just wondering if anyone has written a command to renumber the
${1:var} items in a snippet? I find myself doing this quite often when
developing a new snippet and it is a bit tedious.
Ideally, the command would allow you write a snippet like this
${n:not sure${n:about} the ${n:order) ${n:yet ${n:but that no longer
and have the command turn it into
${1:not sure${2:about} the ${3:order) ${4:yet ${5:but that no longer
as well as coping with
${1:not sure${2:about} the ${3:order) ${n:oops, added this!} ${4:yet
${5:but that no longer matters}}
${1:not sure${2:about} the ${3:order) ${4:oops, added this!} ${5:yet
${6:but that no longer matters}}
Where does the extra information come from for the Macromates bundles?
Also, any chance of adding a link to the GitHub project for all those?
I'd also really like to inclue some really basic html into the
descriptions of my bundles.
I'd especially like to get a few images into my more visual bundles.
So, how hard would it be to convert the more-info thing into a webview?
And where do I actually add those descriptions?
For GitHub bundles you could parse the README files for the bundles
like GitHub does.
— thomas Aylott @ subtleGradient
I tried to figure out whether it is possible to create a NIB
containing a NSOutlineView and to feed it using a plist.
But I didn't find a way.
Has anyone an idea?
Or is this impossible with tm_dialog?
Thanks in advance!
I just fiddling with the GetBundle GUI. While doing this I thought
that it would be nice to have a asynchronous window created via
"$DIALOG" window create ...
which I can modify while runtime.
A simple example:
Supposing you have a NIB which shows names and last names of persons
in a table, and you want to select one person in order to display more
information. But I want to be able to display either all male persons
or all female persons, and if I selected an item the window shouldn't
be closed.
What I did is to set up such a NIB with a pop-down menu 'Choose
Gender'. Fine.
But how can I notify the running script in the background that I
changed that pop-down menu?
I didn't find a way to do this. That's why I introduced a new method
to '"$DIALOG" window' named 'getparams'.
This method is very simple. It write the current NSDictionary
'parameters' of the current nibController to the standard output.
Nothing else.
But then I was able to ask the async window: Are there any changes? If
so, then I changed the content of the parameters accordingly and
updated the window's parameters.
Here is a screencast to illustrate this example:
http://www.bibiko.de/TM_intact_async_window.mov (1.7MB)
By using the new method 'getparams' it opens ways to do more useful
things, I believe.
You can hide/show items easier, change the content of data cells,
change the title of buttons according to the status of radio buttons
or checkboxes, etc.....
Here is the code for "$DIALOG2" > window.mm
else if([command isEqualToString:@"getparams"])
if([proxy numberOfArguments] < 4)
ErrorAndReturn(@"no window token given");
NSString* token = [proxy argumentAtIndex:3];
TMDNibController* nibController = [TMDNibController
id params = [[nibController parameters] mutableCopy];
[params removeObjectForKey:@"controller"];
NSString* error = nil;
if(NSData* data = [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList:params format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0
NSString* outpl = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
[proxy writeStringToOutput:outpl];
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", [error UTF8String] ?: "unknown error
serializing returned property list");
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", [[[nibController parameters] description]
[proxy writeStringToError:@"There is no window with that token"];
I guess one could improve and simplify the code.
Is this worth to implement this?
I played with 'Show Bundles on Repository' a bit.
The only thing is that it is a bit slow.
Is there a reason for using svn list/cat?
My suggestion would it be is to use a direct way by using
It is much mor faster. Furthermore I implemented the entire download
stuff in many threads. By using these threads the descriptions are
downloaded in roughly 10sec (depending on the band-width of course).
Then I wrote a routine to install one or more bundles (also while
fetching the descriptions).
To be fast as possible I cache the already downloaded descriptions.
Thus if one invokes that command it looks for a description in the
cache. If something was found one sees it at once, but the
descriptions are still updated in the background.
