Thanks to Eric Cheng, I was able to update my SWeave bundle from github and it's commands seem to be working correctly. So on to the next problem . . .
TextMate's syntax highlighting in foo.rnw isn't recognizing R code between the "<<>>=" and "@" tags that delimit it, instead it is treated as LaTeX code. This is a problem because R makes frequent use of the "$" symbol, which toggles math-mode in LaTeX. As a result, where I have an odd number of "$"s in a chunk of R code, any LaTeX following that R code will appear highlighted green, as though it were in math mode.
I've read the documentation for scopes and languages, but didn't understand it well enough to figure out where this is going wrong and how to fix it.
Thanks in advance,
Gregory Penn
> ya, it doesn't work, tried =/
The assembly languages are all little used enough (I'm guessing) that there
aren't proper language grammars made yet. However they are really easy to
make, just take a look at one of them. Basically just assign variables,
functions, comments, etc to a scope (use the asm language grammars you have
as an example) then use the color options to change the colors. It is not
that hard, I made one for MIPS when I got frustrated with my MIPS project
for school. :)
Hi there,
I'm kinda new to TextMate. I was just wondering, is there a way to get TextMate to start up in a certain syntax mode? I only really use the markdown and the C bundles so having it start up in one of those 2 would be perfect.
Hi listers!
This is my first post here. And I'm so sorry to have a so dummy start
I'd like to use TextMate to write Plain TeX (not LaTeX!) papers but I can't
figure out how to do it.
Anyone willing to help me?
Many thanks in advance.
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This is another post in what is becoming a series on the LaTeX, R, and SWeave packages. Some strange key-binding behavior has developed since I updated my SWeave bundle through git-hub. The command "SWeave, Typeset & View PDF" works as expected if selected from the bundle menu, which indicates that "command R" is the keybinding for that command. If I use the keybinding, the command does not work correctly, but behaves as it did before I updated the SWeave bundle. This suggests to me that I somehow have two versions of the bundle installed: the correct one is available through the bundle menu and the deprecated one is still controlling keybinding. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to fix this?
I'm encountering a problem with the use of the Command-Control-d shortcut in TextMate on Lion.
Computer: MacBook Air 11" 1.6Ghz Core i5.
OS: Mac OS X 10.7.1
TextMate: Version 1.5.10 (1631)
On starting up the Air for the first time I migrated everything from an external disk.
I have a personal DefaultKeyBinding.dict
When I use the Command-Control-d shortcut in an open file in TextMate on Lion the dictionary popover appears. When I press escape the popover does not disappear. The TextMate window does disappear but TextMate remains running. TextMate's cannot be displayed again by clicking on the Dock icon but can be made to reappear from the Window menu.
After bringing back the window the dictionary popover is still there and cannot be dismissed.
If you're lucky you can still save and quit. If unlucky TextMate quits unexpectedly.
In a clean guest account the shortcut and TextMate behave correctly with no issues whatsoever.
The non disappearing dictionary popover also occurs in TextWrangler and TeXShop 2.43.
All of this behaved correctly in Snow Leopard.
I have tried with clean preferences,with no login items and more. The behaviour persists.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Any suggestions?
Berend Hasselman
Hi all,
I'm a graduate student struggling up the learning curve with LaTeX and R, and I'm having trouble getting the Sweave bundle for TextMate to work correctly. Here's what happens with the various bundle commands:
If I choose Sweave, Typeset, & View, then foo.rnw file gets typeset and viewed as a pdf, but it doesn't display the R stuff correctly. No .tex file is created.
If I choose Sweave in R, then a .tex file is written if and only if one doesn't already exist. I can then compile the .tex file, which will display the R stuff correctly.
If I then want to edit the document, I have to delete the .tex file and repeat the above steps.
Can anyone suggest how to get Sweave, Typeset, & View to work correctly? Also, I understand that the Sweave bundle at Github is more up-to-date, but I can't figure out how to install it.
Thanks in advance,
> I think I'm in that early stage where there are one or two key things I
> don't know. The alternative is that I'm hopeless. :)
Hehe in the early stages you probably won't even seeing the edges. :) I
recommend reading all the documentation about Projects, Snippets and
Language Grammars a few times, as well as installing the GetBundles bundle.
Also, press ctrl+opt+cmd+K to bring up a fat menu of keyboard shortcuts.
I'd also read the keyboard shortcut documentation because the shortcuts are
somewhat organized according to their functions (for example,
shift+ctrl+opt+<letter> type shortcuts are used to switch your current
And of course feel free to ask the list, people here are more than happy to