I've just started using TextMate and I'm hugely impressed by it. My
text editor requirements are not very sophisticated, I use it mostly
for HTML/CSS and for processing text from time to time from databases,
or transcripts of online meetings with chat clients, that kind of
thing. I'm sure that I will be using TextMate for my simple
AppleScript writing as well now in preference to Apple's rather basic
Script Editor.
I have been using BBEdit for ages and I feel it is a very fine text
editor indeed, however TextMate is a bit of genius.
Before I used BBEdit I used the Nisus Writer word processor for text
editing in the classic Mac OS. Although a word processor Nisus Writer
was a superb text editor and, like TextMate offered many truly unique
abilities. Nisus also made a text editor called QUED/M which predated
their word processor and had similar unique abilities of their word
One of the truly great things about Nisus Writer and QUED/M was the
non-contiguous text selection and the way in which Nisus had exploited
I think Nisus were the first with non-contiguous text selection but
today it is quite common-place. An obvious example is Apple's TextEdit
which will do non-contiguous text selection. If you are not familiar
with it then you can open an TextEdit document and put it in 'rich
text' mode if it is not already. Then put some text into it. Now you
can select non-contiguous words in that text using command-click. Now
that you have selected those words you can press command-B on your
keyboard and those words will turn bold.
I'm now going to describe how Nisus exploited non-contiguous text
selection and why it was so very useful.
If you imagine that you have some text which is intended for a web-
site. Within the text are various book titles and you wish to surround
these with the <em> tag. There is nothing at all about the words of
the book titles which is similar. Well with Nisus Writer you would
select the book titles non-contiguously, using command-click, then you
would get out the Find dialogue and put in the Find field:
In the Replace field:
(The & matching all of the Find field)
Then you invoke 'Replace in Selection' and each piece of non-
contiguously selected text is now surrounded by <em> tags.
In Nisus Writer you would turn that operation into a macro and now you
can apply the <em> tags to any non-contiguously selected text with
great ease.
Now it gets cleverer :)
In the example above the replaced text, the book titles surrounded by
<em> is still selected after the Find/Replace has been performed. This
means that further GREP Find/Replace can by performed using 'Replace
in Selection.
With a programme like BBEdit a search for multiple items in a file
will produce a browser identifying the search results. However with
Nisus Writer a search for multiple items in a file will leave them
selected non-contiguously in the file. This enables you to perform a
further search on those non-contiguous selections with 'Replace in
Selection' again.
To give an example.
I think it is nice to have smart quotes in the displayed text in a web-
site. To do this I have to use HTML entities. The actual text I have
contains 'stupid' quotes, however I can create a Find/Replace that
will look for the 'stupid' quotes and replace them with 'smart quote'
HTML entities depending on whether they come before or after words.
The problem is that there are many 'stupid' quotes in the HTML tags
for things like class="main".
What I need to do is to find the text between the HTML tags and then
replace the 'stupid' quotes in that with the smart quote HTML entities.
To do this in BBEdit I created an AppleScript which has a loop. It
finds the first instance of 'text between HTML tags' and then replaces
'stupid' quotes with smart quote HTML tags. Then it finds the next
instance of 'text between HTML tags' and so on...
To do that required me to create quite a clunking AppleScript.
However in Nisus Writer I could do it with two simple Find/Replace
operations. Because Nisus Writer had non-contiguous selection of
course. I could find all the instances of 'text between HTML tags' and
know that this was selected. Then I could use 'Replace in Selection'
to replace all the 'stupid' quotes with smart quote HTML entities. For
Nisus Writer this was an absolutely trivial matter.
So, the moral of my story is that in a text editor with GREP Find/
Replace having non-contiguous text selection brings a massive amount
of additional text editing power.
Is it possible to add the feature or even a plugin that makes TextMate
remember which directories I have expanded in the project drawer? I'd
like to be able to quit TextMate and be able to keep my project window
exactly as I had it the next time I launch the project.
if I press CTRL+SHIFT+A
I see all subversion commands:
Add to Repository
Remove From Repository
Update to Newest
View Revision...
Diff Revisions
Would it be possible to have the submenu titles instead of a line
'--------' in TM 2.0?
À la:
Add to Repository
Remove From Repository
Update to Newest
History and Info
View Revision...
Diff Revisions
 Show Available Revisions for Merging
Resolve Conflicts With FileMerge…
This already works for shortcuts of commands which are stored in
different bundles. And I do not know if one could add a new level in
the inline menu.
for some bundles I wrote I came across that it would be nice to have a
kind of a "init procedure" for bundles.
I'm thinking about to have a standard subfolder called "_INIT_" in a
bundle. If that subfolder exists all scripts inside of that subfolder
will be executed while installing that bundle (meaning double-click at
X.tmbundle, or "Reload Bundles", or TM starts). It should be added a
marker that indicates that the init procedure was done to avoid to
call these scripts more than once.
This init scripts should be execute inside of the bundle environment
(to e.g. interpret $TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT correctly).
This could be helpful for instance:
- to check dependencies of libs, files, versions of executables, OS
version etc. and give an alert if something mismatches
- to set up/build/unzip bundle specific files (useful to minimize the
bundle size while downloading)
- to install a specific environment used by the bundle's commands
(e.g. for the Rdaemon, it will install Rdaemon while installing the
- to ask the user if a file is missing to download it and to install it
I do not know if that request is specific to me. And I do not know
what kind of consequences will arise, esp. to check e.g. a text file
was changed inside of the bundle which is the source to built an index
Of course, it could also be a security issue.
Furthermore if these init scripts always will execute if TM starts it
could be used to check if an update is available for the given bundle.
Are there any comments on that?
I try to use the "Edit in Textmate" function in Mail but all I get is a
blank page. If I type something and save it, it would just add that piece of
text to the mail, where the cursor is.
Is this the default behaviour? I thought Textmate usually display the whole
The "Edit in Textmate" works in other application, I'm writing this post now
through Safari in Textmate.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/%22Edit-in-Textmate%22-not-working-for-Mail.app-tp180…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
A annoyance with the insert todo -macro and ruby is that if the cursor is
indended when using it it places the =begin and =end tags at the current
level. The problem is that ruby only regognizes them at the start of the
So this works:
if true
puts "foo"
But this doesn't work:
if true
puts "foo"
I haven't had the time to look at the insert-todo code too much so I can't
provide a patch, but the correct behaviour would be to make sure that
there is no whitespace before the comment block tags.
(IMO is rather silly of ruby that block comments can't have whitespace
before the =begin and =end tags...)
hello,i'm wondering if is any rule to select a text and drag it with the
mouse to another location. i'm asking this because it's not always working,
somoetimes it deselects few times till i succeed.
I'm a fresh user of TextMate, and I have a little problem. By default there
is something assigned to the Alt+Shift+S keys combination. This "something"
prints a message:
cat: /tmp/TextMate-ScratchSnippet.txt: No such file or directory
The problem is that this keys combination is also a combination for the
Polish letter "Åš", so it's difficult to write regular Polish text. Is there
a way to turn this shortcut off?
Thank You for help.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Shortcut-Alt%2BShift%2BS-conflict-tp18045393p18045393…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I would like to gather some suggestions for the following.
1) Don't want to go into that Latex thing.
2) Keep chapters in simple Text Format ( or markdown or Textile )
3) Project also contains a huge amount of reference files in txt and pdf
4) What's the best way to handle:
a) Index
b) footnotes
c) References
d) Appendixes etc.
Is it a good thing to keep the Book in one single file, or is it better
to use multiple files ?
Suggestions, links and resources welcome
regards, marios