Not sure who to address this to, but I have a few suggestions about
how the MTASC compile works in the ActionScript bundle. The new MTASC
addition is really great, way better than the one I built for myself,
but I do have a few suggestions to make.
The mtasc.yaml support file should allow for a tad bit more flexibility:
- The option to not use XTrace, a lot of Mac Flash developers use
Console and the debug Flash player for this. Right now it seems if no
trace is defined it uses XTrace; so there is no way to fall back on
the Flash default. Also removing the XTrace class paths if not using
- The option to easily add additional MTASC arguments in the yaml; for
example '- strict'.
- The option to NOT include the 'std' and the 'std8' classes.
- '- keep' should not be called by default if a SWF is present. This
could cause some classes to be present two times if also compiled with
MTASC. I would suggest allowing the user to add this command in the
additional MTASC arguments variable I mentioned above.
My apologizes if there is currently a way to do any of the above
without editing the 'build_with_mtasc.rb'. I would be glad to make the
changes myself...
Thanks for your time.
Aaron Clinger
This is an updated version of the Yahoo bundle, renamed and packaged
to include the two Wikipedia commands revised to use link builder
templates. I revised the templates one more time to allow for
insertion as snippets with just the title being set up for immediate
editing. I changed all of the bundled commands to Insert as Snippet.
I included the simplest version of my modified google lucky linking
command that grabs the title of the retrieved link, I can't remember
how you guys felt about that, so do what you will with it.
I also modified the Yahoo commands to use the DIALOG environment
variable. I've been using them lately and I have to admit, they're
slicker than I thought they'd be.
My most useful (to me) blog linking commands require my related post
xmlrpc Wordpress plugin, but if there's any interest, they allow for
searching of your posts by selected text or input box, linking
selected text to related posts on your blog, etc. Those commands
haven't been updated for the link builder yet, but will be if it's
added to the default distro.
Forgive this really bone-headed question, but when I go to save a
collection of files as a project -- and I have created them within
the project using CMD + Shift + N -- both a project file is saved as
well as the individual files. In other words, the individual files
appear in the finder. Now, if the groupings were also being saved as
folders/directories, it might be okay -- this is what happens when
drags a collection of folders and files to Textmate. I thought the
save as project feature produced a package of some kind? I don't see
a preference I could have changed, so I'm wondering what's going on.
Hey everyperson, I just noticed that the change Allan made isn't quite
accurate to the syntax of =begin and =end. Ruby only checks that the
start of the line matches; any characters after the 'n' in =begin are
considered part of the embedded document, and anything after =end is
considered Ruby code. Thus, it should be "^=begin" and "^=end".
Simion Ruderich wrote:
> Allan Odgaard wrote:
> > Sorry, this wasn't clear from my message, but I did not checkin this
> > change, I just tested that it would work -- I wasn't sure if folding on
> > these keywords would generally be good.
> >
> > Here is the patch for the change I did, I may check it in later:
> I noticed you committed the change to the repository.
> Thanks for this,
> Simon
As some developer ;) told me i can improve the BB-Bundle by myself. I have
done that!
How can i contribute now?
The way it is mentioned on this page:
doesnt work.
When i am svn co it copies me the Bundle to the Library but when i
double-click it TextMate opens with the Project View and in the sidebar i
have the folders "Snippets" "Commands" and so on o_O
What's wrong there?
Here are my improvements (so far):
1. Wrap selection as Link vBulleting & phpBB - takes the adress from the
pasteboard and places it where it should be. (Taken from the HTML or
Markdown Bundle don't know exactly anymore)
2. Wrap selection as Code Block
3. Wrap selection as Quote - takes the whole text from pasteboard and
inserts it. It asks to enter the quoted Username, too.
4. Indent > - lets you make an indented text (don't know if that works in
phpBB - not tested yet)
5. Strikout - erm strikes the text out
1. Outdent < - i haven't figured out yet how to find last occurence of
[INDENT] within some indents, delete it, let the text untouched and delete
the next [/INDENT]. I was thinking about using some kind of regular
expression, but since a i didn't know of RegEx before 3 weeks or so i am
very new to this. ;)
2. Integrate "strikeout" to the bundle language.
View this message in context:…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at
I just gave TextMate a try...
