When I try to run a rake file that's not on the top
level of my project directories it refuses with this error:
RakeMate v2.0.0 running on Ruby v1.8.6 (/usr/local/bin/ruby)
>>> /Users/boysie/habitat/as/Rakefile
Could not locate a Rakefile in /Users/boysie/habitat/as.
my rake file is actually called rakefile.rb and is in /Users/boysie/
But I benefit from having access to the files outside of the project
subdirectory so
I made the project bigger than just the sprout project folder.
Anyway to get it to find the rake file properly?
As a recent adopter of Textmate I've had a great time improving
productivity. But, today I was asked to update and relaunch. Dutifully, I
closed my files and clicked yes. The program reopened and I opened my latex
document, updated some text and hit apple R to run latex. This is the error
I've received:
/bin/bash: line 80: latexErrWarnHtml.py: command not found Error: PDF file
not written to disk
Apologies, but I have no idea what's happened here. Can someone help me get
Latex back (okay the file, and everything else, still runs fine on Texshop,
but I don't want to go back to editing there)?
Thanks in advance
Dr. Ben Wooliscroft
Senior Lecturer and Marketing Department Masters of Commerce director
Marketing Department
University of Otago
PO Box 56
New Zealand
Ph. 64(3) 479 8445
Fax. 64(3) 479 8172
Hello. This is mostly unrelated, but I know you can all offer advice
on this matter.
I've been on this list for ten days, and since then I've received
~275 messages. The majority of them are unimportant to me, but some
of them are. I need to figure out how to filter incoming messages, soon.
What methods do you people use to sort TextMate mail?
-Jeremy S.
I have something like this:
select svc.post.id_post,
svc.post.post_name as post_name,
svc.post_zone.zone_name as zone_name,
from svc.post inner join svc.post_zone on svc.post.id_post_zone =
inner join svc.post_type on svc.post_type.id_post_type = svc.post.id_post_type
where svc.post.id_post = :id
And want to do something with that sql text if its sql (colorize or
Command-R it via SQLDeveloper etc.). But scope for that string is
"source.python ... string.quoted.double.block.python"
Is it possible to fine tune scope selector? Any advice?
I'm getting the message "interpreter failed: No such file or directory" when
I try to use bundle commands that are written in Ruby, including commenting,
HTML's "Convert selection to entities" and so on.
I've verified that /usr/bin/env and /usr/bin/ruby are functioning properly
outside of Textmate, and that the paths within the bundle scripts are
correct (mostly using /usr/bin/env ruby).
I've also tried adding a ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file with my PATH
information, but that doesn't seem to have any effect either (did make sure
to log out.
I also deleted the Textmate.app package and downloaded the latest version;
no joy.
Any other ideas on how to get this working again? It just stopped sometime
yesterday morning and it's driving me nuts!
Chris Yates
The Island Packet/The Beaufort Gazette
Minor question/request,
When working with templates or new files to have Textmate
automatically adjust the default file name used when hitting SAVE to
something other than "untitled"?
For example, if I create a BASH template, and one of my fields is the
file/program name, I wanted to be able to either:
1) hit "apple-s" and have Textmate pull a possible default filename
from the area/field I had defined.
2) select text; hit "apple-s"; and have the text selection become
the default filename
# Program: ${1:filename.sh} <---THIS IS WHAT IM TRYING TO AUTO-
# Version: ${2:0.1}
# Date: ${3:`date`}
# Author: ${4:John Doe (jdoe(a)email.com)
# Notes:
# $5
... <insert lots of code here> ...
Brian H
I had TextMate set up to download "Cutting edge" and it just
downloaded a new upgrade the other day. Before the download, I had
everything working just fine with TeXniscope, but after I installed
the upgrade, whenever I compile a LaTeX file in TextMate, it doesn't
open TeXniscope. TeXniscope does update the PDF file (or open it if
it's not already open) but it doesn't bring that file into focus like
it did before. Even if I type Cmd-Opt-Ctrl-O nothing happens. In
the typesetting dialog that comes up, there's a button that says
"Preferences" and I have the "Show pdf automatically" option enabled,
but it still doesn't bring TeXniscope into focus. Any ideas?
I would like in this snippet
remove the \t and instead use white space,
How to do that?
Regards Alain
Sorry if this is well-trod ground, but I couldn't find anything in
the archives...
I'd like to see TextMate automatically detect the presence of a
project file inside a folder which is being opened and use the
project file instead of making a fresh, unsaved project from the folder.
This is especially problematic when opening items from the command
line. If I cd into a parent directory and see a directory which I'd
like to open in TM, I must type "mate <dirname>" if there is no
project file available, but if there is a project file, I must type
"open <dirname>/<projname>". That is, I must use a different command
depending on whether a project file is present or not.
Furthermore, I must either remember whether I have created a project
for a given directory, or take the time to manually check for one via
ls. I'd much rather be able to take the same action every time and
let TextMate do the right thing.
Of course, the matter gets complicated if there is more than one
project file in a particular folder. Perhaps in that case TM can
prefer the one named to match the enclosing folder, ask the user, or
just fall back to existing behavior.
Does anybody have other thoughts on this?
Ahoy Allan.
I know you get bugged about this plenty, but…
Now that Leopard is going to be out on Friday, when do you think
you'll be releasing the first pre-alpha build of TextMate 2?
I think you've talked about tm2 stuff before, but I'm not sure if
there has ever been anything concrete mentioned about timing.
I made a quick wiki page where we can collect all TM2 info.
—Thomas Aylott – subtleGradient—