Hi everybody,
I have been using Textmate together with PDFView on my powerbook w/
out any problems.
Recently I moved my account to Mac OS X Server. And it won't work
till then.
On the local machine I installed Latex/Textmate/PDFView.
A test with Texshop worked w/out any problems. But when I cmd-R in
Textmate no
preview is shown (the pdf is typesetted correctly, though).
TM_LATEX_VIEWER is set to PDFView, but nothing happens.
What do I need to do?
Christoph Biela
Looks like I answered my own question here. It seems that tidy
requires ALL PHP start tags to be <?php and not just a <?. Hummm,
bummer, but that's ok, I think I can live with that. Thanks and sorry
for the bother.
Newbie here, please excuse the apparent non-TextMate related
question. Has anyone seen a bundle or suggestions on using tidy (or
something) to convert old style HTML to newer transitional XHTML
without screwing up embedded PHP (or other) code? It seems that by
default tidy can really fowl up embedded PHP structures. I have a lot
of old PHP-based documents that I'd like to get somewhat brought up-
* Ron Patterson, Email: rpatter(a)asd20.org *
* Web Services, Phone: 719.234.1707 *
* Academy School District 20, FAX: 719.234.1706 *
* Web Site: http://www.asd20.org *
If I write (a perfectly valid HTML4):
<div id=foo>
TextMate highlights everything up to next quoted string as an ID
attribute. The fix for it is to set:
end = '(?<=''|")|(?!>)';
for tag-id-attribute in HTML's language definition.
There's even no scope for non-quoted attributes. I've managed to add it
using back-assertions (?<=[^=]) for attribute and (?<==) for scope of
uquoted string.
I'm not sure if these are proper solutions - does TM understand something
like 'adjacent scopes'?
regards, porneL
I'm new to TextMate, but after reading James Gray's book, I'm eager to
become a "power user"...
I installed the Perforce bundle (using the GetBundle bundle) and just
tried it for the first time. I selected Perforce->Diff With Base with
a file open that I've already ran `p4 edit` on in the command-line,
and I get:
Perforce client error:
Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
TCP connect to perforce failed.
perforce: host unknown.
I double-checked that $P4PORT is set properly, and I can run Perforce
fine from Terminal (and from BBEdit). Do I need to do something else
to setup the bundle? (Is there a way to find documentation for
bundles that I haven't found yet?)
I also noticed that all the key equivalents in the Perforce bundle are
"^$". Is this a sign of some kind of problem?
Hello. I'm sure the people that set this up have a better
understanding of things than I do, but I'm curious…
Why are all the functions listed in the "Completions" preferences and
listed in the functions.txt file that's used by the "Completions for
Word" command?
Couldn't the Completions preferences be changed to something like this:
{ completionCommand = 'cut -d % -f 1 "$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT"/
functions.txt | grep -i "^$TM_CURRENT_WORD"'; }
So the list of functions would only need to be maintained in one place?
FWIW, I tried the above, and `"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT"/functions.txt`
doesn't seem to be pointing the file. I got it to work by giving the
explicit complete path to the file, but that's obviously not what we
want stored in the preferences by default. Could it be that
TM_CURRENT_WORD is defined in the Preferences context, but
Rob McBroom
I didn't "switch" to Apple... my OS did.
>> Hi. I have the following TM snippet (scope = source.php, tab
>> trigger = eoq):
>> <<<EOQ
>> ${0}
>> EOQ;
>> My snippet works fine, except: the trailing EOQ needs to always be
>> placed at the beginning of a line. Currently, the trailing EOQ
>> winds up at the same indent position as the beginning "<<EOQ".
>> Does someone know of a way to move the caret to the beginning of a
>> line within a snippet? [...]
> You can have it inserted without the snippet being indented to the
> current level, the following trick works for tmSnippet files as
> well: http://lists.macromates.com/pipermail/textmate/2007-March/
> 018523.html
Thanks for the quick reply, Allan (and sorry for my replying
previously without a subject; I am new to the list and this was my
first posting).
I tried it, but I must not be putting the disableOutputAutoIndent key
in the correct place (I tried several). Below is the contents of my
snippet's plist file. Where would I place the
disableOutputAutoIndent key code below?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://
<plist version="1.0">
<string>EOQ (eoq)</string>
would it be possible to set a selection in the current document by
using a tmCommand?
('|' is indicating the caret position)
-This is a te|xt line.
I invoke a tmCommand which calculates the starting point of a
selection, and it sets the selection to e.g.
('[' and ']' indicate the selection)
-This [is a te]xt line.