I also modified the NIB a bit. If the fetching was finished the
progress bar also disappears. Furthermore I include a further
progress bar to indicate the install status.
Of course, there are some tiny unsolved issues, e.g. while fetching I
select one or more bundle; if the a result of a thread is written to
the dialog my selection could disappear.
Anyway, if you want to look at it here is a 10MB movie
Is someone interested?
Will the getBundle issue be integrated in TM2?
Hiya, does anyone know what this means?
227: warning: Insecure world writable dir /Applications/TextMate.app/
Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/ActionScript.tmbundle in PATH, mode 04077
My swf will compile and play but I get this error message. Also, the
swf won't trace in console even though this is set in the yaml file
and fp 9,0,124 is my default player.
Any suggestions appreciated,
Alistair Colling
Interactive Developer
FPP Brand Communications (Newcastle upon Tyne)
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does anybody has a tenjin template bundle?
Best regards,
Pedro Melo
Blog: http://www.simplicidade.org/notes/
XMPP ID: melo(a)simplicidade.org
> On 8 Aug 2008, at 18:44, Mikael H?ilund wrote:
>> Personally, I use the convention of "#" to start a code comment, and
>> "# " to start a text comment. I'm not sure if it's possible to modify
>> the Ruby grammar to allow only spell checking for only lines with "#
>> ", nor how difficult that would be.
> It?s fairly simple. There is a rule to match comments, just duplicate
> it to match your commetns+space (place it above, so it gets to match
> first, since it is a subset of the existing).
> Give that a special scope, like comment.line.prose and make a spell
> checking preference target that scope.
Sorry to be such a n00b at this, but I am at my wit's end trying to do
this for C++ and I appreciate use any help anyone has to offer.
Say, for example, I want to enable spell-check in comments that start
with "//"
There is a pattern for that style of comment in the Bundle for C->C
{ scopeName = 'source.c';
{ name = 'comment.line.double-slash.c++';
So I thought perhaps I could add a preference containing
"{ spellChecking = 1; }" with Scope Selector "source.c", and that
would enable spell checking on all C source. Then I was thinking scope
naming might extend into the "name", so that I could set the Scope
Selector to "source.c.comment.line.double-slash.c++".
None of that worked, no matter if I added the preference in the C
section or the Source section or above or below any other preferences.
Basically, the only thing I was successful in doing was setting
"spellChecking = 1;" in Source-> Spell Checking: Disable for Source
bundle, but that enables spell checking for all source, and not just
for the comments (i.e. all code in all languages).
Can someone point me to a relevant example or some resources that
might help? I feel like I am missing some simple, obvious, but clearly
essential step.
I want one function to specify some amount of white space. Here's
what I've come up with for my .sty file:
Then, I attempt to use \indent{1} on line 77 of my file. I get lots
of repeats of the following output:
Latex Error: ./pks.tex:77 Undefined control sequence.
Latex Error: ./pks.tex:77 Missing number, treated as zero.
Latex Error: ./pks.tex:77 Missing = inserted for \ifnum.
Latex Error: ./pks.tex:77 Missing number, treated as zero.
This repeats over and over again, until I get
Latex Error: ./pks.tex:77 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF
file produced!
Is doing this possible? I really don't feel like typing things out
over and over again...
Thanks a lot for the help.
The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program.
Larry Niven
Hi all,
There is a recently posted talk from TUG 2008 (at the link below) that
answers a lot of questions about synctex (at that page "find synctex", cuz
it's near the bottom of a long page). Basically, watching this, it is clear
that synctex is superior to pdfsync, but it's still under development.
Best wishes
David F. Snyder, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Texas State University
601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666
(512)245-3419 My office
(512)245-2551 Department Office
(512)245-3425 fax
³It will be well for us not to assume an attitude of condescension
towards the crowd. Because in the matter of looking without seeing we
are all about equal. We all go to and fro in a state of the observing
faculties which somewhat resembles coma. We are all content to look and
not see.² -- Arnold Bennett in ³The Author¹s Craft² (1914)