Hello all,
Two questions:
1. I noticed that in the stock CSS bundle the snippets do not have a 'source' namespace.
this is inconvenient since it means they popup when they're not supposed to and take up abbreviations that I would like to use in other contexts for other snippets.
so - since there are about 40+ of these things, is there an easy way to change the source on all of them at once?
2. I have little to no experience building TM commands but I am wondering if it is possible to pass parameters from snippet expander shortcuts.
perhaps an example would be better:
In CSS bundle using snippet Tab Trigger: 'p' for 'padding', being able to input - for example - 'p20' and get 'padding: 20px;' and then later 'p10' and get 'padding: 10px'
in other words the number is a variable that gets written into the expanded snippet.
this seems like it should be possible but I'm not the man to figure it out.
that's it!
I started to use TextMate with an Actionscript 3 Bundle at the office where
i work and since then I'm much more productive and organized with my code,
which is very important.
So I installed also at home, however i cannot get it to work correctly here.
When I open the Bundle Editor, I see the Actionscript 3 Bundle and all the
commands, it seems to be the same at work. But they don't work here at home
(except for some, like shift+return which is a 'function' snippet).
For example there's a 'get' command and it is associated with the 'tab'
trigger. It just doesn't work, however, it worked when I left the field
"Scope Selector" blank in the Bundle Editor settings for the command 'get'.
So I must be missing something there...
Another thing, I use the 'clouds' theme at home and it also doesn't look the
same as it looks at the office.
One thing I miss is that I'm used to use class variables with an "_" before,
and those variables get a different color, which helps a lot. For example: I
have a class with a private var "_xOffset", and the constructor of that
class receives the argument "xOffset", then "_xOffset" (in blue) receives
the value of "xOffset" (in black).
Here at home I can't manage to make the variable with an underline in front
to get the color blue. Even though I installed TextMate, the as3 bundle file
and the clouds theme from the same sources, at home and at the office. What
could I be missing ?
Thanks in advance !
Hi there,
I am trying to reproduce a table, which I copied the elemnts out of a
pdf-file to create a LaTeX-Table.
Fortunately there is a macro in the LaTeX-Bundle, which creates a table of
selected items automatically.
But my items, when pasted into TextMate aren´t properly formated. There a 3
blocks consisting of 10 rows. The blocks are seperated by an empty line. But
I would like to have the block (name it vector) as a column, and the second
vector as the second column...ending with a 10x3 Matrix
So, how to change this:
a b c
a b c
a b c
Thank you very much for your help.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Reformatting-several-blocks-of-rows-to-a-table--tp298…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Before I start to write my own, anybody has a Nagios configuration bundle?
Pedro Melo
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 8:00 AM, <textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com>wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 20:55, minimal design
> <textmate(a)minimaldesign.net> wrote:
> > I've looked through the docs but can't figure it out...
> > I'm trying to add CSS3 stuff to the default CSS bundle, but I don't want
> to
> > touch the original bundle off course so in my own bundle I try something
> > like:
> >
> > { scopeName = 'source.css.mcss'; fileTypes = ( 'css', 'css.erb', 'less');
> > foldingStartMarker = '/\*\*(?!\*)|\{\s*($|/\*(?!.*?\*/.*\S))';
> > foldingStopMarker = '(?<!\*)\*\*/|^\s*\}'; patterns = ( { name =
> > 'meta.selector.css'; begin = '^(?=\s*[:.*#a-zA-Z])'; end = '(?=\{)';
> > patterns = ( { name = 'entity.name.tag.css'; match =
> >
> '\b(article|aside|audio|canvas|command|datalist|details|embed|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|keygen
> >
> |mark|menu|meter|nav|output|progress|rp|rt|ruby|section|summary|time|video|wbr)\b';
> > }, ); }, { include = "source.css"; } ); }
> > and I get all the new elements highlighted like they're supposed to, but
> > that "cancels out" the standard CSS elements. I thought adding the
> > "source.css" would take care of that but obviously it doesn't... Do I
> have
> > to include the standard elements back into the regex? Is there a better
> way?
> > Thanks for any pointer in the right direction!
> Not sure if it'll work but you could try adding your pattern after
> including
> `source.css`, i.e.
> patterns = ( { include = "source.css"; }, ? );
> HTH,
> Martin
It seems that whatever I put last, it cancels the other one out... From the
DOc, I though that it would inherit if you use the name convention... But
the inheritance doesn't happen within patterns that have the same name? Is
that what the deal is? Or I"m doing it wrong? It seems counterproductive not
to be able to ad on to a rule, so I tend to think I'm doing it wrong, but
I've tried all the option I could think about... Anyone has done this
before? If I have to just have to duplicate and modify the whole default CSS
language, that's fine, but I want to make sure there's no better way
first... Thanks!!
I was wondering if it was possible to use xelatex in place of latex
from within Texmate (using the LateX bundle)?
Would it be as simple as using directives such as:
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
Or doing some other manual edition of the bundle code?
I've looked through the docs but can't figure it out...
I'm trying to add CSS3 stuff to the default CSS bundle, but I don't want to
touch the original bundle off course so in my own bundle I try something
{ scopeName = 'source.css.mcss'; fileTypes = ( 'css', 'css.erb', 'less');
foldingStartMarker = '/\*\*(?!\*)|\{\s*($|/\*(?!.*?\*/.*\S))';
foldingStopMarker = '(?<!\*)\*\*/|^\s*\}'; patterns = ( { name =
'meta.selector.css'; begin = '^(?=\s*[:.*#a-zA-Z])'; end = '(?=\{)';
patterns = ( { name = 'entity.name.tag.css'; match =
}, ); }, { include = "source.css"; } ); }
and I get all the new elements highlighted like they're supposed to, but
that "cancels out" the standard CSS elements. I thought adding the
"source.css" would take care of that but obviously it doesn't... Do I have
to include the standard elements back into the regex? Is there a better way?
Thanks for any pointer in the right direction!
I am trying TextMate for my RoR development needs, and I see with
exasperation that, when I am in Ruby on Rails scope, I cannot type lowercase
'a'! Hence, I cannot type :all, or 'class', or any word that contains a
lowercase 'a'!!!
Anyone envcountered anything of this sort? I am on Snow Leopard, TextMate
when I save a file in Textmate it doesn't remember the directory. The
path in the save as dialog is always set to the root directory (/).
Textmate: Version 1.5.9 (Revision 1589)
System: Mac OS X 10.6.4 (10F569)
It might have something to do with NSNavLastRootDirectory as the
following tweets indicate:
NSNavLastRootDirectory gets written upon termination of Textmate, but
after restaring it gets set back to the root directory.
Cheers, Stefan
I just recently downloaded the Pandoc bundle from GitHub, but have run
into the following error message when I try any of the 'Convert
to...' scripts in the bundle:
/tmp/temp_textmate.U3BOyu: line 12: pandoc: command not found
However, I do indeed have pandoc on my system. I built the pandoc
library from source, but have added the necessary directory to my PATH
Are there any future modifications that I need to make to shell
variables accessible to TextMate ?