Is there a way for me to take over the Standard ML bundle? I have
made some significant improvements.
On May 24, 2007, at 7:00 AM, textmate-request(a)
>> Is there anyone actively maintaining the Standard ML bundle?
> No -- for the records, you can =93svn log=94 the bundle to see what
> =20
> activity it has seen, and the =93info.plist=94 in the bundle shows
> who=92s=
> =20
> the maintainer (and his contact email).
> For the ML bundle it is Sune, but he only used it for a university =20
> project, so it never evolved beyond the initial grammar and a run =20
> command.
If I mark
my 2xG5 does a bell sound when switching to terminal (or other
application). It does not occur in my PowerBook G4...
It is a bit inconfortable but I now can't live with this option!!
Juan F.
Any idea how I can find out why ctrl+esc won't open anymore bundle
items menu anymore but does nothing (it's quite for a long time now
but today I got curious ;) ).
Searching for it in the "select bundle item"-menu didn't bring up any
TextMate shows the current line that contains the cursor by
highlighting the entire line. I like this because it makes finding the
cursor easy when I come back to a TextMate window.
But it gets short circuited by Find which highlights the found text,
but removes the "whole line highlight". Consequently, it takes more
effort to find where the selection/cursor jumped to upon finding text.
My request is that selecting text within a line would retain the
"whole line highlight".
Hi list!
Is there a way to open a textarea in textmate? Maybe with an extension
for Firefox? Cause I want to edit the textarea in a html-editor like
Textmate, editting HTML in a textarea drive me crazy.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Reinier Ladan
Digital Energy BV
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E: reinier(a)
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So I happened to notice that when I use the Shell Script bundles
"Open Terminal" that my project environment variables don't appear.
According to this tech note:
osascript (which is what the "Open Terminal" command uses to tell to open a window) passes its environment along, which
contains the project variables.
Is this a limitation of using "do script" instead of "do shell script"?
The only work around I can think of is to explicitly set the
environment variables inside the "do script" (possibly exporting all
the variables to a temporary file and then sourcing that file inside
the "do script"). That seems icky for a variety of reasons.
Dear All,
Is there anyway to "tie" actions in other applications to actions in
Textmate? For example, I'd like the opening of a new file in Textmate
(by the file menu or input manager) to also initiate my timer program
(through an applescript, probably).
Is this possible?
Zvi Biener
Thanks everybody.
It looks like for the time being I'll just make a bundle command to
start the timer, and have to launch it myself. If you develop
something for this, Cliff, do let me know!
> On May 23, 2007, at 1:57 PM, Brooks Seymore wrote:
>> Could this also be done through a Bundle Command, with the new
>> document created and the timer launched by running the command?
>> B.
> Yeah, you can trigger a Applescript when you run a bundle command
> or even include run it from the script used when creating a file
> from a template so creating a new file would start the timer, but
> then you wouldn't be able to log time if you were just editing
> existing files.
> I haven't had time to look into it for myself, but does anyone else
> know if you can just use launchd to watch a TextMate related file
> for changes, say, the TextMates preferences for example? If the
> file is modified you can assume you're working with TM & then start
> your timer? I know launchd can monitor paths, but I don't know if
> TM alters its prefs file on disk when its running or just when it
> shuts down or what. If so it'd maybe work to use launchd to watch
> the prefs file and run a script. The script could even maybe use
> defaults read com.macromates.textmate NSRecentDocumentRecords
> to examine what documents were last opened / saved and mess with
> your timer accordingly, though you'd have to translate them from
> alias references (or whatever the heck the prefs file stores) to
> paths somehow. Thats beyond me at the moment.
> I'm just tossing out ideas...
> - Cliff