Hey all,
I'm currently working on the beginnings of of RubyCocoa Bundle, and
trying to do something similar to the "Build and Run" script from the
XCode Bundle:
echo "<html><body>"
echo "</body></html>"
I've gotten to the point where I can run MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/
MyApp and get the output, but only after the program has terminated.
I know there's some way to get my traces to output while I'm running
the program, but not sure how. Any pointers? Thanks,
I'd like to do a series of things automatically
each time I save a modified file. E.g. change
the name of the file adding a timestamp to it,
etc. What is the simplest way? Probably to
create a command which does all the stuff, and
assign the shortcut CMD-S to it. I do not
like this idea, emacs' hook mechanism sounds
the right way to achieve this, but I could live with it.
Anyway: how can I say TextMate to save the
open (modified) file? I mean, from inside my
When writing an article, it happens that some symbols appear very
very often, so instead of type-writing them all every time, I'm used
to create snippets or commands o make things faster and easier.
But such snippets are not to be kept in a safe place for a later
usage. So I was wondering if there wasn't a way to create project
snippets, not stored in a particular bundle, but (e.g.) in the
project file, so every time a projec is open, the custom commands are
It would be like the Scope Selector, but concerning projects, sort of.
Xavier Cambar
PS: On the T-shirts debate, what about "Happy Mating"?
Is there a way to make it so that the sidebar for a project stays the
same size between invocations of TM?
Daniel Morrigan
"He who says it cannot be done is usually interrupting the one doing
it." - Chinese Proverb
I'm using TextMate for Ruby and Rails development. There is a feature/
behaviour that worked correctly, back in early days, but it doesn't
work now, since long. Here it goes:
I have a changelog.txt file in my Rails project, that describes
changes made in svn-commits. This file should be viewed as "Release
Notes" file-type (then it's properly colored etc.). But it is in
conflict with the Subversion-bundle (or Diff-bundle?), because
temporaty diff-files generated by TextMate (when using Subversion-
bundle) have now a .txt extension too, not .diff, as it used to have.
Now, when I'm manually switching the language from the popup-menu
(the one located at the bottom of the diff window) then next time I'm
viewing a changelog.txt, it's treated as "Plain Text", not as
"Release Notes" type of document. When I'm manually switching it to
the "Release Notes" then next time a diff is generated, it's
displayed as "Plain Text", not as "Diff".
I tried to look into the bundles, but I cannot find anything helpful.
Maybe the diffs should have a .diff file--extension? Maybe I have
something messed-up in my bundle-config?
Described behaviour is consistent on 2 machines (both PowerPC and
Any ideas? TIA.
Rafał Komorowski
GG: 4083718
Hi there,
I was just wondering if there was a way to know if a key combination
was assigned to a particular action.
Why: I would like to avoid as much as possible the use of the pop-up
showing the corresponding actions, and so, assign a unique action per
shortcut per scope.
Even if there is the "Show Keyboard Shortcuts" command, it could be
more useful to type in the shortcut you want to test, and you get as
the result a list of actions assigned to that shortcut.
Thanks in advance,
Xavier Cambar
I'm getting crazy,
have a command with a simple "cat file"
when output set to "Replace Document"
I get nothing but an empty file,
works fine when output set to "Show as HTML"
Thank you!
"Find in Project" is useful, but can be slow. I guess I've gotten
spoiled by Spotlight, Google Desktop, etc.
My request is that TextMate keep the contents of the project indexed
for speed. Also, results should come up as a I type. See, for example,
WingIDE which manages to do this.
I (and many others) use Mate with just typing
[term] mate /Dev/projectname
That gives you a TM window with the "project drawer".
But this isn't really a project since we have no .tmproj file.
Anyway, two questions
Is there a $TM_... path that can tell me the top-level directory for
the open window?
Reason I'm asking is that some bundles, (just tried the AS3 one)
depends on knowing the "root folder". They should just assume that we
wanna use the currently opened dir (if one).
Any alternative way of adding "tm shell variables" to a directory.
Like the ones in project.tmproj -> shellVariables -> ..
Hi, t-shirt lovers:
I love Monokai theme personally, but the theme has fewer elements
resulting in fewer colors. I know I can add and customize it easily,
but I'm not talented with picking colors and designing.
Can anybody have her or his own customized themes? Can we share yours?
Takaaki Kato