
  • 10171 discussions

by Noel Rappin
17 years, 12 months

Customized syntax coloring via Scope Selectors
by Jon Ippolito
17 years, 12 months

Kernel panic after upgrade to latest TextMate Version
by Nicolas Schmidt
17 years, 12 months

(no subject)
by Ethan H. Darling
17 years, 12 months

finding path of current file...
by dc
17 years, 12 months

The Growing Importance of Themes
by subtleGradient / Thomas Aylott
17 years, 12 months

Autotag updated
by Brett Terpstra
17 years, 12 months

Patch: Documentation in JavaScript
by Dave Grijalva
17 years, 12 months

diff bundle broken? seems to fail on multi-file-diff
by m.zeckinger
17 years, 12 months

tm_dialog Problems
by Thomas Bohn
17 years, 12 months
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