I just did a "git pull" and now it works with #relative#, too.
Your command is a lot faster than my AppleScript. I don't have mach experience with AppleScript and to make sure, that the file is opened, before I tell TextMate to Update it, I had to insert a 1 second-Delay each. So your fix made my hack obsolete.
Thank you!
> OK, I think I fixed that. Thanks for catching that; I forgot to test #relative#.
> https://github.com/bradchoate/html.tmbundle/commit/53490e60df073836b55407a9…
> So how does this compare to processing the tree of files with AppleScript? Gotta be a little faster, no?
> -Brad
> On Sep 19, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Jan L?bke wrote:
>> Hi Brad,
>> I was too quick with my praise. Your script did not parse the #relative# argument correctly. If the file is in /subfolder/subsubfolder, the link to the main-page #relative#index.html should parse into ../../index.html but it turns into index.html
>> Jan
I'm having some issues with indentation. I'm trying to tweak the indentation for my code, but the rules I'm applying are having some odd effects.
If I manually type in the code, everything indents as expected. It works perfectly.
However, if I use the "Indent Selection" command (Opt+Cmd+[), it messes up all of the indentation. Looking through the indentation rules stack, I could not find a regex that might be causing it to behave like it is.
The indentation centers around some basic array syntax in PHP:
$bla = array(
1 => 2,
This is the output if I type in the code manually. However, if I auto-indent the code, it turns out like this:
$bla = array(
1 => 2,
Thanks for any help.
Hi all, I recently updated some Ruby settings on my computer which resulted
in TM_RUBY being set to my RVM version (1.9.2). Now in some bundles
(GetBundles most recently) I am getting console errors that cause the
commands to crash. Stuff like this:
syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting $end
I fixed one or two commands by hand (I'm newish to ruby so not intimately
familiar with syntax differences between versions) but that is kind of a
So, does TextMate require a specific Ruby version? When using RVM to switch
Rubies, does that require a TextMate relaunch? Trying to quickly fix this
stuff so I can get back to work, thanks for your help.
Why isn’t there a forum for TextMate so I don’t have to be subscribed
to an entire mailing list just to talk about one thing?
Every time I want to ask something about TextMate I have to subscribe,
and then when I’m done, unsubscribe, and it’s a real pain in the ass.
Just filtering the email isn’t really an acceptable solution because I
prefer not to amass vast quantities of email I don’t care about. (I
backup my email among other things).
Sorry to be so moany but I find this really inconvenient. I guess
there must be a reason why you have it this way.
Hi Brad,
thanks a lot! I just cloned your fork and it works as advertised.
Yes, it is very useful. I run a little website for our lions club (http://www.lions-werne.de/ - German-language only). Persistent includes help me keep the code manageable without using server side scripts like php or a complete CMS. I started the project with a windows-program called phase5.
Over the years, the site has grown to more than 100 html-files. With your update project-command, I can quickly propagate changes to the site-menu. I can imagine this is useful to other users, so the core bundle is the place to put it.
> Hi Jan,
> Hard to believe that I wrote that little bundle 5 years ago now. Glad to see some people still find it useful! I've committed a new "Update Project / Selected Files" command for it. It doesn't use AppleScript, so hopefully that will make it a little faster. And it only processes files that has the "tminclude" tag in them. Hopefully it will make it's way to the core TextMate bundle soonish. Until then, if you want to pull from my fork to try it out, you'll find it here:
> https://github.com/bradchoate/html.tmbundle
> -Brad
I am new to Textmate. Great tool!
I love the persistent includes in the html-bundle. However I miss a method to update all files of a project at once. This topic was discussed earlier on this mailing list in 2007, but I could not find any follow up.
