
  • 10171 discussions

Re: uncrustify plays havoc with syntax colouring
by Chris Jenkins
12 years, 4 months

Re: SVN scope, and a few other bits
by Jeremy Whitlock
12 years, 4 months

Experimental TM2 bundles: ApLo (HTML output window replacement), Xcode4
by Gerd Knops
12 years, 4 months

uncrustify plays havoc with syntax colouring
by Chris Jenkins
12 years, 4 months

anchor/integrate the "Go to *" windows into the main ui
by Travis Dunn
12 years, 4 months

Find in Project...
by Mikael Hultgren
12 years, 4 months

Php code coloring is not working with TextMate
by textmatenightmare
12 years, 4 months

Indentation question
by Gerd Knops
12 years, 4 months

Tab bar colours
by Dave Baldwin
12 years, 4 months

How can I setup TextMate preferences definitely
by Daniel Marcelino
12 years, 4 months
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