I'm just reviewing some of my bundles and came across with this issue:
I have several commands which display as HTML output window some characters and the user can insert a given character by clicking on it. The mechanism is done via the Javascript-system bridge to an AppleScript which should insert the character.
For TM2 it doesn't work. Thus my question is:
Is this
- not supported by AppleScript,
- not yet implemented in TM2,
- broken,
- or is there an other more elegant way to achieve the insertion of a string from the HTML window to TM2?
I'm using TM2 (9293) on 10.7.4
Hmm, it seems that this:
echo -en 'tell app "TextMate" to insert «data utf8e1b894» as Unicode text'| osascript --
is not possible under Lion.
Any hints/ideas?
This worked in TM1.x and my apologies if that has been brought up, but when
working w/ the project view (the left pane w/ a directory), it used to
highlight the currently edited file. This was very helpful for when you had
files of the same name in different directories.
Can this behavior be finagled into 2? Is this worthy of a bug report?
Wells Oliver
Sometimes I use intellij idea, it's text editor has a default behavior
for CMD+C, if you don't select anythings, it will copy current line.
While CMD+X will cut the current line. Maybe it's not a bad idea.
Yuan Jiang
with TextMate 1.5 there is a way to stop commands that have gone awry by pressing Command-. (period) after they have started, is there a way to do this with TextMate 2? I frequently encounter runaway commands that cause TextMate to hang with no way to abort the command other than force quitting the app.
Would it be unreasonable to have the File Browser open (from previously hidden) to the location of the open file (if window contains only one file)?
Or is there an easy way to navigate to the location of the open file in file browser?
Could we have a better bookmark system which contains
* named bookmark (like vim)
* bookmarks between files (like vim)
* bookmark browser with preview (like the find dialog)
Yuan Jiang
is it possible to open a file for editing without double clicking on
it? When I click on the left side in the files drawer on a file, it is
not opened. Only double clicking will open it. Is there an option to
change this behaviour to the TM1 behaviour?
Nice one, remove the Multimarkdown support from the Markdown bundle without warning!
So where is this "own" bundle? Is tehre something newer than Fletcher's old bundle (which I am not a particular fan of for variuous reasons)?