To work around this, I whipped up an apple script like this:
-- Update all persistent includes in Textmate
-- allow Apple Script to execute keystrokes
tell application "System Events" to set UI elements enabled to true
-- choose the textmate-project-file
set ProjectFile to (choose file with prompt "please choose Textmate-Project")
-- TODO: check, if a valid projectfile was chosen
tell application "TextMate" to open ProjectFile
tell application "TextMate" to activate
tell application "Finder" to set sourceFolder to folder of ProjectFile as alias
tell application "Finder" to set Subfolders to every folder of folder sourceFolder
-- TODO: iterate through root folder and sub-sub-folders
repeat with EachSubDir in Subfolders
tell application "Finder" to set filesList to (every file in EachSubDir whose name ends with ".html")
repeat with htmldatei in filesList
tell application "TextMate" to open htmldatei as text
-- Wait one second to make sure the file is loaded
delay 1
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "u" using {command down, control down}
-- Wait one second to make sure the update is finished
delay 1
end repeat
end repeat
-- End of Apple Script
When you run it, it prompts you for the tmproject-file and opens all html-Files in the subfolders.
Has anyone a less ugly solution or any suggestion?
Every so often I'll be going about my business in TextMate when all of the sudden, TextMate decides to "donk" (the error sound effect) every single time a TextMate window loses focus. There seems to be no other ill effects to accompany the "donk" but it is rather annoying to listen to as I may lose focus, switching back forth between apps, several times in a matter of a minute.
The only thing that cures the "donk" issue is to restart TextMate.
Anyhow, here is the console output when the window gains focus while the "donking" is going on.
9/16/11 1:11:59.819 PM TextMate: *** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil
9/16/11 1:11:59.824 PM TextMate: (
0 CoreFoundation 0x91865e77 __raiseError + 231
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x98447149 objc_exception_throw + 155
2 CoreFoundation 0x9176f7e6 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 150
3 CoreFoundation 0x9176f740 -[__NSArrayM addObject:] + 64
4 TextMate 0x0005c46e -[NSOutlineView(OakOutlineView) selectedItems] + 172
5 TextMate 0x000bdbb1 -[OakProjectController applicationDidBecomeActiveNotification:] + 223
6 Foundation 0x9084d51d __-[NSNotificationCenter addObserver:selector:name:object:]_block_invoke_1 + 49
7 CoreFoundation 0x917a6843 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke_1 + 275
8 CoreFoundation 0x91771658 _CFXNotificationPost + 2776
9 Foundation 0x9083870a -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 92
10 Foundation 0x9084d99e -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:] + 55
11 AppKit 0x9713d41f -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 3140
12 TextMate 0x000447ed -[OakApplication sendEvent:] + 159
13 AppKit 0x971d339d _NXFinishActivation + 211
14 AppKit 0x971dbfd5 _NXDoDeferredWindowOrdering + 187
15 AppKit 0x971a4cf4 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 4676
16 AppKit 0x9713db23 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4936
17 TextMate 0x000447ed -[OakApplication sendEvent:] + 159
18 AppKit 0x970cf52b -[NSApplication run] + 1000
19 AppKit 0x97362b54 NSApplicationMain + 1054
20 TextMate 0x0012e4f2 main + 168
21 TextMate 0x0000610e _start + 216
22 TextMate 0x00006035 start + 41
Adam Merrifield
820 Strasburg rd, Kitchener,
Ontario, N2E 2Y3, Canada
Office: 519-489-6033
Cell: 519-574-9788
I had to delete and re-post this because I wasn't subscribed to the list when
I originally posted this. Sorry for any confusion.
Hey, I'm new to textmate (neatbeans borked itself on me), and am hoping
someone can help me. I'm working on a very large codebase, but only a small
portion of it is relevant to my project. So I have opened the root folder of
the codebase, and then highlighted files I *don't* need and then used
right-click->"Remove Selected Files"->"Delete References". By doing this, I
can limit the list of files to only the ones relevant to me, making it a ton
easier to navigate from file to file.
The problem is, even if I use the File->"Save Project" command, this
filtering of files seems to be temporary. The next time I open that project,
all of the files I filtered out are visible again in the file-view. I have
the ProjectPlus plugin installed.
Is this expected behavior? Or is there a setting I'm missing or different
workflow I should follow in order to get textmate to remember what should be
visible in my project?
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/remembering-files-in-projects-tp32449259p32449259.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
This is a TextMate Bundle for viewing and editing LLVM (Low Level Virtual
Machine) assembly files (.ll). Pretty basic: language file and some