Yesterday I installed the os x security update 2008-005.
Now the mate command takes a very long time to run.
For instance if I type "mate ." to open the current folder it can take
up to five minutes to complete the command. The length of time to open
the directory seems to be proportional to the number of files in the
If I use mate to open a single file it still takes 10-20 seconds.
Also, I don't know if this is related or if it will help diagnose this
problem but after the update I noticed another difference in the
terminal usage.
In my .profile I have
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=DxGxcxdxCxegedabagacad
But after the update "ls -la" won't use color when printing results.
I wish I could give more information but I don't really know where to
begin. Has anyone had any similar experiences.
I use the iClip multiple clipboard thingmy.
If I copy some text to iClip from outside TextMate then switch to
TextMate the copied text in iClip duplicates.
I've never seen this with any other app.
Could be something odd about iClip of course :)
I'm using TextMate a lot for Latex - it a great editor and bundle for
that. I have one question:
How can I open a terminal, or go to a pre-existing terminal window,
from TextMate, and then run a given shell script in the terminal, in
particular a shell script that would typeset the master document?
One reason I want to do this is that the latex bundle seems to typeset
in nonstop mode. If there is an error, it highlights it but keeps on
running if possible. This is not always optimal, as one would
sometimes like to be able to press the 'h' key and see what help TeX
can offer in finding the error. One could do this easily from a
terminal, and it would be nice to call this with a keystroke from
TextMate. It is presumably possible to modify the LaTeX bundle to do
this from the console - and perhaps this is already doable but I don't
know? But in any case, I'd still like to be able to open a terminal
window as above.
Geoff Vallis
I'd like to make my own theme for viewing documentation, since the default
dark themes are too hard for me to read. I can easily make themes for code
coloring, but how do I make themes for doc syntax coloring?
Hi Textmate-List,
is it possible that the labels which are automatically created on
writing a new chapter, section, subsection and so on also recognize
German Umlauts ä,ö,ü as well as ß? Right now these characters do not
got replaced by ae, oe, ue and ss so that you have to do it yourself
if you want end up in an compile error with latex (pretty annoying
when using the "WatchLatex" script). It would be of much help if the
label creation function could handle this. Can anyone help? As far as
I can see the regexp has to be extended.
Best regards,
Is it possible to arrange tabs with file names into multiple lines? I
often have dozens of files open and it really becomes annoying to
switch between them.
So, instead of (fixed width :)
| file1 | file2 | file3 | file4 | >>>
it would be nice to see:
| file1 | file2 | file3 | file4 |
| file5 | file6 | file7 |
Here's a screenshot of what I have in mind with multiple lines (the
first screenshot that I have found; used in another context, but
Thanks a lot,
I'm trying to open the rcov script file for a ruby code coverage tool.
Instead of opening for edit... Textmate appears to try and run the script.
I've tried removing the #!/usr/bin/ruby
at the beginning of the file to no avail.
has anyone seen behavior like this?
I made a little movie to show you everything, obviously my permissions
are fine, because I can create folders!
I am using a slightly modified php bundle, and have lost the auto
completion on single quoted elements... parens, double quotes, etc still
auto complete, but not single quotes. I'm not very familiar with
working with bundles, or modifying them, but I'm wondering what I might
do to re-enable (or add in) the single quote auto complete feature in
the bundle?
Any advice is appreciated.
Hi all,
Normally, when you execute the Comment Line command, it inserts a
single-line comment (e.g., // in C). That's true for Python, Ruby, C/C+
+, Objective-C, shell scripts, you name it... but not Java. For some
reason the Java bundle inserts multi-line comments (/* ... */). This
leads to problems when trying to uncomment lines. For example:
1. Select N lines
2. Hit Command+/ to comment the lines
3. Cancel the selection
4. Go back and select the same N lines
5. Hit Command+/ to uncomment the lines
This works in all the other modes, but in Java, it's impossible. The
problem is step 4. Instead of selecting just the same N lines, you
have to extend the selection to N+1 lines, but only far enough to
select the first two characters in the N+1 line (to capture the
trailing "*/"). And if you really want some fun, try uncommenting only
some of the lines. Again, works perfectly in every mode but Java.
So, basically, the Comment Line command seems only half-baked for the
Java bundle. I realize I could probably fix this myself by hacking
around in the Bundle Editor, but shouldn't the bundle be using single-
line comments by default? Even if there's some benefit of multi-line
comments that I'm missing, you'd think the Java bundle would still use
single-line comments for the sake of consistency. Why's the Java
bundle such an oddball?