Jacob Lukas pointed out to me that there's a major bug in the Ruby
script for installing bundles with a complex folder structure (e.g.
Objective-C, F-Script). I've already fixed that. Thus please update
the GetBundles bundle if you want to use it.
Many thanks to Jacob Lukas!
I'm getting my mailing lists all mixed up.
In case this hasn't been announced here, yet:
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Snyder, David F" <dsnyder(a)txstate.edu>
> To: "mactex(a)tug.org" <mactex(a)tug.org>
> The Skim wiki has a recently updated (today) page on how to
> integrate Skim
> with synctex and some popular editors. Begin here:
> http://skim-app.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/TeX_and_PDF_Synchronization#T
> eX-PDF_Synchronization
[View More]>
> Also: I've tested the new MacTex beta with TextMate+Skim+synctex (with
> pdflatex, xelatex, and latex (with and without the latexmk.pl
> script)) and
> it all works well on my research articles and exam files. Synctex
> seems to
> do a slightly better job than pdfsync, in this setup.
Hope this helps,
[View Less]
if I'm using tm_dialog showing a NIB with enabled close button (red
button), how can a script controlling the NIB be notified about that
E.g. the GetBundles script: It makes usages of some threads. If the
user closes that window these threads should be killed safely. I only
can do this by defining a separate button sending this event to the
script and disabling the red close button.
Any suggestions?
I do not know whether this would be a way but maybe one can overwrite
[View More]the 'close' method within tm_dialog which sends a message to stdout
before calling super::close.
[View Less]
I've got two pretty arcane bundles I work on extending most days and
use at home and work. As they are into useful shape, I 'm beginning to
share with others.
My question: What is the simplest source control system that plays
well with textmate (and preferably with get bundle) and is public but
free (i.e., not setting this running on my own server)?
What public servers do people use/recommend?
What's the story with using the tm bundle repo?
I looked at http://bundleforge.…
[View More]com/ but couldn't see how to use
that to host a bundle...
I like most things google: does google code integrate with
textmate and allow synching of code changes?
Is there a workflow that people have for keeping more than one machine
synced and for sharing the bundle with others? (export a clickable
link so other users can download and stay updated to the newest version)
[View Less]
I've been using wikidot (free wiki service with a lovely syntax, lots
of nice auto-generate features, and googles ads etc)
Before I reinvent the wheel, Anyone made up a grammar for their
version of wiki markdown?
Regarding TM's adherence to unix philosophy, it seems weird to
me one cannot execute a command in background. Setting output to
"Discard" is supposed to do just that, while it actually freezes TM
until command exits. This virtually rules out any long running command
in TM.
I know "Show as html" will behave that way, but it's more a (ugly)
workaround. I'd like to see it fixed or at least a "Discard and close"
option added.
Thank you,
Federico Galassi
I have set up the Blogging Bundle to work with my Movable Type
installation, and it mostly works, but I don't appear to be able to
assign tags to a post (whether the tags already exist or not).
When I fetch a post, it includes the tags. But even if I then edit
this list (add or remove), the changes are ignored.
Is this a known issue? Is there a fix? I would love to be able to
post from TextMate, but it's a pain to then have to log in and edit
the tag information...
[View More]Fletcher Penney
Fletcher T. Penney
My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted.
- Steven Wright
[View Less]
Thanks for your help with my last query Hans.
I am now having problems getting my Flash classes to compile. They are
in the regular directory, when I compile my SWF using Flash everything
compiles fine. However, when I compile using MTASC classes from my
class library don't import (I get unknown variable error messages).
I've set my classpaths in the mtasc.yaml like this:
- /Users/alicolling/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Flash\
[View More] - $(UserConfig)/Classes
But it still won't work.
If anyone has any suggestions I would be really glad to get on the
road compiling from textmate :)
my full mtasc.yaml is:
# Name of your output file:
swf: prelaunch.swf
# Name of your main class:
app: OceanaPreLaunch.as
# Folder/URL/file to open when compilation succeeds. Use 'textmate' to
preview in TextMate:
# preview: textmate
#preview: reference to automator app that clears log file and
launches swf
preview: /Users/alicolling/Library/Scripts/dbgOceana.app
# SWF Header:
player: 8
width: 800
height: 600
fps: 31
bgcolor: FFFFFF
# Optional, use it if you have a custom version of MTASC (i.e: HAMTASC):
# mtasc_path: /Users/your_name/bin/mtasc
# Optional, use it to send additional MTASC parameters (i.e: -strict)
params: -main -mx
# If you want to use XTrace (included with the bundle)
# trace: xtrace
# If you want to use Console.app (see <http://bomberstudios.com/2007/03/14/how-to-use-consoleapp-for-flash-debuggi…
trace: console
# If you want to use 'tail -f'
# trace: terminal
# If you want to use a custom function for tracing:
# trace: com.namespace.to.your.trace.function
# Optional, include as many classpaths as you need:
- /Users/alicolling/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Flash\
- $(UserConfig)/Classes
# - /Users/your_name/Documents/mtasc-1.12-osx/std8/
# - /Users/your_name/Documents/mtasc-1.12-osx/std/
Alistair Colling
Interactive Developer
FPP Brand Communications (Newcastle upon Tyne)
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Telephone: +44 (0)191 261 6662
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It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not
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FPP Design Limited. Reg. Office: The Courtyard, Dinsdale Place, Sandyford, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1BD.
Registered Number 3775564. Registered in England and Wales. Visit our website at http://www.fpp.net/
[View Less]
The new action command is giving me the following error:
deadlock 0x38cde0: sleep:S - /Library/Application
deadlock 0x346fc: sleep:F(1049) (main) - /Library/Application
tm_dialog: no property list given
/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:86:in `read':
Thread(0x346fc): deadlock (fatal)
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:86:in
from /Library/Application Support/…
[View More]TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:86:in
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:81:in
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:81:in
from /tmp/temp_textmate.lvQNXx:5
Any ideas? TIA, Mark
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