I read on the blog-comments that someone has snippets for adding
technorati-tags to his blog-post.
I would really appreciate it if someone could send me those (and
maybe those could be added to the blogging-bundle?).
Does the Blogging bundle supports pinging to sites like Technorati?
Jammern für Anfänger: Niels K. (25) Jammerbacke -- auch für
professionelles Jammern zu haben
Hi there....
I'm new to the list, but have been keeping tabs on the progress of
the AS bundle
(and sometimes using either get bundle or svn, i dont get the changes
your blog posts mention... but thats another point)
I agree with Aaron regarding -main being optional... for a few reasons:
a. main sort of binds us to either ignoring some of the benefits of
library based movie clips or using _root
b. some of my clients, are small studios, designers and other small
teams.... some of them have decent actionscript skills some have
people on staff that can really rock it.... but forcing a swfmill -
mtasc - textmate workflow would simply not work or be more than a
little unjust...
I use textmate/mtasc/swfmill to improve MY life and workflow, it
saves me time, the strictness helps me debug and it doesnt crash, i
hate the flash IDE.
But months down the line or right before launch on a project I've
long since moved on from i hate clients calling me for small pitlling
changes pulling me off other projects to do small maintanence tasks,
or helpt them tweak a now completed project by nudging things here
and there when they or there staff are more than capable. I
externalize all content, but still things continually come up that
normally any number of them would be able to do themselves via the IDE.
Adding a call to my controller class in the flash, populating the
library and then compiling it once and never touching the IDE again,
works well for me, (i customized my rb file to not call main) this
allows my clients to then open the fla if they need to down the road,
make their changes and compiling with the ide where they feel more
comfortable. But as soon as i share it with someone who has a similar
workflow, and the main call loops ad-infinitum.
Ok, so i rant a bit, but sharing across workflows is enough reason to
make -main optional.... no?
Also is there any way to avoid needing to list our classes in the
main class? It feels like including code to force compile inside the
application really mucks things up in regards to separating build
instructions from the code itself... i guess thats an MTASC issue
more than an actionscript bundle issue, i tried using -pack to work
around this but then I got class redefinition errors on the main
Ahoy TextMateys…
I like the cocoa completion menu thing.
Open TextEdit. Type a few letters. Hit option-escape.
I want to make a tm_dialog nib that works exactly like that one does.
Does anyone know if that is at all possible?
I like the current dialog menu that we have with tm_dialog --menu.
But it's really not ideal for doing code completion.
What would need to happen is that while you're typing you can open up
the completion panel, but keep on typing.
Escape would banish the panel
Up and down would move the selection in the completion list
and insert the rest of what you're typing
and select it
right would banish the list and keep the currently selected completion
Is that at all doable?
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
When I got the latest TextMate update, I was happy to see that
incremental search is put in. That makes me very happy, since Ctrl-s
is imprinted in my Emacs-brain.
Getting into the incremental search works fine, but when I see
something I want to edit, how do I get out of the search mode without
using the mouse? Again, copying Emacs, I should just use a cursor
key, but instead it seems that I have to use the mouse button.
Anyone have another method that I missed?
Mike Hostetler
Does the Show Web Preview command in Textmate 1.5.5 (Build 1372) have
a problem displaying text sized in ems? For some reason, text set in
a style sheet at 0.8 ems doesn't display at the same size as when the
page is viewed in the latest versions of Safari, Firefox, Camino and
On a possibly related note: does TextMate use Webkit for Web Preview
and, if so, is it possible to have TextMate use a nightly WebKit
build instead of the version Safari is based on?
I've searched the archives and couldn't locate any other discussions
about this.
Hi there,
is there any way of populating a dropdown with a Hash/Array from Ruby,
using tm_dialog?
I'm using a custom Nib, but I don't have too much experience with
Interface Builder.
Dummy code:
categories = ["bar","baz"]
dialog = ENV['DIALOG']
plist = {
'title' => "Add your title",
'category' => categories # How do I use this here?
str = `#{e_sh dialog} "#{NIBS}/new_message.nib/" -m -p #{e_sh plist}`
Any hints will help :)
Also... is there any way of calling tm_dialog to load a custom Nib
using the Ruby wrapper in dialog.rb?
Thanks in advance!
Ale Muñoz
Thanks for yours answers,
I didn't know the Select Bundle Item function, and even fewer the key search.
So I've deleted the shortcut for the declaration "try/catch" and the wrapping
work in PHP section now.
PS : Yes, it is ⌃⇧W ;)
Hi there,
today, I was doing the next step in my investigation of why
TextMate's Blogging Bundle doesn't really work together with
Serendipity. This time, I was after the strange effect around the
Date header: Whenever that header is present in the document, it
causes s9y to set the creation date to the beginning of the epoch.
Aside the fact that it changes the creation date in s9y which is not
visible anywhere in the tool besides in the sorting order of entries,
which is a flaw in s9y (it's impossible to change the creation date
via s9y's interface except by... well creating the entry), this looks
like a bug in MovableType actually.
Don't ask. Read on.
dateCreated is supposed to be passed around as dateTime.iso8601 which
in turn is defined as <year><month><day>T<hour>:<minute>:<second>
(time in GMT). This is what s9y uses and this is what the rest of the
world uses.
Except MT, that is.
Even though I searched, I found no clear definition of how the date
must be formated. In one piece of their sample code, I found this
.. which is wrong (note the dashes in the date).
The blogging bundle defaults to the mt-mode and tries to recreate
this flawed format (parse_post in blogging.rb - I wonder what the
other T at the end does though) which in turn causes s9y to fail to
parse the date correctly and set the time stamp to 0 (which isn't
right thing to do, but I'll report that to their forum).
Manually setting TM_BLOG_MODE to s9y for example fixes the date
problem, but makes one lose comment-toggling-functionality (the ping
one currently isn't implemented on s9y's side, but I intend to change
that with an upcoming patch).
So I created the attached patch bb_s9ydate.diff, which adds a proper
s9y mode which basically means it makes blogging.rb use the default
date handling, but still provide the comment-toggling features.
In addition to attaching the patch, I've also uploaded it here:
Please consider merging this one too as that date-thing sucks in
particular when using TextMate to edit s9y blogs :-)
Now I'm off to bug the s9y people about the creation date-problem and
about the support for toggling pings via the RPC-Interface :p
Thanks for your patience with reading this novel here :-)
Just to say that those who are waiting for an actionscript 3 bundle, I
started one.
You can find more information on http://4d.ratubagus.net/ .
This bundle is just started, so many things will be added week by week ...
Since i'm new to textmate, even i read a lot on the mailing list , the
wiki, the book ...
i've still many things to learn and i'm open to suggestions .
Yeah I checked this. Still no luck. Take a look, see what you think.
On Apr 2, 2007, Thomas Aylott wrote:
> Make sure you call the preference as it is named on disk.
> Renaming a preference in the bundle editor doesn't actually change
> anything on disk.
> thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors