I started to use TextMate with an Actionscript 3 Bundle at the office where i work and since then I'm much more productive and organized with my code, which is very important.
So I installed also at home, however i cannot get it to work correctly here. When I open the Bundle Editor, I see the Actionscript 3 Bundle and all the commands, it seems to be the same at work. But they don't work here at home (except for some, like shift+return which is a 'function' snippet).
For example there's a 'get' command and it is associated with the 'tab' trigger. It just doesn't work, however, it worked when I left the field "Scope Selector" blank in the Bundle Editor settings for the command 'get'. So I must be missing something there...
Another thing, I use the 'clouds' theme at home and it also doesn't look the same as it looks at the office. One thing I miss is that I'm used to use class variables with an "_" before, and those variables get a different color, which helps a lot. For example: I have a class with a private var "_xOffset", and the constructor of that class receives the argument "xOffset", then "_xOffset" (in blue) receives the value of "xOffset" (in black). Here at home I can't manage to make the variable with an underline in front to get the color blue. Even though I installed TextMate, the as3 bundle file and the clouds theme from the same sources, at home and at the office. What could I be missing ?
Thanks in advance !
On Oct 2, 2010, at 3:59 PM, Isaac Alves wrote:
Even though I installed TextMate, the as3 bundle file and the clouds theme from the same sources, at home and at the office. What could I be missing ?
I would imagine the problem is that your document isn't being recognized as ActionScript 3. Try pressing Control-Shift-Option-A, and selecting "ActionScript 3" from the list. There is also a portion of the bottom bar of the document window that identifies your doc's language setting.
Specifying the right language is important because that determines what snippets and commands you have available, as well as the syntax coloring, which would explain all of the issues you have.
When you open up a file with an extension, TM tries to match the right language to it. However, in the case of ActionScript, both the AS2 and AS3 bundles specify ".as" as the extension. In the case of ambiguity, TM will choose your most recently chosen language. But your install being a fresh one, there's probably some sort of logic like "the first language in the bundle list," which would be AS2. Hence, the wrong language, and therefore the wrong coloring and snippets.