Okay, just a moment ago, before downloading the most recent update, I
opened a new project and had an interface that looked a lot like the
new version of Mail -- i.e., no drawer but a left pane. When I
clicked on "Install and Relaunch" and created a new project after
relaunch, I got back the drawer. (And I should note that I have never
been a fan of the drawer, so the the momentary new project interface
was good news to my eyes.) It's late in the night.
I was wondering if there is some way to preserve the lines I've
ticked with bookmark stars after the file is updated by subversion.
Right now, I find that a half-dozen or so lines I've marked are all
blown away after an svn up brings new code in from commits by my
coworkers (actually, there's also one new bookmark created, on the
last line). I can see that this is fairly tricky, since the bookmarks
would have to be bound to the content of the line, and not just to
the line number (though even having them stay put while code slid up
or down would be better than having them all vanish - maybe they
could go orange or something to suggest they weren't marking the same
code any more?). -T.
when I'm working with a project drawer and the file names are long, they get
compressed to something like Exam...er.js. It would be really helpful if
there was a way to quickly see the full filename. My suggestion is a
tooltip. I have instances where i have several files with the same few
beginning and end characters and I end up opening many of them to find the
correct one.
I absolutely love this CSS(plus) bundle. Only thing is that one of
it's defaults (the new deceleration) sort of disables the tab triggers
of the original CSS bundle that gives you snippets for things like
margin or border or background etc. It at least makes them hard to get
back to. I'll show you a very simple mod to make the tab triggers for
the original CSS bundle more usable from within this bundle's
The CSS(plus) bundle formats the new deceleration like this:
${1:property}: ${2:value};$0
Which is all well and good if you know all of the options for the
particular CSS property you are going to be working with (margin or
whatever) but what if you wanted to be able to type 'margin' and then
-> tab to see the snippets from the CSS bundle for margin? You'd have
to do some fancy multiple tabbing and back arrowing to get the cursor
out of snippet mode and back to normal so you could hit tab after you
typed margin on the first property spot. Then when that snippet fills
in you have to forward delete the remainder of what CSS(Plus) put in
for the value. It would end up looking like this
#ID {
margin: 20px;: value;
Fortunately with 1 small addition you can make the New Deceleration
snippet highlight the whole line when it's executed allowing you to
type say 'background' (replacing the highlighted selection) and then
hit tab -> showing you a list of values for the background property.
Then when you finish editing that hitting tab will display the next
line as originally intended but highlight it again so you may replace
it's selection and do the same.
To drill into each manually simply (like the original) requires only 1
more tab. It just depends on how well you know all your CSS properties
and values whether or not this would be more work or helpful.
The mod is here between the lines...
${1:${2:property}: ${3:value};$0}
Make sure you don't have a return after that last }. The cursor should
be blinking right after the } or you will get extra line feeds every
time this snippet executes which would make it not be a time saver
really at all...
Happy TextMating ;-)
> From: Alexander Deruwe <aderuwe(a)aqs-carcontrol.be>
> To: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
> Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 16:42:39 +0100
> Subject: Re: [TxMt] Repost - With Subject - TODO Bundle Problem
> On 07 Mar 2007, at 16:34, Don Levan wrote:
> > /tmp/temp_textmate.3HxVWN:21:in `require': No such file
> to load -- /
> > Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/plist
> (LoadError)
> > from /tmp/temp_textmate.3HxVWN:21
> I get the same error - same versions of TextMate and OSX.
> Alexander Deruwe
I fixed this by changing the line in the TODO command "Show TODO List":
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/plist"
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/osx/plist"
Seems the plist was moved in the update.
Hi, I'm on TM 1.5.5 (1368) and just recently, my fonts have become
all ugly. Here is an example of 10-pt non-AA Monaco: http://
img214.imageshack.us/img214/1407/picture1lm1.png . All other fonts
have the same issue, both with AA on and off. The fonts are just fine
in Terminal, with the exact same settings.
So far, I've tried:
• Deleting the com.macromates.textmate.plist preferences file.
• Checking for font corruption in Font Book
• Deleting Library/Caches and /Library/Caches in hopes of getting the
font caches (are they actually there?).
Any ideas?
Andy K.
Apologies for the ms with no subject - here is the ms again:
Whenever I try to execute the command Add Persistent Include from the
HTML bundle (using either the menu item or the Control-Commend-I
keystroke), I get the following text embedded in the file:
HTML.tmbundle/Support/tminclude.rb:313:in `include_command':
undefined method `request_file' for TextMate::Dialog:Class
from /tmp/temp_textmate.wx7fNU:3
I'm running TextMate 1.5.5 (1368) on Mac OS X 10.4.8 and ruby appears
to be installed as /usr/bin/ruby
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here ?
The lines around line 313 in the file tminclude.rb mentioned above are:
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/dialog.rb"
cstart = (@escape_open).rstrip + ' '
cend = (' ' + @escape_close).rstrip
Dialog.request_file do | file |
print <<-"EOT"
#{cstart}#tminclude "#{file}"#{cend}
#{cstart}end tminclude#{cend}
and the file dialog.rb does appear to exist in a lib subdirectory
with a request_file method but I don't have enough Ruby or textmate
knowledge to see where things have gone wrong or my use of Textmate
hasn't worked.
Phil Molyneux
This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs Email
Security System.
Whenever I try to execute the command Add Persistent Include from the
HTML bundle (using either the menu item or the Control-Commend-I
keystroke), I get the following text embedded in the file:
HTML.tmbundle/Support/tminclude.rb:313:in `include_command':
undefined method `request_file' for TextMate::Dialog:Class
from /tmp/temp_textmate.wx7fNU:3
I'm running TextMate 1.5.5 (1368) on Mac OS X 10.4.8 and ruby appears
to be installed as /usr/bin/ruby
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here ?
The lines around line 313 in the file tminclude.rb mentioned above are:
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/dialog.rb"
cstart = (@escape_open).rstrip + ' '
cend = (' ' + @escape_close).rstrip
Dialog.request_file do | file |
print <<-"EOT"
#{cstart}#tminclude "#{file}"#{cend}
#{cstart}end tminclude#{cend}
and the file dialog.rb does appear to exist in a lib subdirectory
with a request_file method but I don't have enough Ruby or textmate
knowledge to see where things have gone wrong or my use of Textmate
hasn't worked.
Phil Molyneux
This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs Email
Security System.
I'm a Textmate n00b, so maybe there is just something I have
misconfigured, but just in case it is a bug...
I noticed today that I wasn't seeing quotes correctly in comments at
my default settings. My default font is Monaco 12 pt. Anti-aliasing
is off. Inside of comments which are italicized, I noticed that I
don't see single quotes at all (just a space) and double quotes as
single quotes. This problem doesn't happen in the non-italicized code
text and goes away in italicized text if I boost the text size to 14
pt. It also goes away if I turn off the italics styling on comments.
So is there something I need to tweak to get quotes looking right in
the italicized text?
I checked TextEdit for comparison with antialiasing turned off in the
System Preferences for 12 pt and lower, and the quotes in Monaco are
normal there.
Because of the troll-thread and one of the mails in it, I just came
along an issue I more or less ignored most of the time.
Is it somehow possible to create right out of TextMate a project out
of a single file?
E.g. you open TM and create a new file with cmd+n or open a single
file. You end up with a file which isn't in a project. Can I now
directly create a project which includes that file?
I'm aware that I can save the file, create a new project and then
move the file into the project (e.g. by dragging the file's icon from
the title of the window with the file into the project-drawer of the
new project) but it would be better if I could directly create a new
project out of a new file, including that file.