Hello all,
If you have a chance, it's a fun read and great responses from Allan.
In my opinion, Erik is just upset that he did not get a free license
from Allan. :)
When working on a LaTeX document, folding is
a superior way of focusing on a part of the document,
much better than splitting the document into
pieces and \include'ing them. So I use it a lot.
But when I unfold a section of my paper to
edit it, only the first level is unfolded; inside it.
the nested levels remain folded. I understand this
is exactly how it is supposed to work, but I feel
for LaTeX it would be much better to have the
possibility to unfold a section completely, down
to the deepest level, with only one keypress.
I have a much better view of the section I'm
working on if nothing is hidden (it's different
from coding I guess).
Is there a way to achieve this with the present
folding system?
Hi guys,
I'm trying to build a template which will consist of an HTML file and
a CSS file (eventually a number of CSS files in a separate directory)
but I'm having a few problems. I tried duplicating the Objective-C
singleton template and essentially copied and pasted the code with a
few changes. This is what my template code looks like now:
export TM_YEAR=`date +%Y`
export TM_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
export TM_USERNAME=`niutil -readprop / /users/\$USER realname`
if [[ ! (-f $TM_NEW_FILE || -f $TM_HEADER) ]]; then
perl -pe 's/\$\{([^}]*)\}/$ENV{$1}/g' <html_in.html >"$TM_NEW_FILE"
perl -pe 's/\$\{([^}]*)\}/$ENV{$1}/g' <css_in.css >"$TM_HEADER"
This creates the HTML file but not the CSS file. Or at least it
didn't until I reloaded the bundles and discovered "untitled.css" had
appeared in the template file list alongside html_in.html and
css_in.css. Very odd! I did some more reading and found a post in the
mailing list archives (http://article.gmane.org/
which Allan mentioned I need to edit an info.plist file.
Unfortunately I've not been able to find this file anywhere. Could
anyone suggest where it might be and what I need to edit?
Eventually I want to build a template which looks like
Would this be possible and if so, any pointers on how I might go
about it?
I'm trying to fetch a post from a blog and receiving the message that
my dialog tool is at v8 while my plug in is at v5 - anyway to remedy
this problem without having to use svn?
This morning I posted a message using the Blogging bundle to a Typo
blog hosted on my desktop machine. The headers in the initial post
were pretty minimal: Title, Blog, and Format. As usual, when the
posting completed, the document was updated with several new header
fields. The Date field came back as
-4713-12-31 18:00:00 -0600
which is, pretty clearly, not today's date. At first, I didn't notice
this, and when I edited the message and tried to repost it I got an
error message:
Error: Internal server error (exception raised)(2)
Fixing the date to a valid value solved the problem, but I'm
surprised that an invalid date was produced in the first place. I've
posted only a few messages to this blog with the Blogging bundle, but
have never had this problem before. Any ideas on where it comes from?
My version of TM is 1.5.4 (1349); Typo is version 4.0.3. I can't find
a version number for the Blogging bundle, but Blogging.tmbundle has a
modified date of November 21, 2006.
Dr. Drang
When you edit bundle Commands/Macros/etc you have a final
trigger. Why not to add:
Close File should always Discard the Output and
Open File should always have None Input
but I find no other problems.
Sorry if I am posting an out of topic, but this problems raised to
me when hooking the save process to hold a saved file history stack:
------------- Command, Cmd-S (pre: SaveFile)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
H = "/Users/me/.TM_LastFiles"
files = []
files << last
if FileTest.exist?(H)
IO.readlines(H).each {|l|
if l != last
files << l
f = File.new(H, "w")
files.each {|l|
f.puts l
puts files
Why it always ignores the "if" and adds always the current file to
the files array??
Sorry for the text dump but I received this error after trying to run
a few lines of ruby. I'm fairly new to *nix which I think might be
related. Anywho, this is what I got:
RubyMate r6189 running Ruby r1.8.2 (/usr/bin/ruby)
>>> ruby.rb
`filter_stdout': undefined method `test_script?' for nil:NilClass
(NoMethodError) from /Users/josevillalobos/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb:70:in `emit_html' from
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb:64:in `each' from
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/scriptmate.rb:64:in `emit_html' from
I tried running a simple puts, too and got this.
The "folding away ugly docstrings" makes me wonder, would it be
possible wire up a command that folds elements in the document based
on their scope?
It's a bit different than folding on their nesting level, but I think
can be pretty handy. Especially for things like (ugly) docstrings :-)
Consider it a future feature request if it can't currently be done.
Hi everyone... I catalog my external media using the 'tree' command
and this generates a file such as the one attached.
Does anyone know of a bundle developed to allow folding for this?