Anybody here interested in blogging to WordPress using TextMate and a
GUI (rather than the blogging bundle)?
I've got an alpha-quality TM plugin called BlogMate worked up... and
could use some testers.
The BlogMate plugin is kinda like MarsEdit -- only as a floating
palette for TextMate. (Window -> Show BlogMate Palette)
Much like MarsEdit, you can set up multiple blogs and create and edit
posts. Unlike MarsEdit, its feature set is quite limited at the
moment. But you can manage post categories and published/private
status already.
For now the plugin uses the MetaWeblog API to talk to your blog.
Theoretically, this should work with any metaweblog-capable blog, but
I've only tried it with Wordpress (cuz that's what I use). I have
absolutely no idea what other blog types use metaweblog... i didn't
even know what metaweblog was until thursday when i started this
Once it's solid enough for release, I'll do a public beta (hopefully
very soon... i'm very impatient). After that, the plugin will
continue to be free as in beer.
Anyhow... if you're interested, respond in one way or another.
Todd Ditchendorf
Scandalous Software - Mac XML Tools
The code is within an @implementation/@end.
^q works fine for a method signature, but it's still doing normal
paragraph fill inside the call itself.
if I put the caret inside the brackets, and check scope I get:
The method call command seems to be bound to meta.bracketed.objc,
which I assume is part of the problem, but I'm not sure how to
Oh, I'm running cutting edge 1368, although I'm starting to wonder if
my setup has gotten a little messed up -- I'm also having trouble with
the new opt-escape completion.
On 3/11/07, Allan Odgaard <throw-away-1(a)> wrote:
> Please reply to the mailing list!
> Anyway, if I press ⌃Q inside the brackets, e.g. with caret on
> 'addObserver' I get:
> - (void)startObservingPerson:(Person *)person
> {
> [person addObserver:self
> forKeyPath:@"personName"
> options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld
> context:NULL];
> [person addObserver:self
> forKeyPath:@"expectedRaise"
> options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld
> context:NULL];
> }
> If I press it on the method signature, it will do a normal paragraph
> reflow *unless* I add @implementation/@end, because without that, TM
> will not see it as an Objective-C method implementation.
> On 11. Mar 2007, at 14:20, Noel Rappin wrote:
> > Yep. Here's the before -- it's an example from Aaron Hillegass' book:
> >
> > - (void)startObservingPerson:(Person *)person
> > {
> > [person addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"personName"
> > options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:NULL];
> >
> > [person addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"expectedRaise"
> > options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:NULL];
> > }
> >
> > And after a ^q within the second method call:
> >
> > - (void)startObservingPerson:(Person *)person { [person
> > addObserver:self
> > forKeyPath:@"personName" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld
> > context:NULL];
> > -
> > - [person addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"expectedRaise"
> > options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:NULL]; }
> >
> > For what it's worth, I occasionally see the same odd behavior of
> > repeating the first character of the first line from ^q on paragraphs
> > in Markdown.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Noel
> >
> > On 3/11/07, Allan Odgaard <throw-away-1(a)> wrote:
> >> On 11. Mar 2007, at 04:53, Noel Rappin wrote:
> >>
> >> > This is quite possibly a very stupid question.
> >> >
> >> > I can see how to use ^q to format a method signature in the
> >> objective
> >> > C bundle, but if I try and do the same thing on a method _call_,
> >> I get
> >> > an ugly mess. I think I'm not pressing ^q in the right scope to
> >> > trigger the method call snippet, but I can't figure out what I'm
> >> doing
> >> > wrong. Help?
> >>
> >> Can you paste a before/after code example?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Noel Rappin
> > noelrappin(a)
> >
Noel Rappin
I made a HTML snippet that takes a list such as:
and turns it into:
<ol id="navbar">
<li class="home"><a href="home.php" title="Go to the Home
<li class="info"><a href="info.php" title="Go to the Info
<li class="contact"><a href="contact.php" title="Go to the
Contact page">Contact</a></li>
That's what I got so far:
<ol id="navbar">
${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/.+/ <li class="\L$0"><a href="$0\E.php"
title="Go to the $0 page">$0<\/a><\/li>/g}
My problem is if one of the menu item is more than one word, I'd like
to replace the space in the name with an underscore in the URI.
Anyone's got the code for that?
Hi all,
As I mentioned in an earlier post, one of the ways I am using
TextMate is to manage FileMaker Pro development projects. TextMate
will open the external files, but does not seem to be aware of
changes made externally to those files when issuing a Commit or
Status via the Subversion Bundle. svnX and RapidSVN both notice the
changes and commit the modified files. Is there something I need to
do to enable this functionality in TextMate? I am using SVN version
Don Levan
This is quite possibly a very stupid question.
I can see how to use ^q to format a method signature in the objective
C bundle, but if I try and do the same thing on a method _call_, I get
an ugly mess. I think I'm not pressing ^q in the right scope to
trigger the method call snippet, but I can't figure out what I'm doing
wrong. Help?
Noel Rappin
Hello all,
I'm not sure if this is possible in TextMate, so I thought I'd ask.
In any given project, I'm working with lots of different languages:
HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, Java, etc. I find that when I have all of
these files open at the same time (in a project window), I'll set the
language for the file I'm currently working on in the bottom language
bar, and then when I switch to a different file TextMate just stays
in that language I was working in, even though the new file is
actually a different language! This happens even if I go through each
file and set its language manually before switching between them. Is
there something I'm missing? If not, I would absolutely love to see
this in 2.0!
Thanks in advance,
Michael Jackson
CFAC Web Development
Brigham Young University
Email: mjijackson(a)
Hello folks,
Running Textmate Version 1.5.5 (1368), Auto-Completion does not work
in Rails projects (option-escape), it works great in Ruby scripts, but
not Rails. May someone please help me find the problem?
Best regards,
- Dunnil
I'd like to have non-breaking space* rendered in a visible way, but having
tabs and line breaks remain invisible.
I've somewhat achieved that by adding new rule to the language bundle and
setting background color for that scope, but it gives big block and I'd
like to have a dot instead. Is there any rule in language bundles that can
visually replace one character with another, or can I change list of shown
* known as , but I'm talking about the actual character, not entity.
regards, porneL
About the linking commands: I modified the template slightly, taking
the original input and using it where the title was before, and
moving the title into an attribute. Other than that, I think the
plan looks great.
This bundle includes the reworked pref files and a yahoo experiment.
The experiment loads up a pop up list of 10 results from a category
(web, video, news) and links to the item you select. It just gives
you a little more flexibility than lucky linking. However, Google's
policies do not allow for this kind of thing with their search
engine, so I had to work with Yahoo to try it out. It uses Yahoo's
API and does no scraping.