I'm running the cutting edge (1372) TextMate, with an unmodified Markdown
bundle, and the Links submenu in the bundle menu does not have any items; it
doesn't even open.
This is true regardless of the mode of the file I'm in, and regardless of
what (if anything) I have selected.
Is this a known regression?
Chris R.
Not to be taken literally, internally, or seriously.
I've noticed a little typo (i think) in the TODO bundle
It's in the CHANGED part.
It wasn't case sensitive and after a quick look i saw
{ :label => "CHANGED", :color => "#008000", :regexp => /CHANGED
[\s,:]+(\S.*)$/i },
the "i" was missing and the end of the regex
Maybe it was done on purpose .. then i didn't say anything
Regards J.
Hi all.
First post here. I am testing Textmate on our Macpro (Quad 2.66GHz, 4Gb) and
we have tried
to load a big file (~300Mb) without success. We got the "Out of memory"
message after a
few seconds. Is there a size limit for file sizes in textmate ?
I understand most users would not have to handle big files but sometimes
this happens here.
ItÂ’s tax season, make sure to follow these few simple tips
With Version 1.5.5 (1372) and recent svn bundle updates, suddenly
Objc-C syntax coloring has become very slow, sometimes lags like 2
seconds on a larger file. There never was any noticeable delay
previously with those same files. What changed?
I've tried to make the citation and bibliography commands detect
where your installation is, so that you shouldn't have to set any
environment variables for those any more. So once again, those brave
among you and with no paper deadlines, please remove any special PATH
specifications that you had made just for LaTeX TM (likely based on
previous recommendations by me), and let me know if the commands
still work for you, and if not then also where, to the best of your
knowledge, your tex binaries are. (Probably doing: "which kpsewhich"
from the terminal should give that to you.
Thank you all again for your patience in this transitive period.
Hellou all,
i'm just new to textmate and I want to make me own templates
for .pl, .fcgi etc. I just checkout Bundle from svn and I create these:
[milan@krachsna]-[/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles]# ls -
la Perl.tmbundle/Templates/Perl\ Script/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 4 milan admin - 136 Mar 31 10:10 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 milan admin - 136 Mar 31 10:09 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 milan admin - 117 Mar 31 10:10 index.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 milan admin - 660 Mar 31 10:10 info.plist
but no result in Menu->New from template->Perl the Perl is still missing
Can somebody help me how to do this.
thx a lot
Toth Milan
Hi there,
I'm fairly new to TextMate and this list has been quite helpful.
Hopefully we'll be receiving my copy of the TextMate book today.
Thanks James!
I do a fair amount of writing in both DokuWiki and WikkaWiki. The
DokuWiki bundle is quite handy but I would also like to use it as a
basis for a WikkaWiki (WikiEdit) bundle. There not major differences
but both syntaxes would be nice. I couldn't quite make out in the
manual the best way to go about this. I can make a copy of the bundle
package but then what?
Thanks in advance for any help,
* Ron Patterson, Email: rpatter(a)asd20.org *
* Web Services, Phone: 719.234.1707 *
* Academy School District 20, FAX: 719.234.1706 *
* Web Site: http://www.asd20.org *
I have been a long time emacs user and recently discovered TextMate.
One of the things I am missing is a "convenient" code navigation tool,
a la cscope (find from where a function is called, where the
definition of a function is, ...)
Maybe there is a built-in/standard way for doing such a thing in
TextMate, but didn't find it.
I just wrote the first version of a Cscope bundle that :
1. automatically builds a cscope index for files in a project
(including projects imported from Xcode) ;
2. allows to find from where a function is called (mapped to Ctrl-C)
3. allows to find where a function is defined (Ctrl-F)
Since I am very new to TextMate, I am sure I broke some conventions:
comments / ideas for enhancements are welcome.
You can download it from here:
On 3/29/07, Ollivier Robert <roberto+textmate(a)keltia.freenix.fr> wrote:
> That's what revision control is all about you know :)
> I do the same with RadiantCMS, ruby 1.9 and a bunch of other utilities. My
> VCS of choice is Mercurial (http://selenic.com/mercurial) but that should
> not matter much :)
Since you bring it up - what VCS are people using on OS X? Is there
anything that integrates nicely with TM?
I posted the following to MacResearch, with no luck, but I'm hoping
there are some Textmate users that might be able to help me:
Does anyone have any experience sending data to Igor Pro from python?
I'm looking for a way to interface python to Igor Pro. I am using
TextMate to write python code that writes a data file. I manually
open the file with Igor Pro, set up a plot and then, when I re-run
the python script to make a different data file, I want to send an
instruction from python to igor to reload a data file, and that way
Igor will automatically
replot a graph. Apparently one can control Igor Pro via applescript
(which I haven't learned yet), and there is a python package called
appscript (http://appscript.sourceforge.net/) that can mimic
applescript. So,
1) does anyone have a sample applescript that can tell Igor Pro to
load a data file?
2) does anyone have an "appscript" (http://
appscript.sourceforge.net/) that would achieve the same end?
Dept. of Physics
University of Southern Maine