I don't know what I did, or how I did it, but somehow TextMate places
the cursor, by default, out in the void, where there are no tabs,
spaces, or characters.
For example: I'm on line 1, column 80. Line 2 has 5 characters. I
press down. I'm on line 2, column 80. I type the letter 'a'. 74
spaces are inserted up to column 80, then the character 'a' is inserted.
How do I switch this behavior back, so that pressing down brings me to
the end of the line, but not out in the void?
sorry if this question will be asked again but I didn't find something
relevant in the mailing list.
Supposing I have a NIB with five buttons. One of them is a Cancel
button and all others are named 1 to 4.
I open that NIB asynchronously. Fine.
But now I want to write a script which listens at that NIB window to
get the button code which is pressed.
If the Cancel button is pressed I want to destroy that NIB window. Fine.
If one of the button 1 to 4 is pressed I want to execute a command
depending on what button is pressed but the NIB window should be kept
on the screen and waits for further input from the user.
Is this theoretically possible?
Thanks in advance,
I'm new to TextMate, mainly used it for LaTeX editing so far and very
much like it. I know it's not a new issue (http://lists.macromates.com/textmate/2007-October/022871.html
etc), but I am seriously missing any way to wrap my text -- I am
collaborating via svn with coauthors who are working on different
platforms (and some of them with all-too-basic editors) and hence,
having paragraphs in long lines is out of the question. As suggested
before, hard-wrapped paragraphs are certainly not the perfect
solution, but they work reasonably well with line-based diff tools
(and there is no way I can get my coauthors to use others).
It is not necessarily a question of automatic hard-wrapping. I would
be fine to ``manually'' do that only before committing a file. For now
it's opening it in Emacs and hitting C-c C-q C-e. Does it seem
feasible to extend the Control-Shift-H "Tidy" functionality of the
LaTeX bundle to include hard-wrapping at a user-specified point, maybe
along these lines: http://blog.macromates.com/2006/wrapping-text-with-regular-expressions/
? Would also be great if one was able to do that by paragraph (Emacs
Another thing is that I am using the harvard citation styles and it
feels a bit strange to have \cite{.} highlighted differently than
\citeasnoun{.} etc. Can anybody help me out on whether the list of
citation commands is adjustable and if so, how?
Many thanks and best wishes,
On 5 jul 2008, at 23.22, Gaby Vanhegan wrote:
> I know, I know, I should really be using flashlog.txt but I despise
> the Flash Debug Player with a passion.
> I've been fighting with a bunch of different flash loggers and so
> far the only one that I've made work is Xtrace; it connects but then
> logs:
> <policy-file-request/>
> And promptly disconnects. The debug output is printed over the
> flash movie which is better than nothing but hardly usable. I
> simply can't get it to log anything more, nor can I get it to send
> back a lax policy that will permit the logging. Zeroi just plain
> doesn't work with Xtrace, or at least I can't make it work. Xtrace
> was fantastic while it worked (in older versions of TM) but since it
> was upgraded a while back (and I am now running Leopard) it refuses
> to work. Ah, the joy of Flash security issues.
> Other than flashlog.txt, what are my other possible options for
> logging trace() calls when building AS2.0 apps in TextMate? What do
> you use? How did you make it work?
This isnt excatly what you asked for in regards to trace(), but ive
found http://code.google.com/p/flash-thunderbolt/ to work wonders, it
exists for both as2 and as3 projects. For as2 projects it requires
firebug http://getfirebug.com/ but if youre not using firefox you can
also use http://getfirebug.com/lite.html
does anyone know why I'm not able to do this on Mac OS 10.5.4 ppc with
git 1.5.6 in /usr/local/bin
git clone git://gitorious.org/git-tmbundle/mainline.git Git.tmbundle
Yesterday I did the same on my Tiger machine without problems.
But on my Leopard machine I always get:
Initialize Git.tmbundle/.git
Initialized empty Git repository in .../github/Git.tmbundle/.git/
gitorious.org[0:]: errno=Operation timed out
fatal: unable to connect a socket (Operation timed out)
My firewall is set to allow all incomings.
Any ideas?
I am new at TextMate and I program mostly in Fortran. Could anyone
please point me to a Fortran bundle and to instructions on how to
install it.
Daniel G. De La Torre Ugarte
> ... my idea was to combine LaTeX and Rdaemon. I wrote a new Language
> for LaTeX called "LaTeX Rdaemon". ...
> Are there any comments about my approach? What kind of side-effects
> could be expected?
I'm wondering what the best way would be to deal with tabular output?
Would you want to break out of verbatim and put it in a tabular
environment or just leave it as is?
I suppose you'd also have to break out of verbatim to print the figure.
> Would this be useful at all?
Definitely - I'd be keen to experiment with it when you're ready!
For a while, there was this great feature in RubyMate. When you select a
term in your script and press control-H, RubyMate would consult ri (or fri
or whatever it is) and, if there were multiple alternatives found, would
list them all in a little tooltip or popup menu beneath the mouse. So if you
said "gsub" you might see Kernel#gsub, String#gsub, and so on. This is a
menu so you could click an alternative and do a lookup of that in the help.
Very nice.
The thing is, though, that this feature has completely vanished as if I'd
only dreamt it. Does anyone know how I can get it back?
RubyMate's ri interface was really pretty good, because so much of it was
clickable links. The Terminal ri interface is very inconvenient because none
of it is clickable links, but that's pretty much what I'm stuck with now.
It's so disappointing that I'm thinking of writing my own ri interface app
for Mac OS X (stop me if there is one already). m.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a)tidbits.com, <http://www.tidbits.com/matt/>
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