I'm sorry to say it was simply awful, which brings me up against the
troubling paradox of TextMate's growing popularity. This is truly a
big conundrum for me, one that I'd love to figure out...
The first thing I learn about working with TextMate is that to open a
file I need to use a GUI. This is a bad start. I, and all other
programmers I know, hate to use the mouse while coding, so I must
conclude that TM's developers just do not know their target market. A
very bad sign indeed. (Yes, I know that one can navigate a GUI with
the keyboard, but it is awkward at best, not the kind of action I want
to perform often.)
Fine, let's use the mouse. I open an HTML file and a JavaScript file.
Now I have TWO windows open. Good grief... Let's see, in my typical
coding session I work on at least a dozen buffers at any one time. So
I suppose that, if I were using TextMate as my text editor, I'd have
to wade through at least a dozen windows cluttering my desktop...
Strike 2.
In the first 60 seconds or so, TextMate has already managed to look
pretty darn awful to me, but I continue on the optimistic assumption
that all the flaws I have found so far (which are deal breakers AFAIC)
can be "customized away". (If so my only remaining misgiving would be
regarding the supreme lack of customer awareness responsible for not
having these hypothetical customizations as standard-out-of-the-box in
the first place.)
But what followed is simply inexcusable.
I visit the JavaScript file and start using F1 to fold blocks of code.
The third or fourth one of these F1s results in a beep (and no
folding of the block), but no error message is visible anywhere, nor
is any other indication of what TextMate is having a problem with.
Signalling an error without telling the user what the error is is an
example ATROCIOUS software design. Revoke the developers' licenses,
and put them all in jail for software engineering malpractice...
Seriously now, by this point I was already truly astonished that I
ever even heard of TextMate to begin with.
After scanning the menus and the preferences and finding no clue on
why the beep, I decide to try TextMate Help under the Help menu. I
search for "beep" and get nothing; then I search for "error", and get
a few hits. When I visit one of them, there's a lot of stuff on the
page, nothing obviously devoted to errors, so I hit Cmd-F to search
for the word "error", and all I get is yet another beep. The same
thing happens when I visit other pages in the original results list.
What's going on here? Things have been bad enough so far that I'm
suspecting the unthinkable, I'm suspecting that maybe TextMate's HELP
pages are not accessible to Cmd-F. To test this hypothesis, I use
Cmd-F to search for a word that I can clearly see on the page in front
of me. Again, I get a beep. Whaddya know?
Please someone tell me how can it be that software like this is not
only for sale, but actually SELLING??? What did I miss?
I found the CMPluginContext bug, and a way to reproduce it.
in your project, have a few items already added, and ready to be
commited. Have a new item in your tree. Bring up the commit
window. Click add next to that file, and click the checkbox, type
your message in and hit enter. The commit will fail.
- Eric
I apologize for starting a new thread; my mailing list mail is
cleared pretty quickly. This is a continuation of a previous thread:
In any case, I have managed to get a screenshot of the issue taking
place with normal font settings (i.e. no italicization). Screenshot
(sorry for the nasty code :-D):
img144/5830/picture6eu8.png . This is actually three separate
screenshots composed. On the left is TM behaving normally with AA
off, the center is normal AA on behavior, and on the right is the
issue taking place.
Deleting the font cache + restart seemed to fix it, but I haven't
experimented enough to verify that that is what is actually fixing it.
Andy K.
Hi Foks,
Not sure if this goes to you all or not but Pymate is using the
wrong version of python when it runs my script. Basically I have a script
which looks like this
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Hi"
It fires python version 2.3.5.
If I open a shell and type /usr/bin/env python it brings up the version I
I have set TM_PYTHON to point to the version I want but still no luck. Any
Steven M. Klass
Strategic Manager, Design Automation - Analog Mixed Signal
3930 East Ray Road, Suite 200
Phoenix, Arizona 85044
(480) 704-7046 (Desk)
(480) 225-1112 (Mobile)