress
plugin for Wordpress 2.1 that allows for better handling of tags when
blogging from TextMate. [1]
The plugin, UTW-RPC, overrides a few functions in the xmlrpc.php
file, implementing Robin Lu’s hack[2] for Ecto and Ultimate Tag
Warrior. This automatically will make the Keywords header function
with TextMate and allow the Keywords: field to insert and display
Ultimate Tag Warrior tags from posts. (It will also provide the same
functionality for all other blogging clients that recognize the
mt_keywords header).
The plugin also adds a hook, metaweblog.getTags, that the TextMate
commands use to retrieve the tags from your blog and provide various
functions with. The commands are rudimentary at this point and are
provided as proof of concept. I could use some serious help with
implementing a fuzzy search on the autotag command.
Hi all. I'm trying to set a $TM_ variable in new template to get the
project name (without filepath and extension) but I cannot find a way
to do so. I searched through many messages in this list but I cannot
find any answer to my question.
Setting ${TM_PROJECT_FILEPATH} in the template file configurator,
creating the new template it will output:
Instead of:
how can I get only the filename without extension?
Anybody? Many thanks in advance.
…when I can’t post to the list anymore.
Messages kept bouncing the past days (took them about three days,
either). Forced me to resubscribe. So consider this a “test” and
apologies for it.
Please ignore this mail. I’m having trouble posting to the list from
this email address. Hope this is resolved now. If not, you won’t even
see this, so why are you complaining, anyway? ;)